March 2021
E-newsletter highlighting grant deadlines, upcoming workshops and available resources for municipal recycling and solid waste leaders.
Doing Business with DEEP during the COVID-19 Pandemic
DEEP is continuing to carry out its mission and provide services while keeping both the public and our workforce safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click on link for the latest updates on DEEP's COVID-19 Response.
Find more information on the Materials Management Response to COVID-19 webpage
For the latest information and guidance, visit
NEW: Full Coalition Meeting
Save the Date
April 1, 2021
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Agenda TBA soon, focus will include legislative updates.


Municipal SMM Learning Series

Another outcome of CCSMM is a series of workshops and programs designed to help municipalities implement new or expand existing projects and programs. Topics are based on priorities in the CCSMM survey results and the Menu of Options.

These Learning Series programs will be educational, engaging and provide needed resources to implement programs and are engaging.

Municipal Tools for Change:
CT Waste Hauler/Collector
March 22, 2021 - 2:00pm
Speakers Include: Chris Nelson, CT DEEP; Kim O'Rourke, City of Middletown; Jennifer Heaton-Jones, HRRA.

Collecting Food Scraps in Town:
Residential & Commercial
April 5, 2021 - 2:00pm
Speakers Include: Julie DesChamps, Town of Greenwich, Carolyn Bayne, Town of Darien and Kim O'Rourke, City of Middletown.

Upcoming Learning Series includes: Curbside collection of orgnanics; Community Composting; School Recycling: Focus on Cartons.


Organics Infrastructure Forum

The Kick-Off Organics Infrastructure Forum was successfully held Friday, February 26, 2021. The goal is to advance coordinated efforts to support more organics infrastructure and services to support processing of organics material, and diversion of organic material from MSW, that is accessible to communities across the State. 

As part of the Food Scraps/ Organics Collection & Diversion working group's recommendation, this forum worked to continue dialogue between municipalities and key stakeholders on issues surrounding infrastructure and services for organics collection and processing.

If you attended the forum, or after your watch the recording, please consider responding to our Public Comment/Feedback Survey.
Rethinking Disposables
in our CT Schools

Thursday, March 25th
12:00pm – 1:00pm

Join us for an exploration of cafeteria food service ware to discover safe and sustainable options for your school district. Learn about studies of various products, how to transition from single-use disposables to reusable systems and how COVID has impacted efforts in our state.

Featured presenters include Mansfield Public Schools Food Service Director, Waste Free GreenwichRowayton Elementary Green TeamZero Waste Schools Coalition. Hosted by Wilton Go Green.
Free Webinar
EPR Masterclass 2021
Approaching Circularity for Packaging via EPR: Producer Perspectives

March 24, 2021
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm (EST)

EPR Masterclass Continues in 2021
Back by popular demand, the EPR Masterclass webinar series is relaunching in 2021 with a new lineup of key topics. Join Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance (EXPRA), the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI), and the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) with hosting by Parpounas Sustainability Consultants (PSC) for another four-part series to explore EPR from diverse stakeholder perspectives. Sponsored by: Novolex & Campaign for Recycling and the Environment 
Circular City Week New York
March 22-28, 2021

Circular City Week New York is all about taking part in the circular movement and spur action. The festival will be primarily virtual in 2021 and offers a range of opportunities to engage and actively get involved. 
Activities during Circular City Week will emphasize how circular practices such as reuse, recycling, and upcycling are transforming urban industries and the city as a whole. The aim of the week is to inspire industry professionals across sectors, showcase international pioneers, highlight local change makers and engage students to be the future of circularity.  

Small Efforts for Big Change 
March 18 - May 6, 2021

Join The Rockfall Foundation, RiverCOG, City of Middletown, and Wesleyan Sustainability Office for a seven-part series of conversations about waste, environmental justice, and how we all play a part in the future of sustainability.

All sessions will be held online via Zoom.

March 18: Environmental Justice of Waste
- Sherill Baldwin, CT DEEP Source Reduction & Recycling
- Sharon Lewis, Executive Director, CT Coalition for Environmental Justice
- Kevin Budris, Attorney, Zero Waste Project, Conservation Law Foundation
- Alex Rodriguez, Climate Advocate, Save the Sound
March 25: What Happens to Your Trash?
- Sherill Baldwin, CT DEEP Source Reduction & Recycling
- Janice Ehlemeyer, Community Resource Planner, RiverCOG
April 8: Where Are We Heading?
- Katie Dykes, Commissioner, CT DEEP
- Ben Florsheim, Mayor, City of Middletown
- Lisa Noreiga, Environmental Intern, Sustainable CT
April 15: Let's Get Going - Waste Audits
- Michelle Eckman, Education Consultant, Michelle Eckman Consulting
April 22: Advocacy Workshop
- Lou Rosado Burch, CT Program Director, Citizen's Campaign for the Environment
- Kevin Budris, Attorney, Zero Waste Project, Conservation Law Foundation
April 29: Clothing Repair Workshop
- Janice Ehlemeyer, Community Resource Planner, RiverCOG
May 6: Composting Workshop
- Dawn Pettenelli, Associate Cooperative Extension Educator, UConn Center for Environmental Sciences & Engineering
- Domingo Medina, Founder & Master Composter, Peels & Wheels Composting
Attend one, a few, or all 7 sessions.

Suggested donation of $10 per session or $50 for all seven. Donations can be made here:
Additional Resources
NEW: CT DEEP Client Concierge Service and Permit Assistance

As part of Commissioner Dyke's 20BY20 initiative focused on improving predictability, efficiency, and transparency, in March of 2020 DEEP launched the Client Concierge Service (20BY20 Goal #12), a central point of contact to guide applicants through the environmental permitting and review process for complex, multiple-permit projects in a timely manner. The Concierge Team facilitates communication between DEEP's stakeholders and permitting programs within DEEP and between DEEP and other State agencies. 

Please see our new two-minute Client Concierge and Permit Assistance Video, to find out how the Concierge Team can help you with your waste permitting needs. Also, we've just published the Farm-Based Anaerobic Digester environmental permitting factsheet to support permitting of waste organic infrastructure in CT!
Want to stay up to date with Client Concierge Service and Permit Assistance?
Please sign up here to receive regular emails from the Concierge Team!
Deconstructing Deconstruction
April 6, 2021
12:00pm ET

A key area of interest that came out of the CCSMM Increase Recycling Working Group was building deconstruction. Building deconstruction is the opposite of construction, taking a building apart that maximizes the reuse of its components.

The event will feature a presentation on deconstruction, a tour EcoBuilding Bargains, a reclaimed building materials store and a panel Q&A. We hope to see you there! Event hosted by the Center for EcoTechnology
What's Up With WRAP?
Plastic Film Recycling Program

If you are currently a CT WRAP Champion, working to promote the "return to retail" plastic film program, you're probably feeling a bit discouraged at times to hear a range of issues - some stores stopped collecting film last spring and never restarted, some restarted collecting but heard some may be putting it in the trash, or perhaps they're collecting only in the bottle bill area which means its heavily contaminated. Or maybe you're collecting at community sites - schools, the library, senior center or the local transfer station - and the relationship you have a with a retailer is waning, or perhaps cannot find new partners.

All of this is the case with the WRAP program across the country. So the CT WRAP program is in the early stages of a "re-fresh."

In an upcoming Learning Series, a working-meeting will be scheduled (May or June 2021) to talk about the WRAP program, how to be a champion, current status on film markets, and what we can do to 'refresh' the program, including assisting our local retailers re-learn more about the program and its importance to their customers.

The Wrap Recycling Action Program (WRAP) is a national public awareness and outreach initiative designed to make plastic film – including wraps, bags, and flexible packaging – a commonly recycled material. Learn a little more from the recent WRAP presentation from Shari Jackson, coordinator of the national WRAP program, at NERC webinar.
What is a CT WRAP Champion?

Or rather, who are WRAP champions? They are volunteers in your community, including recycling coordinators, regional planners, authority staff or sustainable committee members. Learn more about how the WRAP program works.

What do they do?
  • The main goal is to highlight that plastic bags and other plastic film do not belong in the curbside bin. AND there is a place that will collect these materials for recycling ... retailers, found on the webpage.
  • In addition to promoting where to find participating retailers, Champions review the list of retailers on the national page and confirm they are collecting, and sometimes even add local stores not mentioned in the database who are participating. This makes it easier for our CT residents to find participating retailers.
  • Some CT communities go beyond promoting the program and updating the database. They collect film at community centers, senior centers, schools, libraries and transfer stations (keep in mind plastic film needs to be clean and dry). Each community has a different solution for how to ensure the collected film goes to a film recycler end-market. Some work with retailers, others haulers/processors.

Due to COVID-19, many retailers may have lost faith in the recycling effort, forgetting how important this program is for their customers and our residents. The CT WRAP Refresh will likely focus on how we can support the retail community, working with local store managers, to collect cleaner materials, educate their customers about film, identifying markets for their distribution centers or other solutions.

DEEP created a partnership a partnership with the American Chemistry Council, the CT Food Association, Moore Recycling (now called Stina), Trex and many local recycling coordinators to develop the CT WRAP program. DEEP remains committed to this program and strengthening it post-COVID.
Missed the last Newsletter or recent Webinar?
Check out the
on the CT DEEP webpage.
What's IN? What's OUT?
Batteries are not accepted in CT's mixed recycling (single stream) program. Lithium batteries also cause a problem, in that they can cause fires and/or explode.

Looking to promote recycling? These images and more can be found at
Sample Message:

Please keep batteries OUT of your mixed recycling (single stream) bin or cart. #RecycleRight

Not sure what is acceptable in your recycling bin? Ask the RecycleCT Wizard at
Sample Message:

#Batteries thrown into the #recycling bin can cause a spark when they come into contact with other metals, endangering people and property. Find a local drop-off location to ensure your batteries are properly and safely recycled: Keep #EssentialWorkersSafe Thanks for #RecyclingRight
 Upcoming Events: 


March 22, 2021 - 2:00pm - Municipal Tools for Change: CT Waste Hauler/Collector - Register here.
Hosted by CT DEEP, part of CCSMM Learning Series.

CANCELLED - March 23, 2021 - 9:30am - 11:30am - CT Solid Waste Advisory Council meeting. Register here. Hosted by CT DEEP.

March 24, 2021 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm - EPR Masterclass 2021, Approaching Circularity for Packaging via EPR: Producer Perspectives. Register here. Hosted by Parpounas Sustainability Consultants.

March 25, 2021 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm - Rethinking Disposables in Our CT Schools. Register here. Hosted by Wilton Go Green.

March 25, 2021 - 1:00pm - Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) Update to Model Legislation. Register here. Hosted by NERC.

March 25, 2021 - 6:00pm - WASTED: What Happens to Your Trash? Register here. Hosted by the Rockfall Foundation.

March 25, 2021 - 6:30pm - 8:00 - Learn why to Compost - and how - with a Master Composter Register here. Hosted by Hamden Library and Hamden Transfer Station.

March 30-31, 2021 - Reframing Recycling in 2021 - NERC Spring Conference. Register here. Hosted by NERC.


April 5, 2021 - 2:00pm - Collecting Food Scraps in Town - Residential & Commercial. Register here Hosted by CT DEEP, part of CCSMM Learning Series.

April 6, 2021 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm - Deconstructing Deconstruction. Register here. Hosted by Center for EcoTechnology.

April 6, 2021 - 7:00pm - Recycling: What's IN, What's OUT (virtual). Register here. Hosted by Fairfield Public Library and Sustainable Fairfield Task Force.

April 8, 2021 - 6:00pm - WASTED: Where Are We Heading? Register here. Hosted by the Rockfall Foundation.

April 13 - 15, 2021 - NYS Organics Summit. Register here. Hosted by NYSAR3.

April 15, 2021 - 6:00pm - WASTED: Let's Get Going - Waste Audits. Register here. Hosted by the Rockfall Foundation.

April 22, 2021 - 6:00pm - WASTED: Advocacy Workshop. Register here. Hosted by the Rockfall Foundation.
April 29, 2021 - School Recycling: Focus on Cartons. Register here. Hosted by the CT Green LEAF Schools Program. Registration coming soon.

April 29, 2021 - 6:00pm - WASTED: Clothing Repair Workshop. Register here. Hosted by the Rockfall Foundation.

May 6, 2021 - 6:00pm - WASTED: Composting Workshop. Register here. Hosted by the Rockfall Foundation.

May 18, 2021 - 1:00pm - Overview of Lithium Ion Batteries, Their Uses, & Recycling. Register here Hosted by NERC.

May 18, 2021 - 1:00pm - Actions by Waste Haulers & Storage & Processing Facilities to Reduce the Risk of Fires Associated with Lithium Batteries. Register here Hosted by NERC.
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request an accommodation contact us at (860) 418-5910 or [email protected].
CT DEEP | Source Reduction & Recycling Group | 860-424-4193 |