"Inspiring students to love God, their Catholic faith and learning"

Big shout out to our principal for successfully defending her doctoral dissertation. She is now officially

Dr. Gayle Trachsel, ED.D.

We are also selling t-shirts for the cause.

The webstore is open and will stay open until March 22.

HERE is the link to purchase your t-shirt.

Please spread the word to help reach our fundraising goal to

Help Build a School in Uganda!

Attached is the TENTATIVE calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. Dates are subject to change; the full calendar will come out over the summer months. It will be posted in FACTS and attached to the newsletter.

2024-2025 Tentative School Calendar

Enrollment for St. Peter Catholic 2024-2025 School Year

Registration for PreK-8 started on Monday, March 11th. You received an email with directions and a link to start the process. Check your inbox! Registration will end March 22nd. Remember, you do not create a new application, just select re-enroll.

Knights of Columbus Helias Council 1054

(1822 Tanner Bridge)

February 16 & 23, March 1, 8, 15 & 22

from 4:30-7:00 PM

Eat-in or carry-out

$14 All you can eat fish dinner

$14 Shrimp plate dinner

The Big Bucks committee is reaching out for donations for the event. If you would like to help or donate please let us know. You can email us at BigbucksSPS@gmail.com and/or please fill out the attached form.

Donor Pledge Form Big Bucks 2024

If you are interested and available to volunteer the night of the event, please sign up HERE

What to expect?

-Registration: to purchase tickets to go to https://event.gives/bigbucks All ticket sales end March 31st, so reserve your ticket today!

-Tickets include: dinner, drinks, and chance to win $10,000.

-Attire: Date night (dress casual)

-Payment options for evening games of chance (50/50, last chance, etc.) include: Venmo and cash

-Silent Auction items will be bid on through the online platform https://event.gives/bigbucks and we will have some great Live Auction items. Payments can be made through the platform with an option to cover service fees or you can pay by check as well to avoid fees.


Year end for fundraising will be on March 31st. I will send fundraising

statements out to families the second week of April. When you get these forms,

please fill them out and return them ASAP.

ALL the candy bars have been sold. Please return all money for the candy bars


Schoolstore.com fundraising information has been sent home with all the

students. This is a great fundraiser for our teachers to get the supplies they

need for their classrooms. Please consider participating in this fundraiser to

help the school (and your teachers) out. Plus the kids will receive a cute little

plush sea life creature when you fill out the packet and return the envelope to

school with a code. If we get 40% participation, we can be entered into a

drawing for a book vending machine for our school. We are at 22% participation now.

Summer School through Jefferson City Public Schools

Summer School through JCPS is June 3-27th, 2024. St. Peter students who live within the boundaries of JCPS are eligible to sign up. If you would like to sign your child up for summer school, please fill out the linked form and return to the St. Peter School office. Please contact Mrs. Garner if you have questions.

Elementary form for grades going into K-5

Middle School form for grades going into 6-7

St. Peter School is delighted to announce a series of Parent Lunch Days, providing a wonderful opportunity for parents to share a meal with their children and experience the vibrant school atmosphere. On March 26th (A-E), April 16th (F-K), April 30th (L-R), and May 7th (S-Z), parents are invited to join their child/ren for lunch. A nominal Parent Lunch Charge of $3.00, payable in cash, applies to cover the cost of the meal. To ensure a smooth experience, parents are kindly requested not to bring fast food. Upon arrival, please check in at the office, where you will be directed to the cafeteria. To guarantee your spot and help with planning, we encourage parents to reserve their lunch by emailing dschrimpf@stpeterjc.org. St. Peter School looks forward to fostering strong connections between parents and the school community during these special Parent Lunch Days.

Lunch Schedule: PK: 10:30-10:55

Kindergarten: 10:35-11:05

1st Grade: 11:05-11:30

2nd Grade: 11:10-11:35

3rd Grade: 11:30-11:55

4th Grade: 11:40-12:05

5th Grade: 12:00-12:20

6th Grade: 12:05-12:25

7/8 Grade: 12:20-12:45

TALENT SHOW April 10th, 2024

We are looking for performers for our 2024 Talent Show on April 10th at 12:45! If you have an act you would like to perform for the school, please click the link below for the informational sign up form. Please contact Mrs. Garner if you have any questions.  Talent Show Form

Mrs. Jane Schneider’s Classroom, VLC English, participated in a poetry contest for the Bittersweet Garden Club in Jefferson City. Out of 108 participants, three students in VLC won first place in their division: Brody Bax, 5th Grade; Larissa Rivera, 6th Grade; and Anneliese Careaga, 8th Grade. They also made a quilt about each one of their poems.

Meet Our Staff

My name is Paige Bartow, I’m 21 years old, and this is my first year as a PreK teacher’s aide at St. Peter’s! I attend Immaculate Conception parish with my family, where I am a member of the choir along with my mother. I’ve always loved singing, and was very involved in choir and theater in high school. I also love being creative, and I enjoy a range of artistic activities. My current favorites are sketching, painting, and bookbinding; and one of my goals for this year is to devote more time to working on them. I love animals of all kinds, and my family has two pets; a pit bull/ German Shepherd mix Piper, and a cat Bob. This summer, I am looking forward to being a Totus Tuus missionary for the third year in a row! As a missionary, I have had the opportunity to teach Catechesis to young people of all ages in a way that is fun and engaging; and it’s been an awesome experience. I’m excited for the rest of the year!

Registration Open for Helias Catholic Youth Summer Camps

Registration is now open for Helias Catholic High School’s summer 2024 youth camps.

This year’s Crusader Camps include archery, baseball, basketball, cheerleading, cross country, dance, football, soccer, softball, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and wrestling.

Crusader Camps span from late May to August, serving age ranges from kindergarten through high school.

Please visit www.heliascrusadercamps.com to learn more about Helias Catholic’s summer camp opportunities and to register.

Art Camp Registration Form

Church News

There will be NO Sunday School: Sunday, March 24 and Sunday, March 31, 2024.

Important Notice — Mass Time Changes

After 6 months of observations, effective April 7, due to low parishioner Mass attendance, our NEW Weekend Mass Schedule will be:

4:30 PM (Saturday Vigil), 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM (en Espanol)

Effective April 1, we will be returning to a two-priest weekday Mass schedule. The NEW Weekday Mass Schedule will be:

Monday - 12:03 PM ONLY

Tuesday - 8 AM and 12:03 PM

Wednesday- 8 AM and 12:03 PM

Thursday- 12:03 PM ONLY

Friday- 8 AM and 12:03 PM

Lenten Regulations and Admonitions for 2024

To foster a greater spirit of penance, reparation for sin, and to encourage self-denial, which guide us more closely in the footsteps of Christ, the Church reminds us of the obligations of fasting and abstinence during Lent and also admonishes us all to deeper prayer and worship. Click HERE for a detailed overview of lenten regulations and admonitions.

Preparing for Lent: Liturgy Guides Now Available

The Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions has released liturgical preparation aids for Lent. Links to both the English and Spanish versions are below.

Watch a video with more information HERE

Quick Reference Guide to the Diocese of Jefferson City Stewardship Model

Catholic Stewardship Renewal/Time and Talent Form


  • To Pray: that is, attend Mass faithfully in the parish on weekends and Holy Days.
  • To Participate: that is, to use one’s time and talents to strengthen the parish community and advance the Gospel.
  • To Sacrificially Give: that is, pledge and remain current on a tithe of financial first fruits to support the life and ministries of the parish. The goal is 8% to the parish and 2% to other worthy charities.

Important Dates

Wednesday, March 20, C Day

Thursday, March 21, A Day

Friday, March 22, NO School State Archery, 2024/25 PreK-8 Registration Closes

Monday, March 25, B Day

Tuesday, March 26, C Day, Parent Lunch Day A-E, Praise Assembly

Wednesday, March 27, A Day, 1:30 Dismissal Easter Break

Thursday, March 28, Holy Thursday NO School

Friday, March 29, Good Friday NO School

Sunday, March 31, Easter


Click on the link to see the attachment:

March Menu

April Menu

Sign Up For Text Alerts

Scrip Order Form

St. Peter Catholic School Webpage

For questions, concerns or comments related to school, please see below for contact information.

If it relates to general classroom instruction, homework, schedules please talk to the classroom teacher.

If it relates to attendance: attendance@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to general school information such as calendar items, school uniform, fees, lunch, etc: kbezler@stpeterjc.org or chayes@stpeterjc.org

If you need the school nurse: egarnett@stpeterjc.org or jhummel@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to policy, safety, &/or discipline: mveit@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to administration: gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org 

If it relates to enrollment or counseling: sgarner@stpeterjc.orgpwekenborg@stpeterjc.org or gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org

If it relates to athletics: kbell@stpeterjc.org

St. Peter Catholic School

314 West High Street

Jefferson City, MO 65101