News and Updates from SCDSS | March 2024

Practicing Perseverance Daily

By Michael Leach, DSS State Director


Perseverance is the cornerstone of success. It's about pushing forward, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks. Each day, we encounter hurdles that test our resolve, but it's our ability to persist and keep striving that ultimately leads us to achievement. Remember, every setback is an opportunity for growth, and every challenge is a chance to prove our resilience. Equally important is the support we provide one another. We are not alone in our journey, and we can’t do it alone. We are thankful to have partners and colleagues, like you, who stand beside us, ready to offer assistance, guidance, and encouragement when needed. Whether it's lending a helping hand on a tough task, providing constructive feedback, or simply being a listening ear, our support for each other strengthens the fabric of SC and enables us to achieve more together than we ever could alone.

Let's continue to embody perseverance in everything we do, pushing through obstacles with determination and unwavering resolve. And let's never underestimate the power of support, recognizing that together, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way. Thank you all for your dedication and hard work. Your perseverance and support are what make SC truly remarkable.

Here are some additional updates that we would like to share:

There is a new Drug Testing Hotline now available that will provide consultative services to all DSS Child Welfare Services staff on the proper administration of drug tests and drug screens, interpretation of drug screening results, guidance on frequency of testing and/or screening based on information provided, recommendations of types of appropriate screening, and substances that are subject to testing based on specific tests.

SC BOO$T has rolled out and is open to individuals who work in a DSS-regulated program, have been employed within the same program for six months or more, and are in a direct care position. To be eligible, applicants must have verified employment within the SC Endeavors Registry, current Career Ladder level, and must complete the salary/wage information in the registry. Direct care staff must earn $24 per hour or less, while directors or family/group providers need to earn no more than $30 per hour.

KinGAP has rolled out and will have our first kin families soon that qualify for this permanency option.

DSS Adult Advocacy, Adult Centered Planning (ACP) program is now underway! We have started the referral process with select counties in each of the four regions.

We look forward to sharing many updates with you in the future.



DSS Recognizes March as Social Work Month

The South Carolina Department of Social Services recognizes and celebrates March as Social Work Month in South Carolina. The national theme for this year’s observance, selected by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), is Empowering Social Workers. Throughout the month of March, the Department of Social Services is highlighting social workers who work to positively impact the well-being of children, vulnerable adults, and families across South Carolina. Social workers help people overcome personal crises like food insecurity, lack of affordable housing, or limited access to preventable and acute healthcare services.


“Social workers help hundreds and thousands of people every day across the nation, helping them overcome life’s hurdles, connecting the dots to supports and services while ensuring safety and stability for the children and families we serve,” said DSS State Director Michael Leach. “These professionals help to support individuals who may be struggling, all while sacrificing time and energy away from their own family and loved ones. That’s why this year’s national theme is Empowering Social Workers because these public servants need support to fulfill the agency’s mission by ensuring the well-being of our clients.”

To see a video message from Director Leach on the agency’s recognition of Social Work Month, click here. To read a proclamation from Governor Henry McMaster celebrating March as Social Work Month, click here. DSS case managers provide social work services and support to the community in a variety of ways including foster care services, child protective services, employment and training services, public adoption, and adult protective services. DSS also employs staff who provide professional development, training, and administrative support to professionals directly in the field serving one in six South Carolinians.

The agency is doing our part to help recruit, educate, train, and retain the next generation of social workers in South Carolina through DSS’ recently launched Child Welfare BSW Scholars Program, which will assist college students looking to obtain their Bachelor’s in Social Work from one of three participating institutions of higher education. In exchange for tuition assistance and successful completion of the program, the participating scholar will in turn commit to work for DSS for two years after graduation. For existing agency professionals looking to obtain a Master’s in Social Work, the agency has created an MSW Scholars Program for child welfare employees looking to continue their education, training, and employment with DSS in exchange for tuition assistance. For more information on the Child Welfare BSW Scholars Program, please click here. To learn about the Child Welfare Employee MSW Scholars Program, please click here. Throughout the month of March, DSS is posting videos and stories about the impact of its work in service to South Carolina’s citizens on social media. They can be seen here. The Department of Social Services currently has job openings for case managers and a variety of other positions. For more information click here.

New Lily Pad Room in Chesterfield County

On Monday, March 18th, Lily Pad founders Benjamin and Jennifer Tice created a beautiful living room setting for our foster children’s use while awaiting placement.

Chesterfield County DSS is so grateful for their passion for children and all their hard work creating a “Soft Place to Land” for our children.

Jennifer and Benjamin are shown left with their family with permission.

A Joyful International Reunification!

On Thursday, February 29, 2024, DSS Professionals were pleased to facilitate reunification between one of our foster care youth and his mother in Brazil. The team worked diligently with the consulate to communicate with the mother who desperately wanted her son back.

The team completed the necessary tasks to present to the court and the agency was ordered to reunify the youth with his mother.

The team leader, Crystal Hopkins, enthusiastically agreed to travel to Brazil with the youth for the reunification. She spoke about how pleased she was with being a part of this process and that this is her “why” for doing what she loves.

SCDSS Partners for Family Safe and Healthy Housing

Anderson recently had a kinship caregiver in family preservation contact SCDSS to notify them that her child had been experiencing symptoms of lead poisoning. The young child was hospitalized, and the kinship caregiver found out that lead was everywhere in her home. The home has been deemed unlivable, and the kinship caregiver needed some immediate assistance until she and her landlord could find her another place to stay.

The landlord was able to take care of some of the family’s stay in a hotel, and the agency was able to reach out to Fostering the Family, specifically Kim Trainer, who helped secure more hotel coverage for the family. This is not the first act of kindness Fostering the Family has shown. They are always willing to meet the needs of the families SCDSS serve.

Lowcountry Adoption Celebration

On Saturday, February 10th, Lowcountry Adoptions hosted an end-of-the-year adoption celebration for families who finalized their public adoption in 2023. There was a fantastic turnout with 16 families in attendance.

A huge thank you to the sponsors for making this event happen including the Adoptions Ministry at Mount Moriah Baptist Church, Crissy Salamone, and the team with All Thing Acre Petting Zoo, Kitcat Cunningham with Hoopitude, Robyn Hayden with Red Robyn Balloons, 514-Jump Amusement, and Harold Jordan with Harold Jordan Magic.

Reflecting on CACFP Week!

The Division of Early Care and Education (DECE) Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) was excited to celebrate healthy food and nutrition during CACFP Week, held March 10th-16th. CACFP strives to combat hunger and promote better nutrition in South Carolina by reimbursing child care centers, adult care centers, child care homes, afterschool programs, and emergency shelters that serve USDA-qualified healthy meals and snacks.


Between October 2022 and September 2023, CACFP served more than 16 million meals in participating child and adult care centers and reimbursed more than $37 million to participating child and adult care providers in South Carolina. On average, more than 39,000 of the state’s children and adults are served daily through CACFP.


This year, the CACFP Week theme was Taste the Rainbow, and CACFP presented a daily challenge that encouraged the participation of providers and the public to incorporate colorful fruits and vegetables into their meals and snacks. The list of activities can be found on the SC Child Care website. The agency also shared testimonies from organizations about the positive impact CACFP has made in their programs. These testimonies were shown throughout the week on the SCDSS social media channels.

CACFP Week kicked off with an interview with WIS TV on March 1st where CACFP Supervisor and Training Coordinator Greta Avery spoke about the benefits of CACFP for children and families.


To learn more about CACFP, visit

SCDSS Professionals Participated in

Read Across America Week

March 2nd-6th was recognized as National Read Across America Week. The National Education Association (NEA) established the week of celebration to educate on the importance of reading and its benefits, especially for young children.

As has become the custom in recent years, DSS professionals participated in Read Across America Week by reading short stories on camera. These recordings were shared on DSS social media platforms including the DSS website, YouTube page, Facebook, X, and Instagram. SCDSS is happy to say that this year, there were a record number of participants! To see videos of DSS professionals reading short children’s stories, please click here.

Pre-K Enrollment Day

On April 4th, Palmetto Pre-K is hosting Pre-K Enrollment Day, which encourages families to enroll their children in quality preschool programs.

SCDSS is a part of Palmetto Pre-K, an initiative of the South Carolina Early Childhood Advisory Council that provides a statewide network of publicly funded preschool programs in South Carolina. The initiative also assists families by helping them get children ready for school, work, and life by connecting them with full or half-day quality preschool experiences.

Learn more about the initiative at

Child Care Programs Recognized with Sleep Safe Designations

Congratulations to the first two child care programs in the state to be awarded the Sleep Safe SC Child Care Designation!

Circle of Friends at Serenity Place in Greenville and the Starlight program at Tamassee Early Learning Center in Tamassee are the first programs in the state to be awarded the Sleep Safe SC Child Care Designation, administered by the South Carolina Program for Infant/Toddler Care (SCPITC), a DSS-funded partner agency.

Programs that are awarded the designation have completed a two-hour training on safe sleep practices, committed to using safe sleep practices for every baby, developed a safe sleep policy, educated staff and families on using safe sleep practices, and will complete annual training on safe sleep.

“Circle of Friends is so excited to pursue the Safe Sleep Designation because safe sleep practices are so important for the well-being of our children,” said Director Kristina Mack. “SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) may not be completely avoidable, but we as caregivers will do everything in our power to avoid SUID (Sudden Unexpected Infant Death) and give our children the safest, most nurturing environment and experiences possible! The Sleep Safe SC Designation will help us as caregivers to educate faculty and families about the importance and necessity of safe sleep practices. I believe this education piece will help families and staff understand what happens when we use the ABCs of safe sleep. Our hope is that families will use safe sleep practices at home and educate others who may not be aware of safe sleep best practices.”

Amy Wills, Early Learning Director at Tamassee Early Learning Center said, “I feel very confident that my staff knows the best practices for preventing SIDS and will use those best practices daily. When a new infant came into the Starlight program and our center, staff from both programs were able to share the same information and work with the mom on implementing safe sleep practices. The mom immediately stopped letting her infant sleep with a blanket and now her baby sleeps alone, in a crib, placed on her back. I believe Sleep Safe SC is invaluable to centers and the community. Thank you so much for the opportunity to be a part of this incredible program.”

The Sleep Safe SC Child Care Designation is provided to programs at no cost. Providers awarded the designation receive free HALO sleep sacks and board books for use in the infant classroom, as well as supportive coaching from a certified infant/toddler specialist.

Funding for SCPITC is provided by the South Carolina Department of Social Services using federal funds from the Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

South Carolina Cost of Child Care Study

The SCDSS Division of Early Care and Education (DECE), along with Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies (P5FS) and the South Carolina Early Childhood Association (SCECA), recently presented a professional development opportunity for 155 early childhood directors at the 2024 SCECA conference. They focused on a new approach to child care subsidy rates.

DSS is working with P5FS to design and implement a new approach to setting child care subsidy rates. Rather than relying on a survey of current child care tuition prices, this “alternative methodology” gathers financial and programmatic data from child care programs to inform a child care cost model. This cost model can help better understand how much it costs to deliver early care and education that meets state standards and compensates the workforce sufficiently.

Pictured left to right: P5FS Consultants Karen Rhinehardt and Casey Amayun; ABC Quality Director Beverly Hunter, DECE Program Coordinator Catherine Haselden, and ABC Quality Project Manager Sherrie Dueno.

Family Assistance | Early Care & Education | Employment Services
Food Assistance for SC Families
Apply for SNAP online.

Households, individuals, seniors, and the homeless may be eligible for SNAP benefits. People who are working and need help to stretch their income to purchase food may also be eligible for SNAP benefits as well as those receiving Social Security benefits, child support, or unemployment.

The SC Department of Social Services alerts the public about a phishing campaign involving texts claiming EBT benefit cards are locked.

Click HERE to Learn More


March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

Every March, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) and its partners celebrate Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (DDAM) highlights how people with and without disabilities come together to form strong communities.


DDAM raises awareness of the inclusion and contributions of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of community life. 


Just shy of 1 percent of adults between the ages of 21 and 41 have an intellectual disability, according to findings published recently in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. APS serves adults from various ages starting at 18 years old with developmental disabilities. 


Many adults with an intellectual disability are on waiting lists for community-based services and are not receiving necessary support for housing, employment, and much more. In addition, they often face an uncertain future as their caregivers age.


In Adult Advocacy, it is our purpose to help ensure attention will be given to the adult’s right to self-determination, lifestyle, and culture. We also assist with connecting the adult to necessary supports to help the adult thrive in their community.

Join us as we continue to explore the work that still needs to be done to remove barriers for adults with developmental disabilities. To learn more, click here.

Employment Services

Helping individuals achieve sustainability.

Collaboration to Increase Employment

On Monday, February 26th, Michael Leach, DSS State Director, met with representatives of the Cooperative Ministry. Director Leach was joined by DSS Division of Employment Services professionals. The meeting was to discuss collaboration related to services that increase income through employment.

The Cooperative Ministry was founded in 1982 by five churches in downtown Columbia. Their goal was to establish a collaborative method of assisting those in need while preventing the duplication of services.

Shown in the picture are (L-R): Michael Leach, DSS State Director; Beth Irick, Cooperative Ministry Chief Executive Officer; Tammy James, Division of Employment Services Director; John Timmons, DSS Workforce Consultant; and Wanda Pearson, Cooperative Ministry Chief Program Officer. 

Continuing the Mission!

Who Receive SNAP or TANF...

Each year DSS helps find jobs for thousands of recipients of TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits. Research shows that children are more likely to escape a life of poverty if their parents enter the workforce.  

DSS is committed to continuing to help people in South Carolina find employment quickly and to develop the skills necessary to obtain careers in fields where jobs are available and in demand.

If you are, or know of, a recipient of either SNAP or TANF benefits who needs assistance finding employment, click on the buttons below for resources and assistance.
Employment Services Contact Form
Job Fair Announcements & Employment Tools


DSS Can Help You Build a Quality Workforce

The SCDSS Division of Employment Services works to support business owners who hire SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) program participants entering the workforce. When you hire our customers, you become eligible for a variety of benefits, incentives and supports designed to meet your specific needs. Hiring through DSS Employment Services programs provides businesses and new employees a promising future. We assist with:

  • Tax credit opportunities for employers
  • Workforce Consultants statewide
  • Vocational assessments
  • Pre-screened job referrals
  • Background screening
  • Ongoing assistance

Click here to see how our community partners are changing lives!

Child Support

DSS Child Support Customer Service Portal
(Click the button above to access portal now.)

A secure way for parents to APPLY for child support services and ACCESS important case information
any time, any day from
any device.

  • Create a unique user ID and password
  • Apply for services or access existing case information
  • View payment information, hearing dates, enforcement measures in place
  • Receive occasional announcements affecting the case.
  • Update contact information
SCDSS Agency Highlights

SCDSS Announces New Abbeville County Director

The South Carolina Department of Social Services would like to announce Tammy Patton as the new Abbeville County Director. She began her new position on Monday, March 4th.

Ms. Patton began her career with SCDSS on October 17, 2007, in Greenville, SC where she served in the Investigations area before assuming a supervisory role in Family Preservation. In 2014, Ms. Patton transitioned to the Midlands Region, where she served as a Regional Performance Coach.

“Service to others has been a 32-year professional journey for me, and I am excited to be joining the team in Abbeville County,” said Ms. Patton. “I have been fortunate to serve under several dynamic leaders and mentors during my career who have selflessly poured into me and were instrumental in my leadership development. I know I can never repay those amazing professionals, but every day that I greet Abbeville citizens and external partners, I will do so with profound gratitude and respect.”

Ms. Patton is a native of Edgefield, South Carolina, and graduated from Strom Thurmond High School before joining the United States Marine Corps for six years. Following her military service, she transitioned to law enforcement in the Upstate region. She later earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Limestone University in Gaffney, South Carolina.

For more information on DSS services available for Abbeville County and the state at large, please visit the SCDSS website here.

Child Abuse Prevention Month Luncheon

Michael Leach, DSS State Director, was thrilled to take part in the Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month Kick-Off event in West Columbia on Thursday, March 21st. He was joined by other agency representatives to discuss the importance of working together to help strengthen families. Other speakers included Amanda Whittle with the South Carolina Department of Children's Advocacy, Bett Williams, Abby Wilson, and Joan Hoffman with Children's Trust of South Carolina, and Rev. Myron Wilkins with Thornwell. Child Abuse Prevention Month is recognized each April.

The Center of Excellence in Addiction is proud to announce that we have opened registration for the Governor's Summit on Opioids and Addiction!

We hope you’ll join us April 30-May 1 at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center for this exciting event. In addition to plenary sessions on current drug trends and emerging needs, the summit agenda also includes 30 breakout sessions for a broad audience. Highlighting innovative, evidence-based approaches to addressing the overdose crisis, these sessions will benefit clinical providers, preventionists, social workers and counselors, law enforcement and judicial leaders, peers, recovery community organizations, policymakers, payers, administrators, and community members.

Registration is $99, and we will be offering Continuing Medical Education (CME) as well as Continuing Education (CE) credits for nurses, social workers, counselors, and law enforcement.

We are also accepting submissions for poster presentations! Researchers and students are invited to submit poster abstracts for consideration through Friday, March 22. Posters will be displayed over both days of the Summit in the main hall. Selected presenters will be notified in early April.

Join us for a pre-summit buprenorphine training! Sign up here to attend a free 8-hour buprenorphine training on Monday, April 29 at the Convention Center. CME will be offered for this training. 

For questions, please call 803-612-9569.

Pee Dee Foster Recruitment Event

On Monday, February 12th, Blair Cieluch, Family Support Case Manager, and April Owens, Regional Team Coordinator, had the honor of speaking with the women’s ministry at East Dillon Baptist Church. They spoke about the need for foster homes in Dillon County and ways they can support local foster families. 

DSS Recognizes February and Employees of the Month

On Friday, February 16th, six DSS professionals were recognized by DSS State Director Michael Leach as agency Employees of the Month for February 2024.

Staff selected by their program area leadership for the Employee of the Month Program enjoyed lunch with the State Director along with other attendees, a dedicated parking space to use for the month, a photo and write-up displayed at State Office, and a write-up sent to their community newspaper. Congratulations to all!

DSS Recognizes March and Employees of the Month

On Friday, March 15th, seven DSS professionals were recognized by DSS State Director Michael Leach as agency Employees of the Month for March 2024.

Staff selected by their program area leadership for the Employee of the Month Program enjoyed lunch with the State Director along with other attendees, a dedicated parking space to use for the month, a photo and write-up displayed at State Office, and a write-up sent to their community newspaper. Congratulations to all!

Acts of Kindness Day

On Saturday, March 16, 2024, the Darlington County School District hosted their annual “Acts of Kindness Day” in which each school in the district participated in random acts of kindness throughout the Darlington community. Faculty and students from Darlington Middle School, Darlington High School, Mayo High School for Math, Science & Technology, and the Darlington Institute of Technology graciously showed their kindness by providing toiletry essentials, clothing, stuffed animals, blankets, and luggage to children and youth in the foster care system. Darlington DSS is grateful to have a supportive school district invested in the community and working collaboratively with the agency to ensure children and youth in care are supported. “Together Everyone Achieves More.”

Shown in the group picture from left to right are Shauntelle Coe, Darlington DSS Foster Care Team Leader; Eddie Shuler, Darlington County School District Executive Director of Administration and Operations; Victoria Williams-Cooper, Darlington Middle School Principal; Stephania Lenard, Mayo High School For Math, Science and Technology Principal; Cortney Gehrke, Darlington High School Principal; Tim Newman, Darlington County School District Superintendent; Vernecia McDaniel, Darlington DSS Team Coordinator; and Adrienne Wingate, Darlington DSS County Director.

Recruitment at CSU

Career Fair

Kristi Bear, Dorchester County Director, and Bridgett Barberena, CSS Regional Team Coordinator, had the pleasure of attending Charleston Southern University’s Career Fair on Thursday February 29, 2024, from 11 AM to 2 PM.

A number of students expressed interest in Social Services, IT and Human Resources.

Kristi and Bridgett were contacted to attend by Recruiting Manager Ingrid Cherry. Thank you for representing and recruiting for the agency!

SCFPA 2024 Regional Adoption Office of the Year

Congratulations to the Upstate Adoptions team! The South Carolina Foster Parent Association recently recognized Upstate Adoptions as the Regional Adoption Office of the Year.

According to a post on the SC Foster Parent website, “Those working with Upstate Adoptions have expressed that the agency’s overall strength is said to be the dedication and commitment of the entire staff to finding loving, forever homes for the children who need them.

Anderson County Clean Up

What do you do when the only thing standing between a mom and her son in foster care is a cluttered home? You team with her to get the home clean!

Anderson County recently worked with a mom who has a child in foster care to clean her home from clutter so that her child could return home to a safe environment. Mom has been able to complete her treatment plan while working full time, and the last thing needed was her home to be decluttered.

Staff from all program areas gathered to clean and declutter the home with the mom. The staff were able to team with mom to create a chore chart that worked with her schedule that also provided an opportunity to teach her young children how to clean and pick up after themselves. This shows that not all services need to be clinical and all it takes is a little time and encouragement from a supportive network!

The 2024 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Walk is Coming! Start Making Your Plans Now!

February and March 2024 GPS Winners Recognized

The GPS in Action Award recognizes SCDSS Child Welfare Services professionals who exemplify the GPS vision and values, guiding principles, and core practice skills in their daily work. The County GPS in Action Award winners were presented to the regional directors as nominees for the February 2024 Regional GPS in Action Award to receive statewide recognition.

Remembering Katrice Seawright

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Katrice Seawright. Katrice passed away this past Saturday, March 23rd. Katrice served the agency as an Assessment and Planning Coordinator and was previously the Pickens County Director. She has been with DSS since 2007.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Katrice’s family and our DSS family. Katrice is remembered as a kind person, and she will certainly be missed.

Watkins, Garrett & Woods Mortuary is handling the arrangements. More information can be found here.

Remembering Vanessa Layton

SCDSS would like to honor a colleague and friend, Vanessa Layton, who passed away on January 30, 2024. There is no greater way for us to honor Vanessa than through highlighting the work that she did for others.

Social work was not merely a job or career for Vanessa, it was something that she embraced in her entire life. She worked in social work for more than 20 years making the lives of children and their families better, but that was only a small part of her work.

From her days as a case manager to her work in our office of Quality Assurance, she dedicated everything that she had to not just making the lives of children and families better herself but to making our agency better capable of serving those families. After leaving for the day, she continued to work for children and families in need volunteering with other groups through direct work, raising money, networking, and serving on boards.

Vanessa would also support her friends, colleagues, foster parents, and anyone in need by caring for their children in her home when they had nowhere else to go or finding them whatever support they needed. She did not just do the work herself either, she inspired many others to engage in service in their community by recruiting friends and family, even getting her brother to become a foster parent.

Through all of her work to help others, she even managed to raise three amazing children on her own who are continuing her service. With two daughters going to college to pursue careers helping others and her son joining the United States Air Force, she ensured more than just a life of service but also a legacy.

Her life was one of service, born from a deep faith in God and a love in her heart for everyone that she shared passionately in every word and deed. The best thing that we can do to honor Vanessa is to redouble our efforts to help others and take her example as inspiration to do the very best that we can for the children and families that she gave every day of her life.

Ambria Sales Recognized as the 2024 SCFPA Social Worker of the Year

DSS would like to congratulate, Ambria Sales, Human Services Specialist at the Oconee County DSS office.

According to a post on the South Carolina Foster Parent Association website, “Ambria has the difficult and often thankless job of being an investigator, but without question, consistently models the mission of the agency and its core principles of competence, courage, and compassion every day in her interactions with families, community partners, and peers. She fiercely advocates for her families and shows accountability for her decisions and actions. Families say that they trust her because she is always honest, and she shows respect. They like being able to count on her word. If she says it, she will do it.” Congratulations, Ambria!

SC Executive Institute Graduation

Congratulations to Amber Gillum, Deputy State Director, Economic Services for successfully completing the South Carolina Executive Institute. She is shown here with Governor Henry McMaster receiving recognition for her completion of the program.

The South Carolina Executive Institute is dedicated to preparing executive leaders for the responsibilities inherent in public service organizations. It empowers participants to lead their organizations more effectively. More information on the South Carolina Executive Institute can be found here.

Lending Voices and Experience

Shout out to the great work of our Transitional Support and Service Division, especially Patrice White and Angela Jenkins. They hosted a provider emergent learning activity with our child care providers on March 5th. The youth also participated to share their voices and experiences.

DSS Podcasts for the Public

DSS makes podcasts available on the DSS website for professionals seeking to enhance knowledge and skills. The i3-Imagine.Ideate.Innovate Podcast, hosted by the Staff Development and Training Division, highlights innovative ways to improve policy, practice, and the culture within the social services profession. The Driving Sustainable Success in Child Welfare Podcast, hosted by the Child Welfare Division, prompts great discussion and explores strategies for serving children and strengthening families. Be sure to check them out!

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to receive follow up on the outcome of their report.
SC Department of Social Services
P.O. Box 1520
Columbia, SC 29202-1520
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