The office will be closed on Friday, March 29th for Good Friday. | |
March at a Glance
Fri., March 1, 8, 15, 22, 11am - Waveny Walk with Kate
Wed., March 6, 12:30pm - Lunch and Learn at Lapham - Bee Keeping
Thurs., March 7, 10am - Learn to Knit with Sue Scannell at Staying Put
Tues., March 12, 10am - Men's Coffee at Staying Put
Wed., March 13, 10am - Ladies' Coffee with Steve Karl at Staying Put
Thurs., March 14, 12pm - Lunch at Silvermine Market
Tues., March 19, 12:15pm - Foreverwell Program at New Canaan YCMA
Tues., March 19, 6pm - The Sandwich Generation Series at NC Library
Wed., March 20, 10am - Antique Appraisal Day at Lapham
Thurs., March 21, 1pm - Board Game Group at Staying Put
Tues., March 26, 10am - Men's Coffee at Staying Put with Chief DiFederico
Wed., March 27, 11:30am - "Let's Talk About It" Lunch with Kathy Blance
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Welcome New Members!
Tom Ayoub and Christine Dombrowski Ayoub, Christine Dora
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Welcome Janet to Staying Put
Janet Leung Fonss is a lifetime resident of Connecticut, born and raised in Stamford and a 25 year resident of New Canaan. Janet and her husband Jack have raised two (now adult) children in New Canaan, both of whom attended the New Canaan public schools. Janet graduated from Boston College with a degree in Business Management. While raising her children, Janet has been an active volunteer with many community organizations and in the public schools. She currently serves as a member of Town Council and is a board member of the New Canaan Beautification League. She is excited to join Staying Put as Manager of Office Administration. Please be sure to stop by the office and say hello!
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Don't forget to call Staying Put at 203-966-7762 to sign up for member events. Please RSVP! | |
Fri., March 1, 8, 15, 22, 11am: Waveny Walk with Kate. Join Kate for a walk at Waveny Park. Meet in the driveway circle by the pillar entrance of Waveny House and enjoy a brisk winter walk. Note - this is for active members with no mobility issues. Free. RSVP by Thursday prior.
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Wed., March 6, 12:30pm: Lunch at Lapham - Bee Keeping with Steve Burt and New Canaan Land Trust. Learn all about bee keeping in Connecticut, the benefits and the potential pitfalls. Free. RSVP by Mon., March 4th.
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Thurs., March 7, 10am: Learn to Knit with Sue Scannell at Staying Put. Learn to knit from New Canaan Artisan member and possibly New Canaan's most prolific knitter. Needles and yarn will be available, and treats will be served. RSVP by Tues., March 5th.
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Tues., March 12, 10am: Men's Coffee at Staying Put. Join Staying Put friends for coffee, treats and good conversation. Free. RSVP by Mon., March 11th.
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Wed., March 13, 10am: Ladies' Coffee with Steve Karl at Staying Put. Selectman and former Town Council Chairman Steve Karl will join the ladies for coffee and a conversation about what is happening in New Canaan. Free. RSVP by Mon., March 11th.
Thurs., March 14, 12pm: Lunch at Silvermine Market. Join your Staying Put friends for lunch at Silvermine Market. Cash or Credit Cards Accepted. Carpooling available from the Staying Put parking lot. RSVP by Tues, March 12th.
Tues., March 19, 12:15pm: Foreverwell Program with Lunch at New Canaan YMCA - Recycling and the Swap Shop with Planet New Canaan. Enjoy lunch while learning about recycling and The Swap Shop with Planet New Canaan President Robin Bates-Mason. Q&A following the presentation. Free. RSVP by Mon., March 18th.
Tues., March 19, 6pm: The Sandwich Generation Seminar Series: Local Lifelines: Finding and Utilizing Community Resources at New Canaan Library. Join this informative seminar with Aggie Aspinwall of Lapham Community Center, Bethany Zaro of Human Resources, Gina Blum of Staying Put, Susan and Paul Doyle of Oasis Senior Advisors and New Canaan EMS. Learn about the services available right here in New Canaan. This will be a hybrid program, in person and via zoom. To register, please go to Free. RSVP by Mon., March 18th.
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Wed., March 20, 10am - 12pm: Appraisal Day with Bonhams Auction House Specialists, 12:30pm Lunch and Learn -
Learn about Appraisals with Bonhams. Staying Put and Lapham are hosting Bonhams Auction House Specialists for an Appraisal Day. Schedule a 15-minute time slot, through Staying Put, with one of Bonham’s Specialists – Fine Art or Jewelry and learn about the history, and value of your piece.
You don’t have to bring in the physical object! If the piece is wider, deeper, or heavier than a bread box, photos will work wonders!
1. Take a photo of the overall piece.
2. Note the dimensions in inches (height x width x depth)
3. Take photos of the back, inside and/or underneath along with any details you think are noteworthy
4. Look for markings, stamps, or signatures and photograph those.
5. Take note if the piece is one of an edition? Such as a print or sculpture marked 1/100.
6. Do you have any accompanying paperwork such as a previous appraisal or bill of sale?
7. Be ready to tell the specialist when and how you acquired the piece!
Stay for lunch and hear about the types of appraisals that are most helpful and relevant to you. You will also be able to ask any questions of the specialists who have years of experience in the art and auction world. Free. RSVP by Mon., March 18th.
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Thurs., March 21, 1pm: Board Game Group at Staying Put. Led by member Barbara Faris, come enjoy snacks and hot chocolate while playing board games like Scrabble and Yahtzee with your Staying Put friends. Free. RSVP by Tues., March 19th.
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Tues., March 26, 10am: Men's Coffee with NCPD Chief John DiFederico at Staying Put. Join Staying Put friends for coffee, treats and good conversation with New Canaan Police Department Chief John DiFederico. Free. RSVP by Mon., March 25th.
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Wed., March 27, 11:30am: Let's Talk About...The Military Roots of Everyday Things with Kathy Blance at Staying Put with lunch. Many of the things we use – or wear – without questioning where, when, or how they originated, actually began as military inventions or tools. Those cargo pants we wear or have worn? Our GPS systems? Yes, they started as military use, as did many household products. We will also discuss the nautical origins of some common sayings we still use today! Free. RSVP by Mon., March 25th.
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Member Birthdays
Betsy Afragola, Tom Ayoub,
Jack Billhardt, Susan Blabey, Lila Coleman, Christine Dora, Lou Guzzetti, Dorcas Hills,
Joan Jaworowski, Linda Kelly, Ned Leeming,
Riv Neiss, Harvey Place, Tatjana Pogacnik, Hector Lopez Rodriguez, Nell Smith
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Hello from Kate
In another life, prior to Connecticut, prior to parenthood, I worked at Christie's Auction House in the heart of Rockefeller Center. Those ten years were formative in terms of my professional identity. I acquired a work ethic and skillset that has stayed with me, far more than my ability to place a dollar value on an object. You might not readily draw parallels between what I did there and what I do now with Staying Put, but the overlap is noteworthy. You see, I spent a large portion of my time working with individuals, institutions and estates on deaccessioning their collections. It was my job to devise a sale strategy that met the needs of the client. This required putting the client at the center of the conversation and building from there. (I'd say this is also the centerpiece of what we do here at Staying Put). Every piece of business I brought to auction was a success because I worked with the client. There is one other key piece here that I cannot deny. Every piece of business I brought to auction was a success because my consignor was ready. Ready to let go, ready to move on, ready for something new. There is not a single piece of business that I closed where the client wasn't ready to sell. Being "ready" is a luxury in the game of life, no question about it. There are things we might think we are ready for, and it turns out, we're not! There are things we might not think we are ready for, and we navigate them with resilience. And there are things that catch us off guard that we are still trying to reconcile. But I suppose my point in all this is to ready ourselves where we can and to use the resources that are available to us. We here at Staying Put are part of that network of resources for you.
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Healthy Habits
When you have that moment where you catch yourself looking around, thinking, "I've got to do something with all this stuff", that means you're ready! Here are some good options for donation... because upcycling feels so much better than just throwing things away.
Following is a list of places that accept donations. Staying Put does not endorse one over another, nor is Staying Put affiliated with any of them. Call to confirm what they will accept, if they will pick up or if it is drop off only as well as hours and locations.
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New Canaan Library and
Wilton Library no longer accept donations.
New Canaan Transfer Station
has a book bin.
New Canaan Thrift Shop
Person-to-Person, Darien
Big Brothers & Sisters, Norwalk 877-399-2570
Goodwill, Norwalk 203-840-0361
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Furniture & Household Items
Goodwill, Norwalk 203-840-0361
Housatonic Habitat for Humanity/ReStore 203-744-1340
Swap Shop, New Canaan
(drop off only)
Vietnam Veterans of America
Medical Equipment
Wheel It Forward, Stamford
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Free Tax Help with SimplifyCT
Through April 15th
12pm - 6pm, New Canaan Library
SimplifyCT IRS certified tax volunteers help individuals and families by preparing their federal and state income taxes at no cost with an e-filing option. To book an appointment, visit or call New Canaan Library at 203-594-5000.
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Farm to Barn Brunch
Sunday, March 3rd
11am - 1pm, The Carriage Barn, Waveny Park
Fun and festive brunch - with live music - celebrating spring's arrival and the New Canaan Farmers Market! Tickets are limited and $75 per person. For more information go to: or call 203-594-3638.
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Glass House 2024 Season
Tickets for the 2024 season are available now
Glass House 75th Anniversary Tour season opens April 15 through December 15. Choose from a variety of tours, including a tour of the newly restored Brick House. Tickets are required in advance. For more information go to:
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Lapham Center
Call 203-594-3620 for more information and to RSVP.
Fri., March 1, 8, 15, 22, 12pm: Movies on Fridays.
March 1: The Lady Bird Diaries, March 8: The Pigeon Tunnel, March 15th: Grand Turismo, March 22nd: The Holdovers. Free.
Wed., March 13, 27, 1pm - 2pm: Blood Sugar Screenings.
In person screenings provided by New Canaan's Department of Health.
Call to schedule an appointment. Free.
Fri., March 15, 9am - 11:30am: Hearing Screenings and Hearing Aid Cleanings. Call to schedule an appointment. Free.
Mon., March 4, 18, 11:15am - 12:15pm: Blood Pressure Clinic.
In person clinic. Call to schedule an appointment. Free.
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Staying Put in New Canaan Services and Staff
Our Team is Here For You
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Help is a Phone Call Away
Caring professionals to turn to for help, information, referrals, counseling, support and personalized assistance.
Door-to-door rides within New Canaan and to local towns.
Social Events
Fun and enriching gatherings, excursions, and programs to be active and connect with others.
Groceries & Errands
Grocery shopping, prescription pick up and other helpful errands.
Help at Home
Minor home repairs, changing ceiling light bulbs, moving heavy objects and more.
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Technology Assistance
One-on-one assistance in the home to troubleshoot issues for computers, televisions, cell phones and other electronic devices.
Professional Service Providers
Trusthworthy member-only vetted list of home service and repair professionals for hire.
Communication and Visits
Keeping in touch with those who may be facing issues of loneliness and isolation.
Community Resource
Education, advice and referrals for healthy aging.
Make an appointment to have documents notarized in our office.
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Gina Z. Blum
Executive Director
Responsible for the overall planning and management of the organization.
Kate Brambilla
Manager of Member Services Responsible for ensuring the organization's members know and utilize Staying Put's services.
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Robin Bates-Mason
Manager of Events & Volunteers Responsible for coordinating events and volunteer services.
Janet Fonss
Manager of Office Administration Responsible for the day-to-day management of the office.
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Please call us anytime at
Gina, Kate, Robin and Janet
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