TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Events
Mar. 28: School Board Meeting
Mar. 29: Winter After School Activities End
Mar. 30 - April 6: Spring Break - No School
April 9: Spring After School Activities Begin
April 13: No School - Professional Learning Day
April 25: Early Release Wednesday
May 16: Early Release Wednesday
May 25-May 28: No School - Grading Day and Memorial Day
June 8: After School Activities End
June 12: Last Day of School
Administrative Information
Parking Reminders
When visiting the school...
- Our neighbors on VanSlyke are greatly appreciative when we leave at least one full parking space in front of each home on the street. Please do your best to help us honor their request.
During drop-off and pick-up...
- If you drop off students on VanSlyke, consider exiting via Chatsworth instead of circling around to Como, which helps alleviate traffic congestion at the Lexington/Como traffic signal.
- If you park and walk your children to or from the school's doors, please park on Churchill, rather than on VanSlyke. Avoid crossing through the drop-off vehicle line.
- Please do not exit your vehicle in the drop-off/pick up line. If children need assistance exiting the vehicle, please park and walk them to the school doors.
- Move up as far as possible in the vehicle drop-off/pick-up line, without cutting into the existing line.
- Leave the space on VanSlyke between the "No Parking" sign and the corner of Churchill free so that busses can park for drop-off and pick-up.
- If family or friends who are not familiar with our pick-up/drop-off procedures are visiting the school, remember to inform them about our procedures ahead of time.
If you have questions about our pick-up and drop-off guidelines, please refer to the
2017-18 Family Handbook; contact
Gael Braddock if the information you need is not available in the Handbook.
Thank you for remember to keep safety and respect priorities in our daily arrival, dismissal, and visiting procedures!
Reminder: Order Window for School Lunches/Milk, Bus, Kinderclub & Sommercamp Closes Monday, March 26!
Don't forget to place your order for
! Please log on to our online store website
now to place your child(ren)'s order for Bus, Kinderclub, Sommercamp and School Lunch/Milk
All orders must be submitted by
Monday, March 26.
Spring is Here! Goodbye, Winter Lost & Found!
Please be sure to visit the Lost & Found, temporarily set up in the school foyer. We have lots of winter clothes that are waiting to be retrieved by their rightful owners! Items remaining in the Lost & Found at the close of the day on
Thursday, March 29 will be donated.
TCGIS Sommercamp 2018
summer camp weeks are available to book
Click here
for details for TCGIS Sommercamp 2018. One week camps will be offered July 16 - August 3, 2018.
All March registrations will receive a discounted rate.Don't miss out!
Congrats to our Students!
Last week many TCGIS students participated in the
regional history day competition! Congrats to the following students on making it to states:
Esme Johnson and Hadley Ninow (7th),
Abby Wick and Ava Fischer Ross (8th),
Aislin Hammel (8th),
Elsie Swedburg, Camryn Nagel, Izzi Lauer (8th),
Lydia Spencer, Claudia Zimmermann, Aneesah Sands (8th),
Simona Simha, Lizzy Kile, Umay Pankratz (7th).
Congratulations to the following students for honorable mention:
Ella Ireland, Eliot Ebner, Kirsten Stuber (7th),
Elisabet Saveraid and Zinnia Steege (7th),
Eva White (7th),
Astrid Rubens (7th),
Pascal Givot, Brody Rindelaub, and Jack Weidell (7th).
Shoutout to Frau Jacobs for all of her work with the students for history day!
GEMs Summer Camp -
Excel in Mathematics
Missy Morrissey (Middle School), Kim Kulhanek and Stephanie Mekacher (Elementary School) are offering a summer MATH camp for girls with support from the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Student Chapter at the University of Minnesota during the week of
August 13th-17th.
Who: All students entering grades 1-6
incoming 1st-3rd - Beads and Bar Graphs
incoming 4th-6th - Prisms and Perfect Squares
Note: The curriculum will be different than last year's camp if you are interested in attending again!
Morgenkreis and Kaffeeklatsch on March 29
Joins us on March 29 for Morgenkreis and Kaffeeklatsch. From 8:15-8:30 please join your K-4 (elementary school only) children during their daily Morgenkreis.
Following Morgenkreis at
8:30 there will be a Kaffeeklatsch in the atrium outside the office. Come mingle with other parents and take advantage of this opportunity to also chat with Board members and Administrators.
Fun Home Opener with FC Minnesota United
Many thanks to around 200 TCGIS community members who joined us for the season home opener last Saturday. We experienced a fun game day with perfect spring weather and a victory for the loons.
For those of you who missed our German Weltmeister Bastian Schweinsteiger on the field: he and his wife welcomed their first child over the weekend and we will try to catch him next time he is in town.
Call for Nominations & Applications
for the
School Board
Find out how you can help our school, connect with our community,
ct decisions and change.
The work we do helps ensure that our school is able to provide a meaningful experience for our students.
We will elect
THREE board members
this year to serve
three year terms
. We are seeking any interested persons
(parents, teachers, and community members)
, especially those with experience in board governance, financial compliance, marketing and development, legal matters, or education.
If you are interested in serving or would like to nominate someone to serve details and forms are attached in the links below. You do not need to be nominated to apply.
If you have questions or want to talk to a current board member further about the role, responsibilities and expectations, feel free to contact any of the
current Board members
. Send your nominations or applications to
Important Dates
April 13
: All nominations and applications due by 4:45 pm.
Meet the Candidates Forum
May 14-18:
Board elections, drop off all ballots by 4:45 pm on Friday, May 18.
Upcoming 4th Grade Performance!
Show coming soon! Come see
Der gestiefelte Kater, or
Puss in Boots performed by the
fourth grade:
4b - Monday, March 26, 8:30 am + 2:15 pm
4c - Tuesday, March 27, 8:30 am + 2:15 pm
4a - Wednesday, March 28, 8:30 am + 2:15 pm
Literacy Collaborations at TCGIS
Kirsten Newell, our school psychology intern, has done amazing work in creating a comprehensive RTI program at TCGIS. This program included a schedule of informative assessments, team discussions about children and their needs and establishing a targeted intervention schedule in English and German Literacy and mathematics. The screening tools were reviewed in a previous Elternbrief.
Kirsten is also completing her PhD at the University of Minnesota. As such, TCGIS is serving a an 'action research site' where we are fortunate to be building research evidence to help immersion schools make informed decisions about literacy and interventions as I mentioned above.
Please take time to review the information here
to learn more about Kirsten's dissertation research work in greater detail.
Facility Listening Sessions Thank you to teachers, staff and parents for coming to the listening sessions this month. We hope you thought it was time well spent. If you were unable to attend, you can find the videos linked on the school website main page under "School Calendar/Board Documents." |
SATURDAY, 31 March 2018 (rain or shine)
The German Osterhase is again visiting this year and will bring masses of eggs filled with candy & tokens. Tokens can be exchanged for fun prizes and toys after the hunt at our Osterladen.
For children ages 0-7 years old; $10.00 per child. Wristband sale starts at 8:30am - Egg hunt begins at 11:00am.
This course is designed for students who already have advanced German language skills and are specifically looking to prepare for the AP exam. Instruction will be in German. Offered on four Saturdays leading up to the exam in May these classes will focus on the multi-modalities of the test, with a couple of hours of homework to be completed outside of class each week.
SATURDAYS, APRIL 14 - MAY 5; 9:30am to noon; $165.00 GAI members/$185.00 non-members (includes all materials). Click HERE to register.