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A Note from the Executive Director
Dear School-Based Health Care Supporters,

March is a time to spring into action! The staff and Board would ask you to be aware of two special opportunities to take action:

1) SBHC expansion funding is before our state legislature. Both the DOH and Governor's budgets are recommending a $5.8 MILLION increase for the SBHC Program! We urge you to contact your state senators (find them here: https://www.nmlegis.gov/Members/Find_My_Legislator) and ask them to support that funding request. In addition, we ask you to request the support of members of the House for "The SBHC Act." This bill will formalize the state's commitment to the model of school-based health care and create a mechanism for future, continued financial support of SBHCs. We have successfully gotten that bill through the Senate (and thank you to all of you who have signed on to the support letter - let us know if your organization can be added)!

2) Help the families being served by SBHCs by ensuring they continue their Medicaid coverage! If you need support in helping families that may lose their Medicaid coverage as the Public Health Emergency ends, please reach out to BeWellNM.

Wishing you the wellness that action for good brings us!

Nancy Rodriguez, [email protected]
2023 NMASBHC Calendar
March 2023 features Raton HS SBHC - Tiger Den Wellness Center, sponsored by La Familia Primary Care.

Thank you for all the SBHCs who participated and submitted pictures!

If you have any questions, please contact Wilma at [email protected]
Project ECHO for SBHCs
March session: March 28th
NMASBHC is collaborating with Project ECHO, OSAH, Molina and other partners to create an educational and professional development community of practice for SBHCs in New Mexico.

Sessions are on the last Tuesday of the month from 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM MST. Visit the SBHC ECHO Resource Library to see recordings of prior sessions, as well as resources.

Continuing education credits are available for free! Register HERE.
Find flyers and more information on our website or the SBHC ECHO Resource Library.
NMASBHC Youth Advisory Group
Our NMASBHC Youth Health Advisors were busy in the month of February.

They participated in advocating for legislative bills at the NM State Capitol on Primary Care Day.

Students and staff sponsors from PAUSE of Albuquerque High School supported important bills that impact their peers statewide.

Youth Health Advisors also planned an event for SBHC Awareness Month at school. Thank you!
The Youth Health Advisory Group supports youth to advance health care access for their peers, share expertise on health-related topics and give important youth voice to the field of school-based health care. Participants will engage in activities and projects that can provide critical input to the development and delivery of services, and advocate for SBHC services across the state. 

If you have youth that might be interested, please encourage them to apply and complete the application as soon as possible. We are accepting applications for the Spring 2023 Semester For any questions, visit our website or contact Wilma at [email protected].
SBHC Partners Meeting

The Quarterly SBHC Partners Meeting is coming up:

Tuesday, March 21st
at 11:30 AM.

Please check your emails for the agenda and attendance info.

If you do not receive the email with the agenda, contact Wilma at [email protected].
SBHA National Conference 2023
The 2023 Conference is June 26-29, 2023 at American University in Washington, DC. The preliminary program and registration will be available in early March.

The SBHA website will share information and registration details as it becomes available. You can also subscribe to the SBHA digest for communication and updates.

NMASBHC plans to offer a number of partial scholarships for attendance, so please begin discussing participation with your organizations!
SB 397 - SBHC Act
2023 NM Regular Legislative Session
SB 397 is sponsored by Senator Nancy Rodriguez and Representative Christine Trujillo. It is a step toward codifying the SBHC model in our state. It is quickly moving through the NM Legislature. However, there is still work to do.

SB 397 has made it through Senate Committees and the Senate Floor and has now moved to the House. We thank you as you continue to advocate and reach out to your legislators. Please contact members of the House Education Committee and House Health and Human Services Committee to encourage them to vote in support of the bill.
SBHC Sponsor Corner
OSAH Positions
Operational Plans
Thank you to OSAH-funded SBHCs for joining the Winter Data Calls. These calls are an essential component for funded sites and helping us all to stay on track. Information shared helps us to be able to provide tools or technical assistance. We appreciate all your hard work. If there is anything your SBHC needs, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

If you have questions, please communicate with Kristin Oreskovich at [email protected], Dominique Pierre at [email protected] or Nancy at [email protected].
HSD/Medicaid Updates
NM Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility Determiner Training
 Presumptive Eligibility Determiner trainings for March are not yet announced. If you have staff that need the training, please contact HSD at the email address below to indicate the need to register for training. Contact at [email protected] 
or call (505) 476-7151.

Please note that it is very important to have your SBHC team up to date with eligibility determination. This an NMDOH-OSAH requirement, but many families may need support in finding out if their COVID-era coverage is winding down in 2023 as well.
Renew NM!
HSD has launched the Renew NM! Campaign, which is a statewide public awareness campaign that provides resources and information to HSD customers and community partners about the changes to SNAP & Medicaid.

It is a Call to Action to:
  • Update contact information
  • Watch for their Turquoise envelope
  • Submit a renewal

Clinic Resources, Training Opportunities and Community Announcements
LARC Virtual Trainings
The LARC Mentoring Program continues to offer virtual training options.

Clinician trainers from the LARC Mentoring Program and the Department of Health will conduct a 2-hour practicum on IUD skills. We will use pelvic simulator models to practice inserting and removing different types of IUDs. Our clinicians will also review managing challenges related to IUDs, and will be happy to answer any questions related to LARCs during or after training. Participants will receive 2.0 CME credit hours at no cost.

Join in for a one-hour interactive training to troubleshoot your LARC billing and coding issues. The session review basic information about getting started with LARC billing and coding.
APS McKinney-Vento Resources
Thank you to Cristal Wilson and Aaron Kaplan from APS McKinney-Vento program for presenting about supporting students experiencing housing insecurity on the SBHC ECHO on February 28th. Here are some of the resources shared in this session:

Videos can be found at:

Flyers can be found at:
Search for Educational Posters

New Mexico Resources - Videos, Statistics, Flyers - Dine version

SBHC Positions
SBHC Staff are amazing!
Please feel free to share these open positions with your colleagues and peers.

Certified Medical Assistant - Chaparral School-Based Health
Family Nurse Practitioner - Chaparral School-Based Health
Family Nurse Practitioner - Lynn/Picacho School-Based Health
Medical Records Clerk - Chaparral SBHC

Behavioral Health Therapist - School Based Health Center - Las Vegas, NM
Clinic Coordinator - Roy & Wagon Mound
Medical Assistant - Penasco Clinic/Penasco SBHC - Penasco, NM
SBHC Program Coordinator - Espanola, NM

Certified Medical Assistant - Atrisco Heritage Clinic - Albuquerque, NM
Psychologist – SBHC & Primary Care Clinic – Albuquerque, NM
Remote Area Clinic - Las Vegas, NM
There will be a Remote Area Medical (RAM) Clinic on March 11-12, 2023 at West Las Vegas High School. This opportunity is available for the community and will provide Dental, Medical and Vision services.
Understanding Mental Wellness Program
Mental Health is one of the most important local and national health issues. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico is offering the Understanding Mental Wellness Program at no cost to schools and students across New Mexico.
The program is available to any 8th thru 10th grade classes. It provides an ideal context for prevention, intervention, and positive development for students in regards to mental health. For more information on how to register please visit EVERFI.COM/NewTeacher or you can scan the QR Code on the flier.
March Health Awareness Activities
National Nutrition Month®
This month of March is celebrated by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as an opportunity to make healthy choices for eating and physical activity habits.

For more activities, handouts and resources, visit the National Nutrition Month® Resource Page.
National Sleep Awareness Month®
Sleep is an essential part of our lives that can help people thrive physically and mentally. Poor sleep is heavily linked to weight gain, decreased concentration and productivity, increased risks of heart diseases and strokes, mental health issues, and can affect emotional and social interactions. Sleep is an important part of our lives that keeps us healthy.
Support NMASBHC this year!
NMASBHC | 505-404-8059 | i[email protected] | Website