March 22, 2023


One of the challenges of a large county that has grown significantly over the decades is that in some areas we have big swaths of unused parking spaces and in others we have overcrowded streets due to a lack of adequate parking.

Staff from the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Development and Land Development Services are exploring this issue and reviewing Article 6 of the Zoning Ordinance, which regulates off-street parking and loading. This Parking Reimagined project is evaluating existing parking rates to determine if adjustments of requirements to meet current parking demand is appropriate and to examine the county's administration of parking regulations. Ultimately, the goal is to modernize parking and loading requirements and create flexibility in the provision of parking for both current and future land uses.


In addition to an analysis of parking, community outreach and listening sessions are currently being conducted to gain important feedback from those impacted by parking as well as surveying the public on future proposed changes to parking and loading regulations. To date, county staff have had more than 80 public and community meetings on the project, including project town halls and open houses. Learn more.


During my office’s Parking Reimagined community outreach process, I have been made aware of existing communities with parking challenges. And to inform myself and the Parking Reimagined process, I am looking to learn more about where in Hunter Mill the parking balance of what is needed and what is available is not in sync. Please email my office at with the location and a few details of where there is not enough, where there is too much, and maybe even where we got it just right. And if you can include a photo, that would be helpful, too.


The Hunter Mill District has a diverse mix of housing choices from single family homes on large lots to townhouses to high-rise apartment buildings in our transit-oriented neighborhoods. My goal is to make sure there is adequate parking in our new communities without requiring new parking that never gets used, which is frankly a lot harder than it may seem, so your input is essential.


The Board of Supervisors discussed the Parking Reimagined project at our meeting yesterday, you can watch the discussion here.



Board of Supervisors Update

The Board of Supervisors met yesterday, March 21. You can review the Board package here and watch the meeting here (with agenda). Of note from yesterday's meeting:

  • The Board recognized outgoing Planning Commission Chair Peter Murphy, who has served on the commission for over three decades. Pete is one of the hardest working public servants in the county and I had the pleasure of working with him when I served on the Planning Commission for 16 years, including several years as Vice Chair. Pete’s stewardship of the Planning Commission is legendary, and his impact on Fairfax County will be felt for years to come.
  • The Board approved a compensation increase for the next Board of Supervisors, effective Jan. 1, 2024 to $123,283 for Supervisors and $138,283 for the Chairman.  These amounts were lower than the staff recommendations, which were outlined in the March 7 Board Matter. As I had done two weeks ago (as noted in my March 8 newsletter), I voted against the increase since I don't think the Board should get a greater increase in compensation over the last eight years than the cumulative Market Rate Adjustments (MRAs) that county employees have received.

I also had two Board Matters that were approved:

Budget, Real Estate Assessments and Taxes

In-Person Budget Town Hall Tuesday March 28

The county executive recently presented his proposed (advertised) budget for Fiscal Year 2024. You can get his presentation and details here. I will be hosting my second town hall to get your input on the proposed budget and real estate tax rate. Hunter Mill District School Board member Melanie Meren and county staff will also be on hand to answer questions.

For questions regarding the proposed budget and tax rate, please email my office at

Real Estate Assessment Questions

If you believe that your real estate is incorrectly assessed, or have questions, you are encouraged to contact the county's Department of Tax Administration:

Watch: Understanding Real Estate Assessments and the Appeals Process

Tax Relief Workshops

Staff from the Department of Tax Administration will be at the North County Governmental Center and several other locations countywide to assist residents with filling out the 2023 tax relief application form, as well as answering questions. Learn more.

Land Use and Transportation Updates 

Capital Bikeshare Launches Next Generation Electric Bicycle

Fairfax County’s Capital Bikeshare program has launched its next generation electric bicycle. Fairfax County is among the first jurisdictions in the country to acquire this next generation model from Lyft, which manufactures and operates bikeshare equipment. Approximately 45 e-bikes will roll out in Fairfax County around Reston, Tysons and Merrifield. Learn more.

Reston Town Center North Task Force Meeting, Wednesday, March 29

The next Reston Town Center North Task Force meeting is Wednesday, March 29, 7 p.m. in the North County Governmental Center Community Room, 1801 Cameron Glen Dr., Reston. County leadership will discuss future needs for public facilities, including a regional library, emergency shelter for homeless and a human services center. Learn more. For more information on the task force meeting, email Shruti Nallappa or call 703-478-5123.

Reston Comprehensive Plan

Planning Commission Workshop is scheduled for Thursday, March 30

The Planning Commission will discuss updates to the draft Reston Comprehensive Plan on Thursday, March 30, 7:30 p.m. in Conference Room 11 at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax. The meeting will be televised on Channel 16 and streamed live online with closed captions provided in English and Spanish.

Reston Comprehensive Plan Study webpage and podcast.

Lake Accotink Community Survey Open to April 1

Although Lake Accotink is not in Hunter Mill District, many county residents use this Park Authority asset and have attended events there. As you may have seen in the media, the dredging of Lake Accotink is under review by the county. County staff have determined that dredging would cause significant environmental and social impacts and cost approximately $400 million over the next 25 years. That is a huge tab for a single lake in our 400 square mile county and the Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES) staff recommends that Lake Accotink not be dredged. Learn more. A community survey is available to provide input until April 1. Comments may also be submitted by email.

What's News in Vienna

Student Creativity Contest

The Town's Conservation and Sustainability Commission (CSC) invites Vienna students to participate in the Student Creativity Contest. Submit artwork or writing entry by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 31. The prompt is: You are a student in 2050. Write a letter or create an art piece that depicts the world you live in. Is the future sustainable? What are people doing to combat climate change and other environmental problems? What has changed or been improved since the year 2023? What has stayed the same or gotten worse?

Learn more.

Health and Human Services Updates

From the Fairfax County Health Department: Strep Throat Cases Increasing

There has been an increase in the number of people who have been diagnosed with strep throat since late January 2023 in our health district. Learn more about strep throat symptoms, how it spreads, and how to prevent it.

Volunteer Opportunities

How to Help Your Neighbors in Hunter Mill District

COVID-19 Resources

3 Things to Know Today

Go Fly a Kite!

Kick off National Kite Month at Lake Fairfax Park on April 1. Take the family outside, make your own kites and watch them soar. Kite-making kit and decorations are included with registration. Learn more.

Underwear Drive for Residents in Need

Recovery Program Solutions of Virginia (RPSV) provides free services for adults with mental health, substance use, and homelessness issues across Fairfax and Arlington counties. They are requesting donations of new underwear for adults (small to 3X). You can deliver donations to their Reston Wellness Center at 1850 Cameron Glen Dr. Suite 200 during business hours. Learn more.

Six Ways to Protect Your Property from Flooding

Flooding is the most common and costly natural disaster in the U.S. and in Fairfax County, some areas are more prone to flooding. The county has put together six ways to protect your home and property from flooding, as well as additional resources. Learn more.

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Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711

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