I have amazing news: the 15 week bill passed! This is huge for Florida. Out of the 43 states that have legal gestational limits in effect, none currently protect unborn life earlier than 20 weeks. Now Florida is poised to join half the country in restricting abortion prior to viability once Roe is overturned this summer, God willing.
We have such a beautiful opportunity to help save lives and souls, supporting families in difficult circumstances, and continuing to create a culture of life and love where abortion becomes unthinkable here in South Florida.
But what does this require of us? We need to become holy, in order to be better ambassadors of the Gospel of Life, spreading the good news by the witness of our lives. We need to repent and discern how the Lord is calling us to imitate Him and follow him more closely.
Here are some ideas to help you this Lenten season:
Giving, praying, and volunteering are beautiful, hands-on ways to become more Christ-like so we can truly be His hands and feet to those in need. I hope these ideas inspire you to action for a fruitful, transformative, and blessed Lent.