Wow we are right in the midst of March Madness! How’s your bracket? Please don’t ask about mine!!! March is always a busy time for schools, state reports, spring plays, spring breaks, and report cards, to name but a few. It’s been busy around INPEA headquarters too! Coming out of the legislative session, there was lots of catching up to do on other priority areas. Finishing a great program for our INPAC Conference is at the top of our list.
I also had the pleasure of attending our annual CAPE meeting in Washington, DC, where I was able to network with my colleagues from around the country. We also had the privilege of meeting US Secretary of Education, Dr. Miguel Cordona (pictured below), as well as meet with other USDOE staffers to discuss various federal programs impacting Hoosiers.
As you move into the home stretch of the school year, we wish you the best with the multitude of activities and events that you will find on your plate. We hope to be out visiting some schools in April. We are looking forward to seeing some of the great things going on in our member schools. Please know if there is anything we can do to support you, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Important Dates
For your convenience, here are some important upcoming dates to remember. More information about each of these items is provided within the newsletter.
March 29-31: Equitable Services Webinar for School Principals hosted by Catapult Learning
March 31: EANS II Applications Due
April 20 and 21: ESA Webinar with Jackie Guglielmo
April 21: Social Media and Student Health Webinar hosted by The Social Institute
April 30: Notice of Intent Form due for schools seeking accreditation
May 9: Addressing Student Well-Being Webinar hosted by The Social Institute
May 14: OG 2.0 Training hosted by Marian University
September 22 and 23: INPAC
2022 Legislative Session Updates
The 2022 legislative session concluded earlier this month and for the most part, it was a successful session of non-public schools. During non-budget years like this one, our goal is to defend and protect – and be included in as few bills as possible. And in that respect, we were successful! For a recap of what happened during this session, listen to the final episode of the 2022 Statehouse Express.
A quick bill recap can be found here.
Now that the session is over, it is an excellent time to invite legislators into your school. If you schedule a visit with your legislators, please let us know and tag us in any pictures you post on social media!
EANS II Reminders
EANS II applications are due March 31 and we know you are busy completing your school’s application. Here are some helpful links from IDOE:
We are still waiting for more specifics on how non-eligible EANS II schools apply for residual EANS I funds. Hopefully we will hear soon.
IDOE has created an EANS Vendor Resource Guide but we would also like to give a special promotion to our INPEA Business Partners that are included in the guide. As you select your vendors, we hope you will take a look at these Business Partners:
Save the Date: INPAC 2022
Join us September 22-23, 2022 at the Renaissance Indianapolis North for sessions that will inspire participants to continue Leading with Passion and Purpose. We are excited to announce that Virginia Walden Ford, national school choice advocate and author, will be our dinner keynote speaker on Thursday evening. As a student, mother, advocate, and grandmother, Virginia has spent her lifetime fighting to create new educational opportunities for children and families. Her work as a founder of D.C. Parents for School Choice was highlighted in the 2019 film “Miss Virginia.”
We are finalizing topics and speakers for our pre-conference program, which will focus on special education, and our general program sessions, which will include topics related to these strands: Operational Vitality, Instruction and Culture, and All Things Indiana. Registration materials will be available before the end of this school year.
IDOE Updates
Choice Scholarships
Here are some helpful links related to the Choice Scholarship Program:
ESA Update
The new ESA program is scheduled to open for the 2022-23 school year. We weren’t able to accomplish all of the requested fixes in the program during the legislative session; but the Treasurer’s Office is still hopeful to make additional changes administratively. We are scheduling some information webinars with Jackie Guglielmo, Executive Director of the Program on April 20 at 10:00 a.m. ET and April 21 at 2:00 p.m. ET. These webinars will be recorded.
****Choice Compliance****
With the significant increase in financial eligibility for the Choice Scholarship Program, we have received a number of questions and concerns about schools attempting to address the tuition of the small number of families not eligible under the new guidelines. It is critical that schools do not try to disguise discounts for these families. That created a huge problem back in 2014 when significant dollars had to be returned to the state. Remember, you can’t have discounts only for tuition paying families. They must apply to Choice families as well. The best way to handle any assistance outside of our Choice programs is to ensure that it is based on need and that need is calculated based on data. Many schools use third party vendors to do those calculations. If you have questions, reach out to John Elcesser or Brad Pendleton at IDOE.
ADAC Special Education Study
The ADAC Special Education Study was completed at the beginning of February. The results were presented to the INPEA Board and IDOE Senior Leadership. As you may know, IDOE and the State Board are revising Article 7, the state regulations on implementing IDEA. You can find a summary of the study here and a copy of the recommendation we submitted to IDOE regarding Article 7 here.
Non-Public School State Accreditation Application Window
The Indiana Department of Education's (IDOE's) Office of Accountability is now accepting initial accreditation applications for non-public schools seeking accreditation for the 2022-2023 school year. Non-accredited non-public schools interested in obtaining accreditation should complete a notice of intent form and submit to by Saturday, April 30. Please note that schools are not considered accredited during the application process. Schools are only eligible to accept Indiana’s Choice Scholarship student applications once the petition for accreditation has been approved. Please contact the Office of Accountability with any questions.
INPEA Dues Increase
At their February Board meeting, the INPEA Board approved a dues increase for the 2022-23 school year. The amounts are:
PreK: 9 cents per student increase
K-12: 36 cents per student increase
Crossing the Finish Line Program for High School Students
For the second consecutive summer, thousands of Indiana high school students will have the opportunity to accelerate the completion of a high-quality credential, including the Indiana College Core, an associate degree, or a career and technical education (CTE) certificate, for free through Crossing the Finish Line. The initiative is a partnership between the Indiana Department of Education, the Commission for Higher Education, the Governor’s Workforce Cabinet, Ivy Tech Community College and Vincennes University.
The Crossing the Finish Line initiative is available this summer to any high school student who is just a few classes away from completing a postsecondary certificate or a high-demand credential. This may include the Indiana College Core, a 30-credit hour block of general education college-level courses, or a postsecondary CTE certificate through a program of study. Last year, nearly 1,900 high school students from over 275 high schools completed a credential or a certificate – saving those students and their families over $1.4 million in tuition, fees, books and other education expenses.
Tuition, fees, books, as well as the cost of obtaining transcripts and any required College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests will be covered at Ivy Tech or Vincennes for all students participating in Crossing the Finish Line.
More information about Crossing the Finish Line is available here.
CELL Study: Dual Credit Teacher Shortage
The Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning (CELL) at the University of Indianapolis, in partnership with Education Northwest, recently released a report addressing the projected shortage of dual credit teachers in Indiana.
Written for an audience of K-12 educators, this report offers new research and recommendations aimed at helping schools preserve and grow their dual credit opportunities by building a more robust and diverse supply of teachers credentialed to teach these important courses.
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
Webinar: Equitable Services: A Conference for Private School Principals
March 29-31, 2022 at 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET
Catapult Learning is hosting a virtual training program that will raise your comfort level in navigating the ins and outs of federal education programs for your students and teachers. This virtual conference is a three-day (90 minutes each day) that will focus on the equitable participation of private school students in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA); the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) which includes Title I, professional development, academic intervention programs, English learners, school safety, and technology; and the Emergency Assistance for Non-Public Schools (EANS) and other pandemic emergency funding programs. Whether your school already participates in these programs and you want to learn more, you are new to the entire world of federal education programs, or you land somewhere in between, these three sessions will provide you with practical information that will benefit your entire school community.
3/29: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
3/30: Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
3/31: Emergency Assistance for Non-Public Schools (EANS) and CARES Act
Webinar: How Social Media Fuels Health, Happiness, and Success
April 21, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. ET
Social media can lead to expulsions, drama, and lawsuits — all while schools play whack-a-mole and worry about the next negative trend among students. More than ever, students are using social media to follow positive role models, land internships, & raise awareness about issues they care about. Join The Social Institute for this webinar to learn the positive ways students can use social media. Registration information will be shared in early April.
Webinar: Finding Time in Your School Schedule to Address Student Well-being
May 9, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. ET
With screen time and social media use on the rise, modern life skills and decision-making have become more important than ever for schools and families across the nation. In this webinar, The Social Institute will discuss creative ways schools are finding time to address student well-being and integrate positive social media education into the fabric of their school schedule. Registration information will be shared in early April.
Summer Enrichment Opportunities
Summer 2022 planning is underway! Check out these Enrichment Program Descriptions, which includes some potential Catapult Learning Enrichment Summer 2022 Programs, in addition to our core Math & ELA Summer Programs. If you are interested in discussing a Summer Journey program, please let us know, as we would love to work with you to build a customized program. EANS II Funding can be used for this upcoming Summer.
Marian University OG Reading and Math Programs
Marian University has received additional funding to continue their OG Reading LLRP program through the summer and into the fall. They have also received funding to start an OG Math tutoring program as well. There was an information session for the OG Math scheduled for Thursday, March 24th. If you missed it, it was recorded. Need more information, reach out to John Elcesser or Mary McCoy.
If you thought the OG reading LLRP program had a positive impact with your students and you want to take a deeper dive into the OG reading process, check out OG 2.0. Marian will be conducting a Saturday training on May 14. Stay tuned for additional info and registration links. Mark your calendars!
Thank You to Our Business Partners!
Would you like to be come an INPEA Business Partner or know a business that would be a good fit? Check out our website here or contact John Elcesser at for more information!
The Indiana Non-Public Education Association serves as an advocate,
promotes engagement, and strives for the advancement of non-public schools.
(317) 236-7329
1400 N. Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202