Barn Raising
All Master Gardeners are invited to help one time at a different MG site. There's much to be done in early spring. Here's where you might lend a helping hand.
March 22 (Rain date, March 23) and April 26 (Rain Date, April 27)
9 am-11 am.
The Greenlawn garden stretches for 180 feet. March and April are dedicated to cutback and clean up. Bring shears and clippers. Wear long pants and gloves.
Parking available in the street on Broadway, Boulevard Avenue or one the one-way access road. Please contact MG Susan Matthews if you plan to come.
Saturday, March 23 & Saturday, April 6. 10 am.
As this is one of the largest Master Gardener sites in Suffolk County, there's much to be done for Spring cleanup. Please wear long pants and bring gloves and garden tools. Contact Betty Baran if you can join these Master Gardeners.
Beyond Barn Raising:
Master Gardener Training started two days ago with 50 enrolled in the course. A very big group of promising MGs!
I'm guiding them to shape Action Projects that connect to EXISTING MG Activities and Sites, both Approved and Provisional. I need your help attracting these MGs to your effort.
What new or ongoing engaging activity might you consider bringing more attention to this year? What educational outreach could be developed and offered? Can you include ongoing site maintenance that is more than weeding and cleanup? That is, what could you plan this year in terms of greater community engagement--a short workshop on invasive weed ID removal or......?
For those of you who respond to this callout..I will be sending the MG class a list with your site/ contact name with a brief description of activity for 2024 in the next 2 weeks. If I don't hear from you by then, your MG effort/site will not make the list to be shared with the MGS in training. Please put ACTION PROJECT in your subject line to me at
A friendly reminder to all.
Please report your MG VOLUNTEER HOURS at least 2 or 3 times a year.
Here's the link to the Master Gardener Reporting Survey.