TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Dates
March 23: School Board Meeting
March 24: K-8 Morning Circle & Kaffeeklatsch
March 27-31: Spring Break (No School)
April 14: No School
April 19: Early Release Wednesday
April 27: School Board Meeting
Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please email Tina Haarbusch. Vielen Dank!
Administrative Information
Join Us Tomorrow for K-8 Social Hour and Kaffeeklatsch
Join us tomorrow Friday, January 27, for our combined K-8 Social Hour and PT
O Kaffeeklatsch!
- 7:50-8:15am - parents/guardians gather in classrooms to visit with teachers and interns
- 8:15-8:30am - adults quietly observe Morning Circle
- 8:30-9:30am - gather in the Commons for coffee and socializing!
We hope to see you there!
Happy Spring Break!
Enjoy the week off from school! We look forward to seeing you after Spring Break on April 3. |
Full-Day Kinderclub During Spring Break
Half- and full-day Kinderclub will be available from 8am - 6pm during Spring Break, but drop-in spaces are limited. If you have not yet reserved care, but would like to request drop-in services for next week, email ASAP. No unannounced drop-ins will be accepted.
After School Activities Start April 3
Thank you to those who have signed up for after school activities! These will start on the first Monday after we return from Spring Break (April 3).
If you have any questions please email Lauren Kalish at
Deadline Extended to April 7 for Plant Sale
Beautiful Hanging Baskets, Patio Pots and Plant Cards in time for Mother's Day!
Do you always buy hanging baskets for the front of your house? Are you wondering what to get the special woman in your life for Mother's Day? Would you like to have your kids pick their own strawberries and tomatoes this summer? TCGIS is making all of this possible with this year's stress-free
Plant Sale
. We offer 16 different varieties of
hanging baskets, including two edible baskets for only $25/each. Our 7 different types of Patio Pots are sure to impress your friends and neighbors at only $30/each. For all your other plant needs this summer, we offer $25 plant cards to Gertens where you are able to find an enormous variety of plants to enhance your garden and forget our Minnesota winter.
The best part? While our prices are lower than other places around town, you are also supporting programs at TCGIS!!! Win/Win for everyone! And, the deadline has been extended to April 7th! Convenient plant pick up at TCGIS on May 9 and 10.
Visit TCGIS's webstore for convenient online ordering or drop a check off in the office.
PBIS Elternbrief Extra
Congratulations to our many winners of Mausmünzen! Over the past month we have had multiple drawings for our students to acknowledge their great behavior. Some of the behaviors these students were acknowledged for were; following directions in the hallway, respectful behavior during lunch, and organizing hallway materials. We even had a special drawing during our assembly on March 10th, where Etta Aase was the lucky winner. (Pictured here)
March 2nd winners pictured to the left: Saffy Rindelaub (8b), Evelyn
Price (2a), Herr Anderson, Tavian Long (1b)
March 15th winners pictured to the right: Frau Morrissey, Lara Buress (2b), Nika Scheid (3a), Noa Winikoff (8a), Frau Sanford
What a Ski Season for our Nordic Team!
The TCGIS Nordic Ski team had a wonderful season. Click here to read some highlights of the team this year!
Call for Nominations & Applications for the
TCGIS School Board
Find out how you can help our school, connect with our community,
impact decisions and change.
The work we do helps ensure that our school is able to provide a meaningful experience for our students.
We will elect THREE board members this year to serve three year terms. We are seeking any interested person (parent, teacher or community member), especially those with experience in board governance, financial compliance, marketing and development, legal matters or education.
If you are interested in serving or would like to nominate someone to serve details and forms are attached in the links below. You do not need to be nominated to apply.
If you have questions or want to talk to a current board member further about the role, responsibilities and expectations, feel free to contact any of the
current Board members.
Important Dates
April 14: All nominations and applications due by 4:45 pm
Mid-May (TBD): Meet the Candidates Forum
May 15-19: Board elections, drop off all ballots by 4:45 pm on Friday, May 19.
Call for Nominations (detailed version)
Celebrate Your Student - Buy a Yearbook Ad
Want to celebrate your 2017 TCGIS graduate? Want to promote your business? Want to recognize your favorite teacher? The possibilities are endless! We even help you design and proofread your ad at no extra costs!
For questions and submissions, please contact us at Your yearbook ad must be received by Sunday, April 2, 2017.
Format and ad rates for TCGIS families & friends:
- 8.5x11 in.; full color; .jpeg format
- 1 page: $125.00, 1/2-Page: $70.00, 1/4-Page: $40.00. Please drop off your check (made payable to TCGIS) at the front office. Thank you for your support!
Waaaas?! $30 off Sommercamp tuition? Wahnsinn!
That's right! All registrations made on or before Friday, March 31 will receive a $30 discount on day camp tuition. Come join TCGIS's latest summer craze! From beekeeping to cooking, circus performance to painting a mural in TCGIS, we'll be having a blast in July. Auf Deutsch, natürlich!
Click here
for details, and contact
Frau Ruggles
with any questions.
Looking for German-language camp options for your younger child? Check out options at the GAI for incoming Kindergarten - 3rd-graders!
We are looking for Playground Volunteers!
Physical activity has been proven to help improve student focus and learning in the classroom. This is why TCGIS is looking for volunteers to supervise an extra recess before school this spring. We need two volunteers per day. Volunteers would commit to a certain day (Monday, Tuesday...) for the entire month. If April does not work for your schedule please consider helping out in May. Please see the sign-up for additional information.
Sign Up To Help at the PTO Rummage Sale
Thank you to everyone who donated items to the PTO Rummage Sale! Now we need your help to make sure the items get out the door. There is need for volunteers to help set up on Friday, April 7, assistance during the sale on Saturday, April 8, and cleaning up on Sunday, April 9. Click here to find a two-hour time slot that works best for you.
PTO Announcements
to find out more about these upcoming events:
- Kaffeefklatsch, March 24. Thanks to Cynthia Olson and Amy Ireland for hosting. Try some Rhuland Strudel!
- PTO Rummage Sale, April 8
- PTO Meeting, April 11
Why Learn German? Tell Us & Win!
We are once again launching a contest entitled "Why Learn German?" and are looking for any answers you and your students may come up with. These can be sent to us in any form you like - notes, videos, collages, essays, photos, musical presentations - whatever fits your message and your mood.
We will post entries on our websites and offer the top three winners partial-tuition vouchers to a two-week summer program at Waldsee German Language Village. Find out more here.