March 23, 2022
Affordable housing has been a priority for this Board of Supervisors and I am proud that we now have more than 2,000 additional units countywide put into the pipeline during the past two years. However, there is still much work to be done! In 2019 the county's Affordable Housing Resources Panel identified the need for 15,000 additional units.
Yesterday, the Board approved increasing the county's goal from 5,000 to 10,000 new affordable housing units by 2034 – and to provide the resources needed to achieve this important milestone. For our district, I have set a goal of 1,000 additional Hunter Mill affordable units in place by the end of 2027. And I challenged my colleagues representing districts on the board to a friendly competition for getting additional affordable housing units built – so far only Providence District Supervisor Palchik has taken me up on that challenge!
It is also worth noting that one of the 14 topic areas being discussed by the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study Task Force is affordable housing. Highlights of the interim recommendations include:
- Ensure affordable and workforce housing strategies for all income levels
- Expand county coordination with government, nonprofit and for-profit entities; including inclusive planning for new development not subject to the ADU ordinance
- The county should encourage adaptive reuse of commercial properties in Reston where housing is appropriate and permitted by zoning
Stay tuned for more announcements on affordable housing in Hunter Mill District. If you have any questions, please email my office.
College Intern Search: I am looking for an exceptional college student with a passion for public service for a paid internship in my office this summer. This internship provides the opportunity to get hands-on experience in local government. Interviews will be virtual. Deadline to apply is March 31. Learn more.
COVID-19 Update (March 23)
11 Tips to Get Ready for
Gardening and Growing Season
There are many county services and resources available to gardeners at all levels of expertise. With temperatures (finally!) rising and spring bulbs appearing countywide, here are some great resources for a successful and environmentally friendly garden:
- Contact a master gardener or attend a plant clinic
- Plant native species
- Use a soil test to determine if a fertilizer is needed
- Visit local garden centers
- Get free mulch
Get more details and six more tips here.
Women’s Health Roundtable is Friday, March 25
Congressman Gerry Connolly will be hosting a Women’s Health Roundtable this Friday March 25 at 3 p.m. to discuss maternal health, reproductive health, and inequities in healthcare. The purpose of the discussion is to bring attention and awareness to the disparities that women, and especially women of color, experience when it comes to health and access to care. It is also an opportunity for residents to provide insight that could help shape policies or legislation in the women’s health space.
More information:
You're Invited to a Virtual Budget Town Hall
The town hall will be hosted on the Webex platform. Representatives from the Fairfax County Department of Management and Budget and Department of Tax Administration will also be participating. Use this link to attend and participate in the meeting. To listen to the meeting on your phone, call 1-844-621-3956 and use access code: 2334 051 4882. You also can watch the meeting on YouTube Live.
What to Know About the Proposed Budget:
Additional Ways to Provide Your Input:
More information can also be found in the Feb. 23 newsletter. The FY 2023 Budget becomes effective July 1, 2022.
Board of Supervisors Update
The Board of Supervisors met yesterday, March 22. You can review the meeting package here and watch the meeting here.
Running Bamboo
A vote that had a lot of interest from Hunter Mill District residents was the Approval of Running Bamboo Ordinance Amendment, effective Jan. 1, 2023: Running bamboo is an invasive species to Virginia that is characterized by aggressive spreading behavior. Virginia Code § 15.2-901.1 authorizes Fairfax County to adopt an ordinance to require property owners to contain running bamboo on their property and to impose civil penalties on property owners who allow running bamboo to spread to adjacent properties or any public right-of-way. Under this amendment, the Department of Code Compliance will be responsible for investigating complaints of uncontained running bamboo and seeking civil penalties against property owners who fail to contain their running bamboo within 30 days after receiving notice of the violation. To use a Cold War analogy, this new ordinance will not roll back the tide of running bamboo but will seek to contain its spread – basically a détente with running bamboo, which for us is a good step forward. County staff will implement a comprehensive communications campaign to ensure that residents are aware of this amendment prior to it becoming effective next year.
Affordable Housing
Details on the vote regarding increasing the county's goal of additional affordable housing units is at the top of this newsletter.
Land Use and Transportation
Reston Comprehensive Plan Study Task Force Update
The first phase of community outreach of the Task Force’s interim recommendations on the 14 areas of the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study is underway. These interim recommendations are undergoing a comprehensive review by county staff. Their input is expected by spring/early summer and community outreach will continue through the summer. Several presentations have already been made by task force members to community stakeholders with more to be scheduled. To learn more about the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study and the Task Force, visit the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study webpage. The archive of meeting details and agendas is here. The video archive of all past task force meetings can be found on my YouTube page. If you have questions or would like to provide input, please email
Flushing of Water Mains Begins March 24
Public Works crews flush water mains every spring to help maintain a high standard of water quality and to ensure fire hydrants operate properly. The work this year begins on Thursday, March 24 and goes until May 12 or until all mains have been flushed. The work will take place from 10:30 p.m. until 7 a.m. Learn more.
Code Change for Front Porch Projections
This week the Vienna Town Council adopted the portion of the code dealing with front porch projections, allowing homeowners with homes built at or near the front setback line to construct a covered front porch on their property. The new structure still must conform with strict size requirements, but the added space offers an enjoyable option for outdoor living. For the latest information on the Town zoning code updates, visit
As a result of the 2020 census and the adoption of new congressional district, Senate district, and House of Delegate districts lines, Fairfax County was required to eliminate any resulting split precincts (note at the local level there were no changes in the boundaries in the Hunter Mill District). As required by Virginia Code 24.2-307, each precinct must now be contained within a single congressional, state senate, delegate, and magisterial district. In the county, 54 precincts were directly split by the new district lines implemented by the Supreme Court of Virginia and more than 100 precincts were impacted as a result of the required changes. The changes were approved by the Board of Supervisors earlier this month. Six precincts were affected in Hunter Mill District due to state-drawn redistricting:
- FLINT HILL was split into three parts
- WESTBRIAR was split into two parts
- SUNRISE VALLEY was split
- FOX MILL was split
- NORTH POINT was split
- COLVIN was split
Upcoming Maintenance Work at Lake Fairfax
The Park Authority recently announced that early April through the end of May (weather permitting), a Park Authority contractor will be performing maintenance work on the principle spillway at the Lake Fairfax Dam. Prior to starting the work, the lake water level will be reduced about 1.5 feet by staff as required for the maintenance. Residents should be aware that there will be noticeable activity on the spillway while the maintenance work is performed. Safety measures will be in place and pedestrian access to the trails and pedestrian bridge above the dam will be maintained at all times. If you have any questions or concerns contact my office at
Support Ukrainian Refugees With Donations
Through April 15
Several local jurisdictions, including Fairfax County and the Town of Vienna are coordinating a three-week effort to collect donations for the people of Ukraine. You can drop off donations for refugees at more than 30 locations across Northern Virginia until April 15, including my office at 1801 Cameron Glen Dr. in Reston.
Donations will be picked up and transported to refugees in Poland and residents in Ukraine. Here's what's needed:
- New/Gently Used Coats
- New Blankets
- New Pairs of Sweat Socks/Heavy Socks
- New Pairs of Gloves
3 Things to Know Today- Student Edition
It is with a (cautionary) sigh of relief that I am able to get back out in the community and meet face to face with residents! It is especially exciting to be able to interact with our young residents who have shown so much resilience during the last two years. Recently, I had the privilege of meeting with Boy Scout Troop 1577, visiting South Lakes High School's job fair and honoring James Madison High School's several state championship teams, including the Marching Ensemble.
South Lakes High School
job fair
The James Madison High School Girls basketball team are state champions three years and counting!
Stay Informed and In Touch
Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711