March 2023
Important Notice 

At this time, a Simmental male in Canada must be a minimum of 15/16 Simmental, as per our currently approved (2014) upgrade table, to achieve purebred status. That same upgrade table (2014) is also the one currently being used in our registration process, and also applies to all Simmental animals imported into the CSA herd book from other countries. 

The Canadian Simmental Association will provide notice when this bylaw change that was approved by the CSA membership is also approved by Agriculture and Agrifood Canada. In addition, it is highly unlikely that any changes to the upgrade table or Purebred male status will be retroactive. 

Canadian Simmental Association. 

Bruce Holmquist
General Manager
Canadian Simmental Association
Cell: (639) 314-4613
The CCA’s Canadian Cattle Youth Council is hosting a webinar aimed at young people in the beef industry on Thursday, March 9 at 7:00 pm MT.
The next generation of the beef industry is encouraged to join us for a virtual evening with the Canadian Cattle Youth Council as we present:
Topic: A Seat at the Table – Getting involved with the Canadian Cattle Youth Council and the Canadian Beef Industry
Time: Join us for a virtual panel discussion March 9, 2023 @ 7 PM MT
Description: Join our young producer panelists from across the country to learn more about the Canadian Cattle Youth Council and what it means to have a seat at the table as the youth voice of the Canadian Cattle Association. We'll chat about the unique paths and learnings that have led us here, various ways you can look to get involved as a young person in the industry, the future of the Canadian beef industry and our place in it.
For more information about the Council and opportunities to become involved please visit
Moderator:  Tyler Fulton 
              Canadian Cattle Association
              Birtle, MB
Panelists:  Julie Mortenson
              Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off Agency Youth Member
              Nokomis, SK
          Charlene Yungblut
              Canadian Cattle Youth Council President
              Thorold, ON
          Scott Gerbrandt 
              Canadian Cattle Youth Council Vice-President 
              Swift Current, SK
          Victor Drury
              Canadian Cattle Youth Council Quebec Delegate
              Wakefield, QC

We have also shared the registration link/graphic on our social channels linked below:
Thank you for your consideration and please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions,
Jessica Radau 
Youth Leadership Coordinator
403-336-2146 (cell)
AGRI-NEWS - This Week in Agriculture


The herd letter for 2023 is “L”

2023 CSA Memberships
In accordance to CSA bylaw #22, Membership Fees must be paid by March 31st to remain an active member of the Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) and Young Canadian Simmental Association (YCSA). We thank our members for keeping accounts in good standing. If your 2023 membership fees have not been paid, please do so now.  
CSA Payment Methods
CSA accepts cheques, Visa, Mastercard and e-transfers. To add a credit card to your account, Credit Card Authorization Forms are found under Member Information at www.simmental.comPlease complete and send to the office. For e-transfers, use Canadian Simmental Association as recipient and email [email protected]  Include your CSA account number and security answer on e-transfer or by separate email to [email protected] so we can accept and deposit the funds to the correct account. 
2023 Total Herd Enrollment (THE) Billing (1st Installment)
Total Herd Enrollment members will be billed the 1st THE installment on April 3rd . Payment is due upon receipt of invoice. If you have a credit card on file, fees will be billed to your credit card. The 2nd THE installment will be invoiced on October 2nd
For enrolled cows that are shipped, sold or die between installments, the 2nd installment is still payable by the member enrolling the cow. For further information on Total Herd Enrollment, please go to under Registry & Forms / Total Herd Enrollment (THE).  
Credit Card Users

Please ensure your credit card is current with the CSA office. If your card expires or has changed, please contact us so work can be processed without delays. Online users are required to keep a valid working credit card on file at all times for online access.  

Prior to the April 1st deadline.  Just a friendly reminder to notify the office if you disposed or shipped any of your enrolled females for 2023, to prevent being charged T.H.E. fees on April 1st. Fees are not refundable. If you had purchased any female/s at the sales, please check with the office to ensure the new females are added to your 2023 Inventory prior to the end of March 2023.  

August 4-6, 2023 - Ancaster, Ontario

The Ontario Simmental Association is pleased to welcome everyone to the 2023 Canadian Simmental Association AGM and National YCSA Show in Ancaster, ON August 4-6, 2023. This event looks to be a great time and the OSA is excited to have you join them for some great tours, fantastic food, top-notch cattle, fun and fellowship with our Simmental neighbors from across the country!! The hospitality suite awaits....

Proposed Itinerary (subject to change):
Wednesday, Aug 2 - arrival and YCSA move-in
Thursday, Aug 3 - YCSA move-in, adult tours with, lunch, and supper
Friday, Aug 4 - YCSA activities begin, committee meetings, educational speakers, supper and evening entertainment for all
Saturday, Aug 5 - YCSA show and activities, CSA AGM, gala banquet, FCSF auction
Sunday, Aug 6 - YCSA show and activities conclude, move-out

Interested in donating to the auction?
If you are interested in donating to the auction please contact Stacy at the office [email protected]
For more information contact [email protected]
Check out our events page for a listing of all the upcoming bull sales
Have any member announcements? Please send to [email protected]
This months Simmental photo of the month was submitted by: Jaime Guilmette
If you would like to submit a photo for the photo of the month the photos must include the following:
·    Have a Simmental influence
·    A caption or description if you have one
·    All photos submitted maybe used in future Simmental marketing material
Please submit all photos to [email protected] 

Friday- April 7th- Good Friday
Monday- May 22nd - Victoria Day
Friday- July 3rd - Canada Day
Monday- August 7th- Civic Holiday
Monday- September 4th- Labour Day
Monday- October 9th- Thanksgiving
Monday- December 25th - Christmas
Tuesday - December 26th - in lieu of Remembrance Day