Capital Bikeshare Launches Next Generation Electric Bicycle
Fairfax County’s Capital Bikeshare program has launched its next generation electric bicycle. Fairfax County is among the first jurisdictions in the country to acquire this next generation model from Lyft, which manufactures and operates bikeshare equipment. Approximately 45 e-bikes will roll out in Fairfax County around Reston, Tysons and Merrifield. Learn more.
Reston Town Center North Task Force Meeting, Wednesday, March 29
The next Reston Town Center North Task Force meeting is Wednesday, March 29, 7 p.m. in the North County Governmental Center Community Room, 1801 Cameron Glen Dr., Reston. County leadership will discuss future needs for public facilities, including a regional library, emergency shelter for homeless and a human services center. Learn more. For more information on the task force meeting, email Shruti Nallappa or call 703-478-5123.
Reston Comprehensive Plan
Planning Commission Workshop is scheduled for Thursday, March 30
The Planning Commission will discuss updates to the draft Reston Comprehensive Plan on Thursday, March 30, 7:30 p.m. in Conference Room 11 at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax. The meeting will be televised on Channel 16 and streamed live online with closed captions provided in English and Spanish.
Reston Comprehensive Plan Study webpage and podcast.
Lake Accotink Community Survey Open to April 1
Although Lake Accotink is not in Hunter Mill District, many county residents use this Park Authority asset and have attended events there. As you may have seen in the media, the dredging of Lake Accotink is under review by the county. County staff have determined that dredging would cause significant environmental and social impacts and cost approximately $400 million over the next 25 years. That is a huge tab for a single lake in our 400 square mile county and the Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES) staff recommends that Lake Accotink not be dredged. Learn more. A community survey is available to provide input until April 1. Comments may also be submitted by email.