March is here. Graduation plans are starting to be made, spring break is right around the corner, and life seems to be busier than ever.
The office is buzzing with taxes, Allocations, and more. I have had several people ask what Allocations are, and so I thought this would be a great time to explain it.
One of the ways that United Way JCGC gives back to the community, is through partner support. A portion of the funding that we raise each year, goes to our partner agencies. This is done through our Allocation Process with our volunteers. Starting in January, we recruit community volunteers who then help us guide our funding in a manner that best fits the needs of the community. You see, we feel that the donors and community members should have a voice in how our funding is utilized. After all, it is their donations that make us possible. Our partner agencies submit applications and then our panel volunteers review the applications and have the opportunity to interview the agencies. This allows our volunteers to learn more about our partners and our community. Funding suggestions are made and presented to the board. This is how funding is approved for our partner agencies. It is a very important process, and we cannot operate without it.
As we are wrapping up the Allocation process for 2023, I would like to thank each of our volunteers who gave their time and voice to this important program. I value each and every one of you.
Nichole Mader
Executive Director