March 2023 Newsletter

In this issue:

  • JMU News
  • NSF and NIH Personnel Forms
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)  
  • Find Funding - Matchmaker Tool in RePORTER

JMU News

Proposal Resources

Welcome Spring! We are eager to help you plant the seeds to fund your sponsored projects! The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Administrative Service is the central pre-award office on campus for all externally sponsored projects for James Madison University. A unit within thOffice of Research and Scholarship, the OSP is dedicated to providing progressive services that give JMU faculty and staff a competitive edge in obtaining external funding.

Please see the OSP website for a comprehensive guide to the resources available to support your external funding proposals.

OSP and Office of Research Integrity (ORI) Program Review

You have the opportunity to participate in the upcoming Program Review for two units within Research & Scholarship. The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) and Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will participate in an external review in October 2023. A team of external subject matter experts will review ORI and OSP processes and visit campus to engage with various constituents to evaluate these operational units. 

For this review process, it is imperative to obtain feedback about the quality and breadth of services provided by OSP and ORI as well as other matters of importance to you. The following survey link will be active until March 29. We encourage you to provide your candid input. You may wish to remain anonymous or to provide your contact information. If you wish to be considered for an interview with the external review team you may indicate that within the survey as well.


National Science Foundation (NSF)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

-Personnel Forms

Update your NSF and NIH Personnel Forms

Plan Ahead – save last-minute stress and make sure your Biosketch and Current & Pending Support documents are up-to-date using the latest templates. You can use

SciENcv for updating personnel forms.

SciENcv is:

  1. very easy to navigate,
  2. allows you to save Biosketch and Support information that can be updated, and
  3. can be used for NIH, NSF or other federal government agencies that require these documents.

For more information, please see the following videos that give instructions on how to use the system: Biosketch Current & Pending Support

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

New Resource for Early Stage Investigators (ESI)

NIH has unveiled a redesigned ESI webpage. With easy–to–browse sections on the NIH ESI Policydetermining ESI status, ESI extensionsdata on ESIs and more, you can quickly learn about NIH policies and how NIH support for ESIs helps promote the growth, stability, and diversity of the future biomedical research workforce.

Data Management and Sharing

NIH has issued a new Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy (effective January 25, 2023) to promote the sharing of scientific data. Sharing scientific data accelerates biomedical research discovery, in part, by enabling validation of research results, providing accessibility to high-value datasets, and promoting data reuse for future research studies.

This new policy requires ALL grant applications or renewals that generate Scientific Data to include a data management and sharing plan (DMSP) and budget requests for data management activities when applicable. Additionally, the policy sets an expectation for researchers to share data to the maximum extent possible given certain factors (i.e., legal, ethical, or technical, etc.) which may preclude sharing.

DMSP Requirements 

The data management and sharing plan (DMSP) should outline in 2-pages how data will be managed and shared by addressing the following elements: 

  1. data type, 
  2. related tools, software, and/or code, 
  3. standards, data preservation, access, 
  4. associated timelines, access, distribution, or reuse considerations, and 
  5. oversite of data management and sharing. 

Individual NIH Institutes, Centers, or Offices may have additional policies and expectations (see NIH Institute and Center Data Sharing Policies).

Download a simplified version of the Data Management and Sharing Policy Overview Page 

JMU Solutions for Data Management Challenges

JMU Libraries offers resources to help you with your data management plan. Please see the Data Management Guide for Faculty, Researchers, and Students for more information.

Find Funding -

Matchmaker Tool in RePORTER

NIH is offering a tool to find the “perfect match” at NIH for your research.  

There’s plenty of fish in the sea, as NIH is made up of 27 institutes and centers (often referred to as ICs), 24 of which can make grant awards and have distinct missions that focus on a specific disease area, organ system, or stage of life.  

The NIH Matchmaker tool in RePORTER can help you determine which IC may be interested in your idea, which NIH program official you might want to reach out to, and which study section you might want to suggest your application gets assigned to for review (see a video demonstration of Matchmaker): 

-Simply enter your abstract or terms into the search field (give it enough information for it to make as precise a match as possible).

-Select whether you want to search for: 

  • Similar Projects, which will allow you to explore NIH funded projects that most closely match, which ICs funded those projects, to which study sections applications for those awards went, and more.
  • Similar Program Officials, which will show you which NIH program officials have grant portfolios that most closely match the information you input, allow you to explore the awards in those portfolios, provide you email addresses so you can contact the program officials, and shows you the ICs of the program officials   

-Explore the results screens! Filter results by clicking on the histograms.  

Input screen:

Project results screen:

Office of Sponsored Programs | James Madison University | 540-568-6872|
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