The March, 2022 Issue of the
Our Mission: To conserve and protect natural ecosystems, birds, and other wildlife.
March 21, 2022 Monthly Program Night
7:00 PM - Zoom
The Ecology and Conservation of Alcids in the waters of Washington State
by Peter Hodum

Although Washington is blessed with a rich community of breeding and wintering seabirds, relatively little is known about the ecology and conservation status of many of the species, including the alcids (the auk family). This relative lack of knowledge extends to iconic species such as the Tufted Puffin, a species listed as Endangered by Washington State. Moving between islands, seascapes, and species of the waters of Washington, Peter Hodum will provide an overview of a collaborative research program focused on improving our understanding of Tufted Puffins, Rhinoceros Auklets, and Marbled Murrelets and their conservation status. 
Meeting opens at 6:40 PM. Meeting starts at 7 PM
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Also, please check out new menu items under Events, Resources, and Birding Resources on our Website.
Upcoming Programs
- Dale Meland

Self-Guided Field Trips
by Heather Gibson

Skagit Self-Guided Field Trip

Birders can still get a bit more winter bird watching done up in the Skagit River area. Many thanks to Barbara Petersen for her suggestions. She recommends starting your journey at the Breadfarm Bakery in Bow. 
Rainier Audubon Nature Journalers Monthly Zoom Gathering
March 27, 2022
3 PM - 4:30 PM

Cindy Flanagan

Topic - TBD
Are you curious about nature and would like to find fun ways to record your observations?

Do you keep a journal, but wish you had a nature journaling community to share ideas and inspiration?

Or do you want to simply join a group and listen and learn more about how to nature journal?

2021 CBC Results

Will be available here when they are ready.
Othello Sandhill Crane Festival
March 25-27, 2022

The 2022 Othello Sandhill Crane Festival is scheduled to be held either Virtual or In-Person for March 25-27, 2022. Check out our Facebook page for updates, arts & crafts, photo contest, virtual auction, T-shirt sales, and soon to be virtual or in-person Festival with guests speakers.

Amazon Smile
Shop at and they will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to your favorite charitable organization—no fees, no extra cost.
Be sure to specify your favorite charity as Rainier Audubon Society.
Recordings of Membership Meetings

Recordiings of past meetings, when available, can be found here.
We live on this speck called Earth - think about what you might do, today or tomorrow - and make the most of it.
Parting Shot
Hairy Woodpecker