Stay up to date with all things happening in North Middlesex. Ensure to follow our socials and monitor the municipal website for more updates .
Annual Spring Clean Up 2022
Saturday, April 23rd
8:30 am to 1:00 pm
- Ward 1- Transfer Station (395 Victoria St, Parkhill ON)
- Ward 2- Municipal Parking Lot (Old Mill St, Ailsa Craig ON)
- Ward 3- Public Works Garage (34665 Creamery Rd, Ailsa Craig ON)
The minimum charge is $10.00 for 0 to 1 cubic yard. Any amount past the minimum is charged, at a rate of $10.00 per cubic yard. The size of the load is to be determined by Public Works staff at the site. Please pay at the site- exact change is encouraged to reduce unnecessary exchanges.
Municipal Updates & Notices
Public Information Centre- Development Charges
Register today! Public Meeting of Council to present and obtain public input on the municipality’s proposed development charges by-law and background study.
When: Wednesday, April 6th at 6:00 pm
Where: Council Chambers (229 Main St, Parkhill ON)
All interested parties are invited to attend the Public Meeting of Council and any person who attends the meeting may make representations relating to the proposed D.C. by-law and background study.
Copies of the proposed by-law and background study are available on our website or in person from the Municipal Clerk
2022 Water & Wastewater Rates
At the February 10th, Special Budget Meeting of Council, the 2022 budget was adopted including a 5% increase in water and wastewater rates from the previous year. This rate is based on the amount of funding needed to operate our water and wastewater systems.
- In addition to this increase, a new category for small water users was created (0 cu.m to 50 cu.m per year).
- The rate structure has changed from a 100% fixed charge to an 80% base charge and 20% consumption charge.
Candidate Information Session- Municipal Election 2022
Mark your calendars! A free presentation from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) organized by the local Clerks of Middlesex County.
When: Monday, April 4th at 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Where: Council Chambers (229 Main St, Parkhill)
Two ways to participate; register for the virtual event or join North Middlesex Election Staff at the North Middlesex Council Chambers for an in-person viewing session of the live-streamed MMAH presentation.
Mosquito Abatement Program 2022
When weather conditions permit and continue as required throughout the season, the Municipality of North Middlesex will be applying a biological larvicide (B.t.i.) by helicopter to standing water within 3km of Parkhill, Ailsa Craig and Nairn beginning March 21st to June 30th, 2022.
The program will utilize the application of the larvicide VectoBac 200G (PCP#18158, granular) or VectoBac 1200L (PCP#21062, liquid) by ground in order to control larval mosquitoes.
Huron Shores Area Transit
Route Changes
Huron Shores Area Transit (HSAT) has launched a new service expansion with several route updates and schedules have now changed. HSAT's fares are $5 for all routes. Transfers between routes are free and children ages 12 and under ride free of charge.
Route Changes:
- Route 1 (Sarnia to Grand Bend) will have a third daily run added with new stops in Thedford, Arkona, and the Sarnia Walmart Supercentre
- Route 2 (Grand Bend to London) will have a new stop at the University Hospital - London Health Sciences Centre
- Route 3 will now connect Grand Bend, Zurich, Hensall, and Bayfield with the Walmart Supercentre in Strathroy. This route addition will run on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
- Route 4 will now connect Grand Bend, Parkhill, and Ailsa Craig with the Walmart Supercentre & Shops on Sydenham in Strathroy. This route addition will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Community Events & Activities
Fran Roelands Exhibit- Ailsa Craig Arts Centre
The Ailsa Craig Arts Centre is happy to present their new exhibit, Fran Roelands, an acrylic artist and visual storyteller this month. The exhibit is opening Saturday, March 26th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday until April 23rd.
Spring Tea & Fashion Gala- Parkhill Carnegie Gallery
Parkhill Carnegie Gallery, along with Four Seasons Fashion & More, presents Spring Time in Parkhill- Spring Tea & Fashion Gala.
When: Sunday, April 10th @ 2:00 pm
Where: Parkhill Carnegie Gallery (233 Main Street, Parkhill ON)
Tickets can be purchased at either Parkhill Carnegie Gallery or Four Seasons Fashion & More. Tickets are $20.00 or $18.00 for members. All proceeds will go towards the Parkhill Carnegie Gallery operating
CraigActive- Program For Active Retirees
Join Ye Old Towne Hall for their newest program- CraigActive! This program meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from September to May.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 12th @ 11:30 am
Where: Ye Old Towne Hall (160 Main St, Ailsa Craig ON)
Cost: By Donation- Suggested $7.00
This fun group meets at 11:30 am for social time. Soup and sandwiches are served at noon. On the second Tuesday of the month, they show a movie, and on the fourth Tuesday, is usually a guest speaker. Programs have included travel talks, local authors, astronomy, ecology and nature talks, healthy living.
Stay Fire Safe This Spring!
SpringSafe is a seasonal public safety awareness handbook. It is designed to provide you with the information you need to reduce risk and keep your family safe. After the long, cold winter, the snow melts and opportunities for more outdoor activities emerge.
As we resume activities like barbecuing, camping, cottaging, swimming and boating, it’s always important to take the proper precautions. Be “SpringSafe” this season to help protect your family while enjoying the much anticipated warmth and sunshine.
Looking To Promote Your Business?
View Our 2021/2022 Sponsorship Package
By advertising with North Middlesex, your business will be viewed by many visitors throughout our community. In the past, we have hosted International Silverstick which brings tens of thousands of spectators to our facilities.
Perhaps consider a sports field signage which will be placed on our outfield fences and our soccer complex backstops/fences.
To view package options and examples of signage visit the link below.
Meetings of Council
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, April 6th & 20th
@ +/- 6 pm
Waste Transfer Station
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, April 6th & 20th
12 pm to 3 pm
Spring Clean Up
Saturday, April 23rd
8:30 am - 1 pm