BWIM is excited to announce that this year we are hosting the BWIM Annual Gathering as a virtual event. We are shifting to hosting a virtual Annual Gathering every other year for multiple purposes, including opening our doors to the broader Baptist community and creating the opportunity to host an in-person gathering on the other years.
This year's virtual annual gathering will be held June 10, 2024 as a prayer vigil on the day prior to the business discussions of the 2024 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting where they will take the final vote on a constitutional amendment to exclude women from pastoral roles.
The annual gathering prayer vigil will be led by Kinship Commons, a worship artist collective created and led by women of color, who creates experiential and transformative gatherings toward the flourishing of marginalized people. You can find a portfolio of Kinship Commons featured work HERE.
We hope this gathering will provide us all with an opportunity to come together in solidarity and hope for the thriving of all women in ministry among Baptists.
More Details and Registration Are Coming Soon!
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This year BWIM will host a luncheon at CBF General Assembly, Friday, June 21, 2024. At the luncheon, we will welcome keynote speaker Rev. Angela Denker, author of Red State Christians: A Journey into White Christian Nationalism and the Wreckage It Leaves. Rev. Denker will provide invaluable insights into the intersection of Christian nationalism and gender dynamics. With a specific focus on the Southern Baptist Convention’s recent actions to disfellowship churches with female pastors, Denker will illuminate the broader influence of Christian nationalism on gender within our Baptist community.
More Details, Registration, and Sponsorship Opportunities Are Coming Soon!
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We were blown away by the number of churches, individuals, state and regional associations and organizations, and theological and divinity schools that participated in BWIM Month of Advocacy this year. THANK YOU!
We've been actively sharing as many photos and stories as we can on social media, but we know that there are many more who participated that we aren't aware of.
If you, your church, your Sunday School class, your small group, or any other group participated in BWIM Month of Advocacy this year we want to know and celebrate you! If you haven't already done so, please click the button below to let us know about your participation!
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BWIM Spring 2024 Book Club | |
BWIM held our spring book club in March as part of BWIM Month of Advocacy. We read “Nice Churchy Patriarchy” by Liz Cooledge Jenkins. Liz joined us for our final session!
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Upcoming BWIM Documentary Screening Dates!
If you're in the following areas next month, please make plans to join us at a screening of BWIM's documentary Midwives of a Movement.
Can't join us at one of these screenings, check our website for dates and locations across the country!
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April 3rd:
Second Baptist Church
Lubbock, TX
April 11th:
Campbell University Divinity School
Buies Creek, NC
April 12th:
Oakmont Baptist Church
Greenville, NC
April 13th:
Greystone Baptist Church
Raleigh, NC
April 14th:
Frist Baptist on 5th
Winston-Salem, NC
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April 14th:
Frist Baptist Church
Asheville, NC
April 15th:
Gardner-Webb University and Divinity School
Boiling Springs, NC
April 21st:
Oakhurst Baptist Church
Decatur, GA
April 22nd:
Wilshire Baptist Church
Dallas, TX
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Become a Monthly Donor!
Though Salome was among the most faithful of Jesus’ disciples and one of the first evangelists sent to proclaim the news of Jesus’ resurrection, she is often overlooked.
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Much like Salome, countless women who serve in ministry today also experience being overlooked or even feeling invisible.
As a Salome Community monthly donor, you enable us to make more women visible and you participate in BWIM’s tireless pursuit to ensure that women in ministry and leadership among Baptists are not limited.
Learn More About the Salome Community of Monthly Donors
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BWIM partners with Baptist News Global (BNG) to celebrate and promote the strong writing voices of women! BWIM is advocating for women's equal representation in Baptist media by uplifting women's writing and encouraging women's increased participation in shaping Baptist life, culture, and theology.
To find out more about BWIM's partnership and to read articles written as the result of the partnership, click below. If you are interested in becoming a potential writer for BNG, email Laura Ellis for more information at
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Rebekah Mompremier, now serving as the kids ministers at Park Cities Baptist Church, Dallas, TX
Rev. Daynette Snead Perez, serving as interim pastor of Sardis Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC.
Rev. Marsha Brown Woodard, now serving as the first woman President of the Baptist Pastors and Ministers Conference of Philadelphia and the Vicinity.
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We Want To Celebrate Your Ordination!
If you know a Baptist woman who has been ordained or will be ordained, please email names and pictures (if possible) to BWIM wants to share in celebrating congregational affirmation of all women in ministry, and it helps us to keep records of all of the women in Baptist life who are ordained.
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Rev. Christina Crice (pictured), ordained to gospel ministry on March 3rd, 2024 at Immanuel Baptist Church, Paducah, KY where she serves as the Director of Children's Minstries.
Rev. Patrice Gerideau, ordained to the gospel ministry on February 25, 2024 at Convergence in Alexandria, VA.
Rev. Leigh Anne Armstrong, ordained to the gospel ministry on November 5, 2023 by Auburn First Baptist Church in Auburn, AL.
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BWIM posts information online for any church/organization who contacts us directly to advertise their open position so that candidates can have access to a current list of open positions. | |
New positions posted online since the last newsletter include:
- Associate Pastor, Families & Formation (Full-time), FBC Jefferson City, MO
- Worship Leader (Part-time), FBC Jefferson City, MO
- Associate Pastor of Youth and Missions (Full-time), Forest Hills Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC
- Associate Pastor of Children and Adult Ministries (Full-time), Forest Hills Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC
- Minister to Senior Adults (Full-time), FBC Greenville, SC
- Minister to Families (Part-time), FBC Piedmont, SC
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Be sure to connect with your state or regional BWIM group for
events happening near you!
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