March 2021 Membership Update

President  Liz Nacinovich
Vice President  Janet McCreesh
Vice President Elisa Bellere
Treasurer  Karen Barbieri
Recording Secretary Martha Pirone
Corresponding Secretary Dennis Occhino
Immediate Past President  Kevin Morris
Member  Kurt Nickel
Member  Dianne Arfsten

If you have not yet sent in your dues, now would be a great time to do so. You can do this by clicking below, or go to We accept Paypal. Remember, there is strength in numbers!

Lack of Vaccine Sites in NE Queens
Liz Nacinovich was invited by Senator Liu to represent BFHA at a press conference in Little Neck regarding the lack of vaccine sites in NE Queens. Pictured Assemblyman Ed Braunstein showing the map from the NYC website. Queens BP Donovan Richards and Comptroller Scott Stringer and many other local elected officials and civic association representatives were also in attendance.
Planning Together

We were recently made aware of a proposal called "Planning Together" which was introduced by Speaker Corey Johnson. It seeks to make significant changes to the city planning process. The BFHA strongly opposes this proposal. We have sent letters voicing our opposition to all of our local representatives. Additionally, Liz Nacinovich and Kevin Morris represented the BFHA at a virtual hearing on the proposal last week. By all accounts, there is broad opposition by local civics, elected officials, the Department of City Planning as well as the current administration. We will keep you informed and updated as new information becomes available. This will be one of the main topics at our upcoming General Membership Meeting that will be held virtually via Zoom. Paul Graziano will join us to help us decipher the bill. Check your inbox in the middle of March for a link to this important meeting.
Community Roundtable

Members of the BFHA Executive Committee recently attended an informative Community Roundtable with City Comptroller Scott Stringer….50 years and counting of working for YOU!
Mask Update
The BFHA still has a number of facemasks available for distribution to our members. Please email us at to make a request.

If you or someone that you know tests positive for CoVid19, visit this site to see what resources are available to you.

*******Vaccine Resource Update**********
Vaccine Finder: 
for New Yorkers to find their nearest vaccination location 
City Sites 
Phone Number: 877-VAX-4NYC (877-829-4692) 
State Sites 
Phone Number: 1-833-697-4829 
York College Site (FEMA + State) *
Eligible residents in Queens

As of Saturday, 2/27, scheduling opens to any eligible resident of Queens  
*You can also head over to the site in person to schedule an appointment if you are eligible.​* 

Phone Number: 1-833-967-4829