March 2022
Ashby Village Open Board Meeting Spotlights Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Ashby Village’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative came to life at February’s Board of Directors open meeting when more than a dozen Village leaders reported on their progress and challenges in integrating DEI into their work.

“To assure we can grow and stay vital, we have to question the status quo: how we operate, communicate within our Village and connect with other organizations that support older adults in the cities we serve,“ said Laura Peck, the DEI Committee chair. “Our members work as connectors, integrators and catalysts with leaders across our Village to apply a DEI lens to all we do.”

Click here to read the full article about the actions specific groups are engaged in to further this important work.
Emerging Stronger and Meeting the New Normal Together
After two years, is there anything new to say about COVID?

Maybe not. Honestly we are all so tired of it. We’ve experienced the pain of missing our families and friends, along with the frustration of missing so many other activities both large and small: going out to buy groceries, seeing a movie in a theater with others, enjoying live performances and much more. We’ve become accustomed to the constant decision-making about precautions, starting and stopping according to shifting guidelines and our own sense of safety. We’ve grown so accustomed to isolation and inconvenience that we often forget how much it has taken a toll on us.

So what I have to say isn’t really new, but it’s a reminder: we have done so well overall, taking care of ourselves and each other. We have shown remarkable determination and endurance, repeatedly staying the course in the face of losses. Truly, to be under this much physical, emotional, and psychological stress is not normal. Nevertheless, we’ve persisted!

At the moment (which could change by the time this goes to print), we are experiencing something like a light at the end of the tunnel, though I hesitate to use that metaphor anymore. The tunnel will go on and transform itself into a “new normal” – we, and the world, will never be the same. We’ll continue to do what’s needed and hopefully muster the grit and even sometimes the humor we need to build our new lives in this new world. And we will continue to grieve what we’ve lost, which has been heartbreaking for too many of us.

Ashby Village as a community has been tested by this pandemic. We are coming through it well, and let's be proud of ourselves. I encourage all of us to lean into the community and reach out for the help we continue to need. I'm convinced that this whole experience has made us stronger and better.

Here’s wishing all of us strength and joy in the months ahead. I hope to actually greet you in person before too long!

My best to you all,
Avi Rose ([email protected])
Ashby Village Interim Executive Director
Upcoming Events
Check the Ashby Village Calendar to see what's happening this month.
COVID-19 Update

The safety of our Ashby Village members and volunteers is of utmost importance to us, and we continue to actively monitor and update our COVID-19 policies and procedures as necessary.

In line with our continuing effort to protect the health and safety of our Ashby Village community, as of March 1, 2022, Ashby Village members and volunteers who engage in in-person/in-home services are required to be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations. Click here for more information and instructions for updating your vaccination record with us.

Thank you all for continuing to help to keep our community safe!
Events Spotlight
The Social Hour Team Presents:
Friday Afternoon at the Movies Monthly Film Series: A Feature Film Discussion of Don't Look Up

When: Friday, March 4, 4:00-5:00pm
Meeting ID: 890 3363 0718
Passcode: film
Welcome to our monthly film discussion series! Plan to see this month’s special film on Netflix before our discussion group meets. At our Zoom get-together, we will then discuss what we thought about the film.

Don't Look Up is a satirical comedy with Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Jonah Hill, Cate Blanchett, and Meryl Streep. It tells the story of two astronomers attempting to warn humanity about an approaching comet that will destroy human civilization. The film is a satire of government, political, and media indifference to the climate crisis. It is the second most watched film in the history of Netflix.

The film is provocative and has both thumbs up and thumbs down reviews. If you want to check some of them out, it's suggested that you take a look at Rotten Tomatoes after you see the film. And check out the trailer here.
Next up in April: Passing, contender for an Oscar. Set in New York City in the 1920s, a black woman finds her world up-ended when her life becomes intertwined with a former childhood friend who's passing as white. Available on Netflix.

Do you have any feature films for our series to recommend, which are either on Netflix or Amazon? The Events Planning Team welcomes your ideas and suggestions! Please email Arlene ([email protected]).
A Conversation with Rita Blitt
Visual Artist - On Family, Drawing,
Painting, Sculpting and Filmmaking
Presented by the Ashby Village Exploring Creativity Group
This coming Sunday, March 6th, from 1:00-2:30 PST, Rita Blitt will share stories and films about her life. Rita is an internationally known multidimensional visual artist celebrated for her paintings, monumental sculptures up to 60 feet, and films inspired by her work. She will be in conversation with Patricia Sakai of the Ashby Village Exploring Creativity Group.

Rita Blitt began her career as a painter of work drawn from real subject matter. She made an important pivot to working as a sculptor, as well as a painter. Rita continues to design sculpture. She describes the significance of this transition over 60 years ago:
"Inspiration" Courtesy of Rita Blitt Gallery and Sculpture Garden, Mulvane Museum
"Becoming a sculptor in the 1960s freed me from subject matter, allowing me to make lines and shapes that were in themselves satisfying to me, without referencing something else ... The evolution of my sculpture ... paved the way for my later allowing myself to paint from my heart, works unrelated to real subject matter. Thus my nonobjective abstract paintings evolved naturally, honestly."
Read more about Rita Blitt and this upcoming program, register and access the Zoom link here. 
Phone & Text Spam & Scams: How to Identify and Reduce

When: Tuesday, March 8, 1:00 to 2:30 PM
Where: via Zoom (link provided to those who register)
*PLEASE REGISTER* by emailing the [email protected]
Join us by Zoom as Ashby Village technology volunteers share useful information on phone and text spam and scams.

You’ll learn to distinguish telemarketing, legal robocalls and texts, illegal robocalls and texts, and scam calls and texts. You'll get answers to questions like: How can I reduce unwanted calls and texts? What should I do if I fall prey to a scam? 

The workshop is interactive, and you’ll have ample opportunity to share experiences and ask specific questions. 
Science and Ideas Group:
Touring the University of California Botanical Garden

When: Thursday, March 10, 3:00-4:30pm
Where: Zoom
Lewis Feldman will take us on a tour of the UC Botanical Garden, located on the UC Berkeley campus. He will discuss the history of the Garden and its roles in research and conservation. He will also discuss Garden Education Programs in which Ashby Village members might have an interest. Read more details, register, and access the Zoom link here.
March Virtual Living Room Chat

When: Monday, March 14, 2:00-3:00pm
Where: Zoom
As the light at the end of the tunnel keeps growing, Ashby Village is here, continuing to support our community and helping to keep everyone connected and engaged. Our direct services are re-opened and special programming online continues!

Are you or someone you know interested in learning more? Please JOIN US for our next Virtual Living Room Chat!

This is an opportunity to hear about our membership benefits and have your questions answered. Come learn more about Ashby Village - what we do, who we are, and how we are helping our community to continue Aging Better. Together. Read more details, register, and access the Zoom link here.
All Irish Music on the Eve of St. Patrick's Day!
When: Wednesday, March 16, 11:00am-12:00pm
Where: Zoom
Western Shore Irish Band brings the dynamic music and songs of Ireland, Scotland and other Celtic lands to life. Valerie Rose and long-time Bay Area collaborator Jason Pollack perform the irresistible Celtic dance tunes (jigs, reels, hornpipes, waltzes), and the alternately beautiful and bawdy songs of the Celtic tradition. It’s high-energy, fun, powerful acoustic music for all. Read more details, register, and access the Zoom link here.
Arts & Culture and Healthier Aging Present:
Aging, Ageism, and the Future of Elderhood, with Geriatrician and Acclaimed Author, Louise Aronson, MD
When: Sunday, March 27, 2:00-4:00pm
Where: Zoom
Join us to hear Dr. Aronson share new ways to think and speak about aging based on her decades of experience as a geriatrician. Ashby Village is honored to host this visionary thinker who is passionate about changing the stories we tell, individually and as a society, about what old age means. Dr. Aronson will make the case for a more nuanced, expanded, and creative view of elderhood, asking “What if the greatest limitations of aging come from our imaginations and policies, not our physiologies?” Read more details and register for the Zoom link here.
*Save the Date*
Back by Popular Demand! Tour of Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland

When: Tuesday, April 12, 10:00am-12:00pm
Where: Mountain View Cemetery, 5000 Piedmont Ave, Oakland
This tour is limited to 10 people and advance registration is required. Click here for more details and to register.
March Newsletter
We are excited to welcome over 40 new volunteers to our Ashby Village community!
Contact Jessica Sterling ([email protected]) if you or someone you know is interested in being of service to our community.
Healthier Aging
Don't Miss This Event!

Louise Aronson, MD and prizewinning author, will be speaking with us Sunday, March 27th. Learn more about how the medicalization of old age is affecting our healthcare, and how we can make our older years safer and a time of greater health and wellbeing. Read more and please register for the Zoom link here.
In the meantime, your fellow members and volunteers are busy reading her book, Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, and Reimagining Life.

“I can’t put the book down!”
Roberta P, Ashby Village member

“Millions of thanks for introducing me to Dr. Aronson. I started reading the book two days ago and I am halfway through. It’s great stuff.”
Laurie M, Ashby Village volunteer
Has the Pandemic resulted in your spending less time on your feet and reduced your over-all physical activity?

Now that spring is here and the days are longer and brighter, let’s all “Get on the Move” again!

Zoom activities are great, and grocery deliveries helped us through the worst of the pandemic, but both services have also kept us sitting longer, and moving around less. This can lead to worsening of your physical health and overall mobility, as well as contribute to increased falls and/or the fear of falling. BUT… according to a recent article in the New York Times, “muscles develop a pervasive and lasting molecular memory of past resistance exercises that helped them bounce back quickly from long layoffs.” So, let’s get moving again!
Join Us For Our March Afternoon Hikes
Nature Walk: Arrowhead Marsh
Flat and paved, go at your own pace

Monday, March 14, 1:00-3:00pm
Where: Martin Luther King, Jr. Regional Preserve, Arrowhead Marsh, 1 Swan Way, Oakland
A ramped observation deck looks out over the 50 acre salt marsh. The easy walk along this tidal Arrowhead Marsh can be extended for longer, faster walkers - it is paved and level. Accessible to wheelchairs and walkers. Restrooms are available on site. Contact Jeanette Ward to register (650-954-7476 cell/text or [email protected]) or read more and self register here.
Nature Walk: Tilden Seaview Trail to Volmer Peak
Flowers and views, moderate 3 miles

Wednesday, March 30, 1:00-3:00pm
Where: Tilden Seaview Trail
Parking lot past the Steam Trains, 2481 Grizzly Peak Blvd, Orinda

We are repeating this walk from December since it was so popular with everyone. Great views, great company, and maybe great wildflowers this time. Contact Jeanette Ward (650-954-7476 cell/text or [email protected]) or read more and self register here.
Don't Forget Our Wonderful Fitness Classes
It's time to register for the Spring Yoga series with Nancy via Zoom

When: Thursdays, 10:00-11:30am, March 31 through June 2
Where: via Zoom

Increase your strength, balance, and breath awareness. All levels welcome. Read more and register to receive the Zoom link here.
Stretch, Strength, and Dance
with Anne Aronov Continues

When: Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30am through June 1, 2022
Where: via Zoom

Improve your strength and mobility. Click here to register through the Berkeley Adult School.
Articles of Interest

How Sex Changes With Aging (and what to do about it)

Standing up to a health care professional can be daunting, especially if you're worried about a premature discharge from a hospital.
Know a Tai Chi Instructor?

The Healthier Aging Team needs help finding an instructor to restart Tai Chi classes at Ashby Village this spring.
Anyone with a recommendation should contact Roberta Pressman ([email protected]).
The Search Continues for Our
Next Executive Director!
We are continuing to look for an experienced, innovative and collaborative leader as our next Executive Director. This is a unique opportunity for a leader who is interested in furthering our mission as we grow with the changing demographics of the region we serve in partnership with other community-based organizations serving older adults. 

Please spread the word about this opportunity to your own networks! We will likely find the right person through your personal and professional connections. Thank you for your help!

Resumes with a cover letter can be emailed to [email protected]
National Villages Day

On February 15, villages from across the country and around the world joined on Zoom to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of Beacon Hill Village, the first village in the United States.

Click here to view the webinar that features key developments in the Village Movement and stories from several villages -- including our former Executive Director, Andy Gaines, who represented Ashby Village -- who came together to celebrate the role of villages in communities across the country and internationally.
Come Get Crafty!

The Ashby Village Craft Group is currently inviting new members to join. We are a creative and dynamic group of crafters who have been meeting monthly since the start of the pandemic. Our crafts include clay sculptures, needlepoint, wire working, collage, jewelry and paper mâché. Come join us as we inspire and share our projects with each other.

We are presently meeting on Zoom and occasionally in person the second Thursday of the month at 1:00pm. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please contact Barbi Jo Stim ([email protected]).
Healthy Behaviors Support Group
Participants in this Healthy Behaviors Support Group will focus on improving or maintaining "functional age," meaning the body's functional ability to do such things as participate in regular physical exercise, and to maintain or improve that function. The topic will be explored through reflective queries, such as:
  • How do I stay healthy as I age?
  • What do I need to do, what actions shall I take, in order to become healthier, or to stay healthy, within the framework of what’s possible for me?
  • What is my motivation for making this effort? Why try?
  • What might be holding me back, or getting in the way?
  • How do I, how can I, and how will I use exercise to maintain my body's physical ability to move or to "function" better? (What is my "functional age"?)
  • How to I acknowledge, celebrate, or reward my “successes,” and how do I respond to my perceived “failures”?
  • How will I move forward from here, both behaviorally and emotionally, as I strive to improve my health and to create a healthier lifestyle?
Together, participants will create a space in which each person who wishes to improve their physical health will be invited to explore thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to a personal “health journey,” over time. Participants will listen to and learn from one another in a non-judgmental, confidential way, focusing on how to improve personal healthy behavior practices – aiming for improvement, not perfection.
Open to: Ashby Village Members and Volunteers. Space is limited to 10 participants and priority will be given to current Ashby Village Members. Please RSVP by March 12th to reserve a spot.

When: Every Tuesday for 10 weeks, March 15 through May 17, 2022, from 2:00 to 3:30pm

Where: Via Zoom. The group will discuss meeting in person at the Ashby Village office or outdoors as the pandemic eases.

For more details and to RSVP, contact Francie P. Nurkse by email at [email protected] or call (831) 227-9531.
Tech Tips

THIS MONTH: Phone & Text Spam & Scams: How to Identify and Reduce

When: Tuesday, March 8, 1:00 to 2:30 PM
Where: via Zoom (link provided to those who register)
*PLEASE REGISTER* by emailing the [email protected]
Join us by Zoom as Ashby Village technology volunteers share useful information on phone and text spam and scams.

You’ll learn to distinguish telemarketing, legal robocalls and texts, illegal robocalls and texts, and scam calls and texts. You'll get answers to questions like: How can I reduce unwanted calls and texts? What should I do if I fall prey to a scam? 

The workshop is interactive, and you’ll have ample opportunity to share experiences and ask specific questions. 
NEXT MONTH: Apple Watch, The Basics

When: Tuesday, April 5, 1:00 to 2:30 PM
Where: *IN PERSON*
*PLEASE REGISTER* by emailing the [email protected]
Are you considering an Apple watch? or have you recently acquired a watch and need tutoring in basic functions and features? We’ll meet in small groups at separate tables for personalized hands-on introduction to the Apple watch. For people considering a watch, we’ll cover models and features. For people who recently acquired a watch, we’ll cover basic functions and applications, focusing on communication and health apps that are important to older adults.

This workshop will be Part 1 in a two-part series on the Apple watch. The second workshop will be designed for intermediate and advanced users.
Request Assistance From Technology & Electronics Volunteers!

Tech Volunteers can help you with a wide range of devices, applications, and features, for example:

  • setting up, learning how to use, and maintaining devices
  • updating operating systems
  • installing and learning applications
  • setting up backup systems
  • installing and learning password managers
  • reorganizing your computer desktop
  • deciding whether you need a new device
  • modifying your workspace for better ergonomics
In-Home support has resumed for vaccinated members and volunteers. Click here for current information on Ashby Village COVID policies and procedures, and then email [email protected] or call 510-204-9200 to request assistance with your devices and apps.
Resources on Technology Topics

Resources on a wide range of technology topics are posted on the Village TECH TIPS & RESOURCES page.
What We Are Reading
Curated by volunteer Patricia Hom

by Angus Chen, NPR, 10/26/2019

by Amy Fleming, The Guardian, 05/30/2021

by Rebecca Sohn, LiveScience, 06/28/2021

by Seth Lemon, KCBS Radio, 07/12/2021

by Paula Cocozza, The Guardian, 07/23/2021

by Amit Katwala, Wired, 08/27/2021

by Tara Law, Time, 12/14/2021

by Marc Freedman, Greater Good Magazine, 2/15/2022
Reflections on Past Events
Ashby Village Elders Spring into Climate Action!
by Rochelle Lefkowitz
On January 9, over 400 of us Zoomed into our winter Ashby Village Arts & Culture Series event, co-sponsored by Elder Action (EA) and Village Movement California, to hear why and how climate leaders Bill McKibben and Akaya Windwood hoped to engage elders in climate action.
Tired of worrying about climate change alone at home, we came together that Sunday, eager for some next steps we could take right away to have an impact. We weren’t disappointed! Windwood and McKibben encouraged us to join their new national organization, Third Act ([email protected]) where, like at Ashby Village EA, ordinary people come together to do extraordinary things. Their presentation was so inspiring, a first-time donor came forward with a pledge of $10,000 from her family foundation to support both Third Act and Ashby Village equally. And Ashby Village EA is now proud to be a Third Act Founding Partner!

In true Ashby Village fashion, many of us sprang right into action ... Click here to read the full article that includes the climate actions some of us have begun to take.
Submit an Article!
Would you like your event or notice to appear in the next Village Voices Newsletter? Use this simple form to submit your material. Please submit by the 15th of the previous month. Late submissions are not guaranteed placement in the next newsletter.
Thank you to the Ashby Village volunteers who contributed to this issue of the Village Voices newsletter.