March 23, 2020
Dear MedChi Members and Maryland Physicians:

In an effort to ensure that all Maryland physicians have the information they need, MedChi's COVID-19 update emails are being shared as widely as possible beyond our membership. We are all in this together, and MedChi is here for all physicians in Maryland. We encourage you to share this email with your colleagues, let us know if there is more information you need, and reach out to us with any specific concerns.

Here are some of the latest resources and information:

  • Today's Maryland Department of Health all-physician call will be at 5:00 pm. Register here.

  • CareFirst has developed a resource center for billing, telemedicine, and benefit updates.

  • Montgomery County Medical Society is holding an employment law webinar today at 12pm and again at 6pm. Registration is limited but the webinar will be recorded and made available online.

  • For questions regarding implementation of telemedicine, please contact Colleen George at [email protected].

Please reach out to us if you have questions or if there are specific resources you are looking for. Thank you for all that you do as physicians and healers.

Gene Ransom
MedChi CEO
MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society | 410-539-0872 |