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South Wisconsin District | The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod | March 2024


6And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.” Mark 16:6-7

We are told that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. This is in reference to the weather. Usually, the beginning of March is characterized by the last throes of the beast that is winter. Cold and snow usually accompanies the turn of the page of the calendar of the short month of February to the mean month of March. This year the weather has been nothing short of crazy! Conscience is the only thing that kept me from sneaking out to the many open golf courses on a couple of the May-like days with which we were gifted by the Lord. I am not convinced that the old wives tale of March weather applies ever. But this year, the uncertainty of March’s weather is off the chart. Will it be more of what we have had? Or will the rodent of February 2 be correct and we go directly into that oft-promised, seldom delivered early spring? 


While there is confusion in the application of the old phrase about March in regard to our weather, it certainly applies to us in the Church. With the early arrival of Ash Wednesday and Lent in February, we are going to be treated to a very early Easter! Because of this, what we say about the weather in March really applies to the Church in March. The lectionary gifts us a Jesus who comes in like a Lion at the beginning of March. Jesus overturns the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple. From there we see the steady stride of the Lion of Judah on the March to accomplish His task of the redemption of all humanity. He verbalizes the great promise that He has not come to condemn the world but save it. He then triumphantly enters the Holy City of Jerusalem to the shouts of Hosannah!  


But how quickly it changes. After a month of Jesus being the Lion, March ends with Jesus being the Lamb. This Lamb goes uncomplaining forth as goes to the cross to be the once-for-all sacrifice for sin. This Lamb sighs. This Lamb dies. In the process, He takes our sin and wretchedness into Himself to the cross and to the tomb. The Lamb finishes what we could never accomplish: our eternal salvation!  


But that is not how March ends for us! The sacrificed Lamb becomes the Victorious Lamb! He lives, forgives. He gives you and me His own righteousness! The month of March ends with the angel at the tomb pointing the women to truth that an empty tomb confesses a resurrected, victorious Lamb, just like He promised!  


March then leaves us with marching orders! God tell His disciples and Peter is what the women were tasked with. From St. Mark’s account, we know that they were struck with fear. But we also know from the totality of the Gospels that they did go. They found the eleven. They confessed that the Lamb that was slain is now alive!  


March leaves us in the very same place. For that Lamb who was slain has begun His reign in and through us. We get the blessed opportunity through our lips and lives to announce to the world, starting right where we live, to let the brothers and sisters know that the Lamb has indeed risen for them as well, just like He said. This message is what we share through our mission partners in the South Wisconsin District. In this edition of the Mission and Mercy Moments you will see the many and various ways this mission is being carried out. We also are eager for you to be our partner. Partner with us in prayer. The challenge of this mission is real. Whether it is starting new congregations, encouraging vocation, or engaging our neighbors, the challenge of being distinctly Lutheran in our mission and mercy faces opposition all over. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. The forces of darkness are at work in our world and even in our Church. We can’t win alone. But the Holy Spirit is at work in so many ways and in so many places.  


March does indeed come in like a lion (of Judah) and goes out like a Lamb (the crucified and risen Lamb of God Jesus Christ!) May the Lord bless our work together in this month of Mission and Mercy as we seek to follow and freely share this Lamb of God, Jesus!  


This month we get the opportunity to get to know Pastor Allen Strawn serves at Calvary Lutheran Chapel on the Campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  


1. Tell us about the mission you serve as a partner with the SWD Mission and Mercy. 

I serve as the pastor of Calvary Lutheran Chapel on the Campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 


2. Tell us the story of how you got into the ministry. 


I was an engineering major throughout high school and my first two years of college, with an emphasis in mechanical and automotive engineering. While sitting and struggling in an engineering statics class, I asked myself what were the things that I knew I did not want to give up in my life. At that point in time I was teaching 7th and 8th grade Sunday School after an invitation by the Sunday School Superintendent and was a co-leader of our Junior and Senior High School youth groups. These were so important to me and to also forming me, that I knew that those opportunities were worth never giving up. From that day forward, the only option to consider was being a pastor. I spoke briefly with my pastor about this and he invited me to be an acolyte for our Christmas Eve candlelight service. When asked how the experience was, I responded that I felt like I lit candles. My pastor was testing me to see if I was an inner enthusiast. Many years later, I remembered that my Aunt Luanne all the way back in 2nd grade had said to me that she thought I would make a fine pastor. (Interestingly my response to her was that I wanted to be a race car driver. From 2011 through moving to Wisconsin, I was able to do both.) Her father had told me after our 8th grade musical that I had the voice of a preacher. 


3. What is the greatest ministry opportunity that we have for the Gospel where you are serving? 


The greatest ministry opportunity is reaching out to the residential university students. Throughout those formative years away from home, the students are branching away from that firm foundation of their home and their home congregation. The biggest challenge is reaching them, encouraging them, and being able to provide that firm foundation here away from their home. 


4. What two or three things can the people of the SWD be praying for on behalf of the ministry where you are serving? 


A) pray that in the midst of the changing and ever hostile world that Calvary and her pastor would remain steadfast in the one true faith in both doctrine and practice. B) pray that Calvary may be that firm foundation and her students home away from home and a place where they are comfortable sharing their challenges and being challenged in their daily walk. 


5. Can you share a good story that tells about what the Lord is doing where you are serving? 


Having only been at Calvary a few weeks, allow me to share a story of another aspect of ministry: I serve as an educator with Project Pastoral Education: West Africa. I was invited to teach on the Divine Service in Sierra Leone for their 2017 class. I have never desired to be a world traveler, much less leave the country. Sarah, my beloved, encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and give it a shot. With much trepidation and anxiety, I left the relative safety of our stable country and flew to the soil of a Third World country. After what was probably the greatest eye-opening endeavor I have ever embarked on, I cannot imagine ever giving up teaching the pastors and those in training of Sierra Leone and Liberia. Their hunger and thirst for the gospel and the proper education to faithfully under-shepherd the flocks entrusted to their care is inspiring, rejuvenating, and humbling. Their willingness to wrestle with the challenges of faithfulness in an ever-pagan world and sacrifice what little they have to take 2 weeks away from their family and jobs (as few actually make their living from the Gospel) to spend learning God’s Word and the Lutheran Confessions is worthy to be modeled. 


On February 6, those mission partners who receive funding from the South Wisconsin District Mission Budget were gathered at the South Wisconsin District Office for their annual Mission Partners Meeting. Mission partners representing our mission fields in the urban setting, Hispanic ministry, Hmong ministry, campus ministry, international outreach ministry, French-African Outreach ministry, and deaf ministry were represented. This annual meeting is an opportunity to communicate reporting requirements, SMART goal setting for the mission partners and general encouragement in each of these unique mission fields. There was also time around the table for those doing similar mission work in similar fields on how they might be more effective in sharing ideas, and working together so that we might as one District, Confess Christ for the Next Generation!


Lake Country Lutheran High School is hosting another CLI (Connecting, Learning, Innovating) Event on June 4 & 5 2024 that is supported by the LCMS Office of National Mission. The CLI event is “In His Image: Sexuality Conference.” There are three different components: one day for Pastors (June 4), one evening that is open to the community (June 4), and one day for Educators (June 5). 


·    Educators and Pastors

·    Community



·    Educators

·    Pastors

·    Community



·    Educators

·    Pastors

·    Community


·    Presenter Bios



·    Educators

·    Pastors

·    Community


The 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering is 18 months away, but plans are already underway to make this event successful. The Gathering will provide thousands of youth and adults the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to be encouraged in their walk with Jesus Christ and learn about the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity. 

A major part of Gathering’s success is the thousands of volunteers—including Gathering Ambassadors—who dedicate their time and energy pouring into the youth participants and adult leaders attending. Gathering Ambassadors are humble servant leaders, age 26 and older, who are joyful, energetic, quick to listen, and safety-minded. They are fun, friendly, and flexible! Most of all, Gathering Ambassadors love Jesus and shine His light in all circumstances. 

If you or someone you know would love to serve as a Gathering Ambassador, applications are open through March 15. To apply to become a Gathering Ambassador, visit For more information, please contact the Gathering Ambassador Leadership team at [email protected].

Thank you for considering serving in this way!


Saturday, April 27


New York Yankees vs. Milwaukee Brewers


6:10 PM


Loge Outfield Box - $25

Field Outfield Box - $36

Loge Infield Box - $38

Field Infield Box - $59

Terrace Infield - $15

Order your tickets by Friday, April 12.


If you have a group of 10 or more, please contact:

Teddy Sibilsky | Milwaukee Brewers | 414-902-4657




South Wisconsin District Financial Aid applications are due May 15. Anyone attending a Concordia University or Seminary, is a member of an LCMS congregation in the SWD and is preparing to be a full-time church worker (pastor, teacher, deaconess, DCE/DCO, DFLM, DPM, lay minister) is encouraged to apply. There are two applications required (District Financial Aid Application and Personal Aid Application). Both are available on the SWD website –


The Congregational Compass process is an effort to assist congregations in being equipped to Confess Christ for the Next Generation. Facilitated by SWD Mission Executive Rev. Dr. Nathan Meador, the process is outlined in this graphic.    


The Congregational Compass Process

The Congregation participates in a full MissionInsite process with the SWD LCEF DVP.  


Demographics will focus on both community and the congregation. Congregations will need to provide address information for their members for a congregational plot. This will enable a better understanding of the congregation whether it does or does not mirror the community in which the Lord has placed it. It will also provide potential strategies for connecting and communication with the community. This will include the mapping of the members of the congregation that will enable an assessment of how their ministry needs match (or do not match) the community. 

The congregation participates in the C.A.D.D.S through LCMS Witness and Outreach and reports results to the SWD Mission Executive and LCEF DVP. The C.A.D.D.S. is a Congregational Assessment of Development/Decline Status. It is a survey-based self-assessment tool designed to provide the congregation with a consistent and objective answer to the question “where are we…really?’ It is a 95-question survey that measures three critical elements of congregational well-being. These areas are sustainability, adaptability, and inward/outward focus of the congregation. It is completed online by members of the congregation and other stakeholders (non-member parents in the educational ministry, etc.).

The congregation completes the WHY Discovery Process with SWD Mission and Mercy.  


The WHY Process helps discover and craft a WHY Statement that serves as a guide for all ministry. 


The HOW Process groups all ministry into three to five major areas of focus.  


The WHAT Process takes all the activities and slots them in each HOW.  


Each activity is then assessed to see if it flows from the WHY.  

If it does, it is celebrated and strengthened.  


If it does not, it is either retooled so that it does or it is eliminated.  


Following this process, a series of community listening sessions are held. They ask 3 Questions: 


  1. What is great about living here? 
  2. What are the challenges of living here? 
  3. Who is addressing these challenges? 


After completing the listening sessions, the congregation then asks of themselves, “How does our living out our WHY help address these challenges and how can we be a part of the solution for the sake of the Gospel? The answers to these questions directs future mission and ministry that flows from the Congregational WHY. 

To date, 25 congregations have either registered for, are in process of, or have completed the process. If you think this might be a blessing to your congregation, please contact SWD Mission and Mercy at 414-464-8101 or [email protected].  


The South Wisconsin District, in partnership with the LCMS Office of National Mission – Stewardship will host a hybrid Philippians Conference, April 20, 2024. The conference will be facilitated by the Rev. Dr. Nathan Meador, SWD Mission Executive and LCMS National Mission Stewardship Specialist. Dr. Meador co-authored the work Stewardship for the Care of Souls and has been part of LCMS National Mission – Stewardship since 2013. 


What is a Philippians Conference? The workshop is based on Paul’s words in Philippians Chapter 1. In that chapter, and throughout the whole book of Philippians, we see how all the leadership of the congregation is working together in the realm of stewardship: Paul, Timothy, deacons, overseers and lay “partners in the Gospel” are all mentioned within just the first three verses. 


The Philippians Conference gathers pastors and lay leaders from the congregational level to spend a day together looking at the theology and practice of stewardship. The goal of the event is to ground congregational stewardship on the solid foundation of Scripture and Confession. The session will also look into the need for the local congregation to assess, strengthen and even change their local stewardship culture. The highlights of these events are that the congregation gets a fresh perspective on stewardship and leaves the event with one or two action items to put into practice immediately. 


Who Should Attend?  

  • Pastors – This is critical since the teaching of stewardship is part of the whole counsel of God. 
  • Elders – Stewardship is a spiritual and pastoral care issue. 
  • Other elected leaders – Faithful steward leadership in the congregation is essential! 
  • Other members of the congregation – EVERY human being is a steward by virtue of Creation and every child of God is a steward of the Gospel by virtue of their baptismal identity. 


Conference Agenda: 

8:30am – 9:00am Registration for in-person participants 

9:00am – 9:10am Welcome and Opening Devotion 

9:10am – 10:30am Stewardship Conversion: OUR Stewardship Story 

10:30am – 10:45am Break 

10:45am – Noon Stewardship Culture 

Noon – 12:45pm Lunch Break 

12:45pm – 1:50pm Assessing Stewardship Culture and Action Items 

1:50pm – 2:00pm Closing Comments/and Devotion 


How to Participate: 

Local congregation groups are encouraged to join us in-person at the South Wisconsin District office. Program material and lunch will be provided. Groups from outside the Milwaukee area are also invited to attend in-person.  


The South Wisconsin District staff can make recommendations for lodging, but arrangements will be up to the individual groups that wish to attend in-person.  




Congregations are also invited to host an on-line “watch party.” This would mean that your pastor(s), congregational leaders, and members would gather on your campus to participate as a group via Zoom. There will be an online moderator to ensure the presenter addresses your questions. 


To maximize your experience, it is important that there be groups of participants at the local setting. While an individual may participate, the event is best experienced and has the greatest impact when viewed together. The watch party host is strongly encouraged to arrange beverages, snacks, and lunch for their fellow participants.  


The Zoom link will be emailed to the host the week of the event along with participant materials that will need to be printed on an as-needed basis. 


How much does this cost? 

There is no cost to participate in this event. 


How do I register? 

Both in-person and on-line seats are limited, so register today at If you intend to join us in-person, please be ready to register your complete list of attendees. The registration form closes on April 15. 


Other questions?  

All questions about the event may be directed to [email protected] or call 414-464-8101. 


Recently, our Mission Partners in the Dominican Republic hosted a team from Concordia Seminary St. Louis. This “Mission Education” team got to sample all aspects of the on-going exciting work that the Lord is doing through this partnership. The team was able to meet and work with students at the school in Palmar Arriba. They spent some quality time with seminary students at Concordia Seminary of the Reformer. They also traveled to Santo Domingo and worked with Pastor Sergio Maita and the after-school program at Pan da Via Lutheran Church. The church is located right across the street from a busy plaza that allows for interaction with many people and the opportunity to confess Jesus to them.  

If your congregation would like to experience what it is like on the ground in the Dominican Republic, there are ample opportunity to do this. Currently planned opportunities are listed at If you have questions about serving as a part of a Mercy Team, a Construction Team or a Mission Education Team, please reach out to Erin Mackenzie at [email protected]


The Lord continues to enlarge His family and expand His kingdom through the efforts of the LCMS Sheboygan County Hispanic Outreach. On December 23, 2023, Maria Juana Tellez Hernandez was baptized at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee. On January 7, 2024, Gabriel David Petit Delgado a boy, 14 years old, was baptized at Good Shepherd, Sheboygan. On February 18, 2024, Ana Sofia Duarte Solano and Victoria Isabella Duarte Solano were baptized at Iglesia Luterana El Buen Pastor in Sheboygan. 

This past Sunday, February 25, 2024, was a Sunday of celebration at the LCMS Sheboygan County Hispanic outreach. Ten new members (1 Mexican, 2 Colombian and 7 Venezuelans) were confirmed at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Sheboygan after completing membership and confirmation classes. The Lord is doing great things in Sheboygan! This ministry continues growing as more than 40 people meet every Sunday in Word and Sacrament. Thanks to Jesus! 


FLAME IS COMING TO MILWAUKEE!!!! On April 27, Lutheran Rap artist and Concordia Seminary St. Louis graduate (Master of Arts in Religion) will be headlining a community outreach event at Hope Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. Registration is now open.

FLAME is a GRAMMY® nominated and Stellar Award-winning hip-hop artist. He is a well-versed leader in the Christian hip-hop scene with a growing list of accolades, including a GRAMMY® nomination, several Dove and Stellar Award nominations, and multiple Billboard chart toppers. He was born and raised in the inner city of St. Louis, MO. He has released 9 albums to date including Captured (2010), The 6th (2012), Royal Flush (2013), Forward (2015), Stellar Award-winning God Knows (2018), Extra Nos EP (2020), DayBreak EP (2020), and Christ For You EP (2021) under his own imprint. 

For over a decade, FLAME has traveled throughout North America & the Caribbean, Africa, Europe, and Asia performing music that has impacted the masses. In addition to touring, writing, recording and co-producing his own projects, FLAME founded and helms Clear Sight Music, a burgeoning record label raising the bar in Christian hip-hop and beyond. He has a Master’s degree in theology with a minor in counseling. 

Registration NOW OPEN. Seating is limited! Please share this information with anyone in your circle whom you believe would benefit from this conference experience!  


Burning for Christ 


We look forward to getting together with our youth leaders, young adults, lay leaders, friends and volunteers representing our LCMS churches and communities. Registration is required for this complimentary concert and conference. 


Saturday, April 27, 2024 at Hope Lutheran Church – Milwaukee 10:00AM – 2:00PM 


You may arrive for the event at 9:00AM. Entrance doors close at 10:30AM. No admittance after 10:30 AM.


Conference/Concert Schedule 


8:15 - 9:00 AM Pre-Session Networking 

9:00 - 9:15 AM Welcome and Introduction 

9:15 - 10:00 AM Opening Address Mr. Darryl Winston-TOPIC: Talk to Us 

10:00 - 10:10 AM Break 

10:10 - 10:55 AM Session I Mr. Jason Crayton -TOPIC: Called to HIS Purpose 

10:55 - 11:05 AM Break 

11:05 - 11:50 AM Session II Mr. Josh Atkinson -TOPIC: No Fear 

11:50 - 12:40 PM Light Lunch Networking Break 

12:40 - 1:40 PM FLAME Concert Performance 

1:40 - 2:00 PM Closing Remarks 

Registration CLOSE is Friday, April 12, or until conference capacity is reached. 


On February 4, Christ and Good Shepherd Lutheran Churches in Sheboygan hosted a Mission Sunday. SWD Mission Executive Rev. Dr. Nathan Meador was invited to preach for the services. After the service at Good Shepherd, Dr. Meador was greeted by the Sunday School and presented with a check in support of our church planting efforts in Green County, WI. The check from the Sunday School offerings was for over $800! In addition, both congregations took a door offering for support of the Church planting efforts.

Pictured with Dr. Meador are the Sunday School students and Superintendent Mr. Chris Vanic. Photo by Mrs. LuAnn Roman.  

Cross Lutheran Church – West Port Update 


Not long ago, Cross Lutheran Church in Westport was the focus of Church planting in SWD. Here is an update from Pastor Joel Brandt: 


God’s Spirit is continuing His work on Madison‘s northwest side! The Good news of the Gospel is empowering and equipping the people of Cross Lutheran Church in Westport, WI as they strive to help their community discover more about God, grow as a family in faith, and live out Christ’s love in our community! Recently, Cross celebrated the milestone of welcoming our newest members which catapulted our baptized membership to over 200! God is Good and His Mercy endures forever! 


Hope Lutheran Church in Milwaukee seeks to live up to its name as they serve as a beacon of hope through their Greif Share Ministry. Led by Anita Harmon, they can come alongside those who have been impacted by the death of those closest to them and offer them comfort, compassion and the Word of God. This is also connecting people with Word and Sacrament ministry through Hope Lutheran Church. 

Here is a letter that was shared with Mrs. Harmon about the impact of this Ministry: 


My experience with Grief Share at Hope Lutheran Church started in February 2018. My name is Tanja Dixon. My son Anthony (Bay-Bay) was shot and killed September 4, 2017. My life changed drastically. I was depressed and trying to cope with the grief. 

In February 2018 a friend on FACEBOOK sent me a flyer about the Grief Share program. Me and my mom went the first Saturday. I felt comfortable watching the videos and working my workbook. I love Grief Share caused it helped me to understand and live in my “New Normal”. 

I eventually became a co-facilitator. I loved that the program is faith-based also. Four of my family members went through the program. Three of my grandchildren go baptized and joined Hope Lutheran Church. 

My husband got sick with prostate cancer in February 2023. I got so much support from my Grief Share family at the time he battled the cancer. He passed away December 18, 2023. So, when Grief Share starts back up in March 2024, I will not only be a co-facilitator but a participant as well. 


Submitted by, 

Tanja Dixon 


Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-South WI District 

Women in Mission 


Mission Statement 

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others. 

Are you planning to attend the LWML SWD Heart to Heart Sisters Event, “Hearts for the Harvest” on March 16, 2024? 


See Schedule:  

LWML SWD Convention 2024 

Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Sun Prairie, WI 

June 14-15, 2024 


Chosen to Love and Serve 

Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Colossians 3:12 


The LWML SWD Convention is an opportunity for every congregational group to have a voice in the selection of Mission Grants for the 2024-2026 Biennium and in electing district officers.  


Currently, the Nomination Committee is seeking pastors willing to be on the ballot for the Jr. Pastoral Counselor. LWML SWD relies on our Pastoral Counselors to keep us doctrinally sound as we serve the Lord with gladness. Please consider serving! 

If interested, please contact: [email protected]

For more information: 


Stewardship is an on-going topic that every Christian and every congregation needs to deal with if it is to faithfully serve the Gospel. Here are some resources for pastors and steward leaders in the congregation. 

stewardcast image.JPG

The StewardCAST is a monthly stewardship newsletter that engages theological and practical issues in Christian stewardship. Download the latest edition here:


Weekly Stewardship Blurbs for the congregational Bulletin are available. Based on either the three-year or one-year lectionary, they bring to the people in the pew a Biblical and Confessional thought on stewardship. Download the latest here:

Rev. Dr. Nathan Meador serves the SWD as Mission Executive and resources LCMS Stewardship. He is more than happy to come speak to your congregational leadership about stewardship issues. He can also be a resource for helping your congregation get a better understanding of why the Lord has you in your community for such a time as this and set in place a plan for what the Lord is leading toward and how to accomplish it. Again, contact [email protected] for more information. 


As we progress through 2024, Craig Toerpe, Gift Planning Counselor for the LCMS Foundation, serving the South Wisconsin District, would like to highlight different ways in which God’s people can make a gift to ministry.  At the conclusion of each article, there will be a testimony from a household of faith Craig has worked with, as a way to encourage you and your membership to complete their own plan.   Today we are going to highlight how one can leave a gift to ministry via a bequest. A bequest is the act of leaving something to a person or ministry through a will, trust, or payable-on-death designation.   

How Does It Work: Many people want to give to ministry but are unable to donate during their lifetime. For example, you may have assets that will be needed during your live to cover living expenses or rising health care costs. You hold on to these assets during life, but then bequeath them to family/ministry when the Lord calls you home. 

What Assets Can Be Bequeathed: Almost any asset can be given through a bequest, including cash, property, insurance, or investment accounts. Retirement accounts (including Traditional IRA, ROTH IRA, 401K, 403b, pension or other tax deferred plans), can also be gifted by completing a beneficiary designation form provided by your financial plan administrator. When you name the LCMS Foundation as beneficiary, you work with your Gift Planner, to select the ministry/ministries you want to receive your gift. The LCMS Foundation distributes the gift(s) according to your direction. 

Examples Of Bequests: (1) Specific Asset: A bequest that transfers a specific item or specific dollar amount to a beneficiary. “I give $10,000 to…” (2) Percentage of the Remainder: A bequest that transfers a percentage (%) of what is left of an estate via Will/Trust. “I give 50% of the remainder of my estate…” (3) Percentage of an Asset: A bequest can transfer a percentage of a particular asset. “I give 50% of my remaining IRA to…” 

To conclude, a bequest is a real simple way to remember heirs or ministry through a will, trust, or payable-on-death designation. When carefully designated, the amount given (bequeathed) is not subject to federal estate tax or income tax. Your LCMS Foundation Gift Planning Counselor can assist you in this process. Here is a testimony from a family Craig recently met with at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, WI. 


"Craig, Thanks ever so much for all your help today; especially the review of our current Will/Trust. We truly did not understand all the legal jargon in our Will/Trust, and how you broke it down made it very simple. You really made a difference in getting us to a better place for now and for our future. Thank You!” 


Contact Craig Toerpe, Gift Planning Counselor of the LCMS Foundation to help facilitate these important conversations and to assist in making gifts for the family you love and the ministries you care about at 262-707-3005 or [email protected] 



+ For President Wille’s health and continues treatments 

+ For SWD Board Member Mr. Brad Jentsch and his wife Bille Jo as she donates a kidney to be transplanted to him

+ For our SWD Mission Partner Rev. Bud Palmer at the death of his wife

+ For the faithful service to the Lord and SWD of Attorney Walter Tesch, who now rests from his labors with Jesus

+ For the upcoming Youth Outreach in Milwaukee featuring FLAME 

+ For the church planting work in Green County and Pastor Josh Benish 

+ For our Campus Ministry outreach at UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee, UW-LaCrosse, UW-Platteville, Marquette, and MSOE

+ For our Mission Partners in the Dominican Republic 

+ For Faithful Stewardship among the congregations and people of the South Wisconsin District

+ For congregations to seek new and exciting ways to connect their neighbors with Jesus in outreach and witness

+ For our partners in mission and ministry at Concordia University Wisconsin/Ann Arbor

Rev. Dr. Nathan Meador

Mission Executive

South Wisconsin District - LCMS

[email protected]

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