Jill's Vision for March 2021:

Every year, usually the first weekend in March, I take a personal, quiet, pretty much silent, retreat.

For many years, I went to Kripalu.
However, for the past few years, I've taken the retreat at home because I could-it's fairly quiet at my house...well, apart from the fact that my daughter often sings musical theatre songs at high decibels... okay, seemingly every hour, especially, oddly, when my husband and I are watching our shows on Netflix... but that's beside the point.

My home is my retreat space so, for the most part, I structure it so that I can take my "go away" time right at home. I give my family a heads-up: just don't talk to me as much as usual, or else...not exactly like that, but you get the idea.
Is it 100%?
No...but the intention is to take a few days to be quiet, to regroup, to recharge, to heal.
With the way the world is at the moment, you too may want to consider some recharge and healing time.

Using a previous model from my R&R time at Kripalu, here's how I structure the weekend in case you'd like to try this at home:

Exercise first thing, followed by yoga.
Followed by hours of reading, journaling, goal setting, contemplation, creative time. (Creative ideas and projects have often come to me from taking this focused time to tap into what the Universe wants from me. Highly recommend it.)

Then, afternoon yoga and meditation.
All the while eating healthy, mostly vegetarian to clear the mind, though not exclusively.
Early to bed after journaling some more, after an epsom salt bath with lavender and oils and books and books and lemon water and healing sound music.

And that's just Friday...

This dedicated time quiets my mind, my body, my spirit and helps me to step back from the daily routine and to step away into a different, welcoming space to reflect, think, dream and simply be.

So very, very good for the soul.

And though I take mini-retreats all.the.time. cause that's what my mostly introverted constitution requires to do the things I want and feel compelled to do, having a weekend of it, of dedicated silence and self-care, is delicious.

I love when clients send me pictures from their time away, on the beach, in the woods, their own individual creative retreats. It's often a game changer. To listen to what Spirit has to say, to open up to messages and ideas that we don't always hear when we're running around doing what is expected of us in our day to day routines.

If this speaks to you, maybe YOU take some time for yourself this early spring, even for a day or an afternoon, to sit and listen to your soul and what it needs.
All that is required is a journal, a pencil or pen, nature to commune with, and some good old-fashioned quiet.

Highly recommend.
Most of us could use some healing and recharging right about now.

Enjoy March and the new opportunities that each new month brings.

For comments on your own epiphanies from past time away or ideas for future retreats, head over to my new BLOG to post a comment.

All good things...
Now available on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio and Google
Thank YOU for tuning in and for sharing.
Currently listened to in 41 countries.
Click HERE to listen to the most recent episode:
Taking Monthly Inventory:
Part of Your Personal Growth Plan
Methods for Coping With Seasonal Affective Disorder

from Dr. Ann Doggett

Many patients lately are reporting that they lack the motivation for their usual workouts or are no longer interested in the activities they enjoy. Some say not much appeals to them or excites them. Others report that they are eating more carbs and are sleeping more but waking up tired. Historically, I start to notice these symptoms in our patient population from the month of October until the end of April. There are many physiologic reasons for these shifts in mood and energy and potentially many helpers in the natural medicine chest.
Be certain to include a natural source of Vitamin D in your supplement protocol from October through April. Vitamin D is important for brain health and is essential for a healthy immune system. And continue your routines as best as possible, going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same hour regardless of your scheduled commitments. Lastly, consider the following supplements which we have seen affect the hormones and brain to help you battle the blues:

As your energy improves, make a special effort to connect with friends and family members on a regular basis. Consider connecting on the Indoorphins.fit platform for group exercise which is much easier than zoom and fun to do!

For additional guidance, schedule an appointment with us at:
605 Hancock St Quincy MA (moving to 15 Braintree Hill Park 3/22!)
What we're reading this month and why you should too...

Katherine May

"An intimate book exploring the ways we can care for and repair ourselves when life knocks us down."

A great book to read during any lengthy, or even just an afternoon, mini-retreat.

One of my favorite quotes: "It's time for reflection and recuperation, for slow replenishment, for putting your house in order. Slowing down, letting your spare time expand, getting enough sleep, resting...This is a crossroads we all know, a moment when you need to shed a skin. If you do, you'll expose all those painful nerve endings and feel so raw that you'll need to take care of yourself for awhile. If you don't, then that skin will harden around you. It's one of the most important choices you'll ever make."

Whether in the bath, on the couch with a hot cup of tea, or fireside, enjoy the comfort, energetically, that this book brings.
Seasonal Recipe

"Best Green Juice"
*Tweaked from Gwenyth Paltrow's
"It's All Good" cookbook

  • Handful of kale (I often use spinach)
  • One lemon, sans rind (I sometimes use two)
  • 1 apple (An apple a day keeps the doctor away!)
  • Chunk of freshly peeled ginger
  • I add a couple tablespoons of flax for the omega-3s and then a cup or two of filtered water.

Mix in blender, pour into mason jar and enjoy a "grassy type of lemonade."

As you drink this cup of good health, you'll feel the benefits of good foods working on your behalf.
A great way to start each day and... to prepare for the season ahead!
Intuitive Guidance
by Chrisi Hagar

Are you looking for answers to better understand situations you are dealing with in your life? 
Do you want to learn new approaches and resolutions for challenges or guidance on what steps to take to bring you peace and perspective? 
Chrisi Hagar offers spiritual readings that will provide you with guidance, give you insights that will broaden your perspective and help you see what is true. During your session you will be empowered to see all the possibilities and make choices to live your life to its fullest potential. 

Schedule a session today by emailing
Chrisi at [email protected] 
or call 781-789-7262
Feel-Good Products from
an Integrative Physician

With each new season comes a time of RENEWAL.
2021 is about healing our wounds and letting our light shine through.

Here's a FREE meditation to help you access that light this month.

You can also use my 2021 RENEW Rosewater Spray to help refresh your spirit as well as the vibe of your home.
This exquisite rosewater is infused with a custom blend of flower essences that I specially formulated to help refresh, uplift, and revinvigorate in 2021. Kids love it, too!
Renew comes in a 2-oz blue glass bottle with FREE shipping and directions on how to use it.

Click HERE to order this rosewater spray for yourself or a loved one.

Jill's Note: Asking for prayers, love and healing light to be sent to Dr. Arlene this month due to the passing of her father.

Dr. Arlene Dijamco
(678) 629-3988
The Homeopathic remedy you could be using...


A great remedy for these times...

  • Ignatia is the "loss remedy” for all mental/emotional symptoms, especially if you continuously take deep breaths or have heavy or continuous sighing.
  • Loss of connection with our usual family/friends, ailments from continuous isolation, even those that choose to stay isolated, or agoraphobia.
  • Sadness from these times, sadness after hearing bad news, hearing bad news in general.
  • If you can't stop crying or experience intermittent crying; also silent grief and cannot cry or only cry alone, this is a good remedy to use.
  • Also used for disappointments in break-ups, being laid off from work, abandonment, divorces, having anger from contradictions, or insomnia from the stress of this past year.

For more information or to schedule a FREE 15-minute consult as to why homeopathy might be a great healing tool for you or your family during this time, please contact me HERE. 

Cheryl Wood, CCH, RSHom(NA), C.HP
Essential oils you need to know about...

Lemon essential oil

Lemon has multiple benefits and uses. A powerful cleansing agent that purifies the air and surfaces, lemon can be used as a non-toxic cleaner throughout the home.

(Jill's note: I add to laundry detergent for fresher smelling clothes and use in spray bottles to clean surfaces, light switches, and freshen rooms.)

When added to water, Lemon provides a refreshing and healthy boost throughout the day.

Lemon also helps with focus. Evvverybody these days seems to need help with focusing....

Add some to a diffuser, or put some on your wrist while you're working or doing homework, and notice how you feel.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Angela Babuschak

Call today and mention Jill's newsletter to receive a wholesale discount or go directly to veriwell.co or email me at [email protected]
Dress to Express
through Color

Colors for March: Light Blue/Silver

According to color psychology, blue hues are associated with trustworthiness and reliability. Light blue is a peaceful, calming color and when we wear it, we feel good. Who doesn't want to feel good right about now? Plan to add light blue to your wardrobe this month and enjoy the feelings of peace and comfort.

Symbolic of wealth, prosperity, and good fortune, the color silver relates to success. Those who wear silver are thought to be sleek, glamorous, graceful, sophisticated, and elegant. We could all stand to feel a bit more graceful and glamorous as well. A definite power enhancer to your dress this month.

Need help styling your wardrobe this month to include colors that help you express your best self? Call me or message me on Instagram to schedule a zoom consultation so I can help you achieve your 2021 fashion goals and organize your closet in the process!

Cheryl Doherty
(508) 560-5270
Follow me on Instagram at
March 2021

Birthday of the Month: Pisces

Taken from Astrology.com

On A Roll...
With the new moon in your sign on March 13th, be sure to use this opportunity for a fresh start. This lunar phase is the best of the year for you. It's a good time to set your intentions for the coming months, begin wholesome habits and get moving on your biggest plans.

Even with feisty Mars moving in the sign of Gemini and your home zone on the third, a lot of activity may be geared toward your domestic sector. The red planet will be in this zone for around six weeks so you have ample opportunity to make positive changes.

Once the sun moves into Aries on March 20th, followed by Venus the next day, the emphasis shifts to your personal finance sector. This is a good time to look into those areas that need some attention, especially if you've been in denial about certain aspects of your money situation.

Aries is a very direct sign, so you'll feel much happier taking control rather than simply hoping for the best. Because sweet Venus loves a little bit of luxury, however, you might be tempted to splurge.

Finally, the full moon in Libra on the 28th could see you spending money as a way to feel better about certain aspects of your life. It could be that a little pampering, not another possession, is exactly what you need.

Happy Birthday Pisces!
Yoga Benefits
from Michelle Sylvester

Yoga is a powerful tool that is utilized to calm the mind and the body while connecting you to your highest self. Known to be beneficial in terms of mentality, physicality, and spirituality, here are some of yoga's benefits:

  • Flexibility: The more loose and flexible your body is, the less tense you'll be. We tend to hold stress in places like our stomach, back and shoulders. Completing a few minutes of yoga each day will help your body release tension. 

  • Heart health: Yoga is known to decrease high blood pressure, weight gain, and other heart diseases.

  • Relaxation: If you start your day with yoga, you will automatically have a clearer mind and feel mentally relaxed, able to handle and better cope with challenging situations. (How amazing is it to deal with a “stressful situation” and not be stressed out?)
  • Inner confidence: When you feel strong on the inside, you will come across as a powerful person to others. Yoga helps you look amazing, yes; but more importantly, yoga helps you feel amazing. And when we feel amazing, we become people others are attracted to. 

Everyone seems to understand that yoga is beneficial. But seriously, give it a try. If you have a hard time getting into it the first few times, keep showing up. Improvement is what will help you reach your end goal.

For more lifestyle and fitness tips, check out Michelle Sylvester's Instagram @Michelleslifestylee
Planting the Seeds
Affirmation Cards

Planting the Seeds Conversation Starter Tools
Planting the Seeds
Positive Energy Cards

Planting the Seeds were created by licensed mental health therapist Jill Sylvester and are the winner of a gold Mom's Choice Award. Each card is designed to strengthen a child's cognitive outlook and develop and enhance their self-esteem. Children are most successful with confidence, self-worth and skills to apply in appropriate social interactions when they have a strong foundation in social emotional skills. This resource targets all these areas!

P.S. Planting the Seeds cards and NEW accompanying resources make GREAT social and emotional tools for teachers during morning and afternoon meetings as well as for parents at home. (NECESSARY NOW MORE THAN EVER!)
Click HERE for more details.

Like us on Instagram at @plantingtheseedscards

To purchase any of our Old Tree House products, and enjoy time reading around the March hearth, click the image above or visit your local book store!
Devon: Dream Agent, Book 2
*Stay tuned for "PIECES," the second book in the Devon: Dream Agent Young Adult series.
Coming soon!
Three things we're grateful for this month:
1. Resting and Retreating
2. Good Books
3. Laughter
What are YOU grateful for?