
March 2024

Legislative Wins With Huge Impacts

Just minutes before midnight on Sine Die (the last day of Georgia's legislative session), lawmakers passed an important new education reform bill, Senate Bill 169. Two days before, lawmakers passed House Bill 404 (the "Safe at Home Act"), which improves housing safety for Georgia's most vulnerable renting families. Our policy team played a key role in developing these bills and lobbying lawmakers. Both bills received overwhelming support from legislators--receiving a total of just four dissenting votes.

Learn more about these bills on our website and in an Atlanta Journal Constitution op-ed by Executive Director, Michael Waller and Board Chair Eric Fisher's letter to the editor.

House Bill 404 - Housing Justice

HB404, the Safe at Home Act, (view Summary) sets Georgia's first statewide safety standard for rental properties (a “warranty of habitability”) and provides renting families a three-day "right to cure" a lease violation to avoid eviction. HB404 is a first step in tackling Georgia's widespread housing conditions crisis. Dangerous conditions and evictions impact kids the most--causing health problems, behavioral challenges, educational setbacks, and a heightened risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system.

HB404 was a priority of our Georgia Healthy Housing Coalition (GHHC) 10-year advocacy plan to increase access to safe and stable housing statewide for renting families. To get it passed, we worked with legislators and partners Housing Justice League, HouseATL Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation, and other GHHC members.

Senate Bill 169 - School Justice

Georgia Appleseed worked with Senator Chuck Payne to draft SB169 (view Summary) which requires that school kids get timely disciplinary hearings when they get in trouble at school. We have found that children often wait weeks out of class before schools determine the child's guilt or innocence and whether they will be punished. This time out of school has serious consequences. According to the Georgia Dept. of Ed., even an 11-day suspension can cut a child's graduation prospects in half. SB 169 will make discipline fairer, and keep more kids in school learning, where they belong.

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$1 Million Award

In March, Georgia Appleseed received an extraordinary $1 million award from Yield Giving Open Call, an initiative by philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. The award is an exciting and humbling honor--Ms. Scott only gave awards to about 5.5% of the 6,353 applicants.

With Ms. Scott's gift, Georgia Appleseed will expand our reach and deepen our impact for children, families, and communities across Georgia. We are profoundly grateful for the support of Georgia Appleseed’s mission and approach to community engagement and reform.

HR Corner: New Team Members!

Help us find our next team member! We are actively seeking a Legal & Policy Director, the senior attorney managing our programs team and all legal and policy initiatives. View the Job Description here.

It is an exciting time to get on board with Georgia Appleseed!

We happily welcome our two newest team members!

Luci Ruiz (top photo) is Policy Counsel for our Housing Justice initiative and pro bono partnerships. Luci came to us after 11 years of advocating for children and youth in law school, as a public defender, and in private practice. Before law school, she was in AmericaCorps supporting veterans and military families.

Our new Staff Attorney, Mary Kathryn Velazquez (bottom photo), has also made children's welfare the focus of her career. Before Georgia Appleseed, she was in a law clinic at the Barton Child Law & Policy Center and worked with fellow law students at Emory University on legislative advocacy and policy analysis. Before Emory Law, she was a paralegal supporting victims of race and gender-based employment discrimination and sexual harassment.

Get Your Tickets to Roar Now!

Get your tickets now for our Roaring for Justice event on Thursday April 18, 2024! Along with great music, food, and fellowship we will celebrate our community’s Good Apples for the difference they make in the lives of Georgia’s children and families. This year’s awardees are:

  • Judge Amanda Heath for leading Georgia’s courts to advance justice and equity for youth.
  • Georgia Power Foundation for promoting education for every Georgia child.
  • The Carter Center Mental Health Program for expanding access to mental health services for children.

More than just a fun night at the zoo, it is a chance to join Georgia's finest legal minds and community leaders to advance justice for Georgia’s children.

Support us by purchasing tickets today

To volunteer or sponsor the event, contact Liz McDaniel.

FY2023 Annual Report Shines a Light on Data

Our Annual Report for last fiscal year (ending June 2023) is now available digitally on our website. If you would like a printed copy, please email our Director of Engagement & Development, Liz McDaniel.

Focusing on how data is interwoven throughout our work, the impact report provides a financial overview, recognizes supporters, and highlights milestones from our School Justice and Housing Justice initiatives.

Connect and Support

Georgia Appleseed advances justice for Georgia's most marginalized children to keep them in school, in healthy homes, and out of the justice system. Join us by making a donation and/or becoming a pro bono partner.

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Connecting with you helps us build our community of advocates and amplify our mission to advance justice for children across Georgia. Follow our social media sites to stay up to date with resources, celebrations and announcements. View our video library on YouTube, and follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn and FaceBook.