Most attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors are well-aware of donor-advised funds and the reasons behind their popularity. Especially when a donor-advised fund is established at Whidbey Community Foundation, this vehicle is an excellent way for your clients to organize their charitable giving and get even more connected to the causes they care about.
Enter the Qualified Charitable Distribution
Your clients can give nearly any type of asset to a donor-advised fund at Whidbey Community Foundation. A notable exception, though, is the Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). A QCD allows a taxpayer 70 ½ or older to make a direct transfer of up to $100,000 annually from an IRA to a qualifying charity. A donor-advised fund is not considered to be a qualifying charity.
Although donor-advised funds cannot accept QCDs, Whidbey Community Foundation offers other types of funds that can accept QCDs. For example, designated funds and field-of-interest funds held at the community foundation are ideal recipients of QCD transfers. These fund types are often overlooked, despite the high value they can deliver to your client and to the community.