HSC and Partners Take it to the Street Project Connect a Success in Surprise
Individuals experiencing homelessness in and around Surprise were connected with a range of services and resources during Project Connect on Tuesday at The Salvation Army Northwest Division. Nearly 50 volunteers assisted HSC and more than a dozen partners agencies in serving approximately 110 guests, who were able to obtain housing support, healthcare screenings, job search and preparation, legal assistance, vital records and identification replacement, and more. COVID-19 screenings, tests and vaccines were also provided, as well as clothing, showers, haircuts, food and bicycle repairs. Project Connect helps many individuals remove barriers to move from street to home. 
The next Project Connect event is scheduled for May 20th in West Phoenix. For more information, please email us at volunteer@hsc-az.org.

HSC thanks Valley of the Sun United Way for their support in making Project Connect happen across Maricopa County!

ITs Tax Time. Here's a Great Way to Give Back.
By making a donation to HSC or one of our partners, you will not only be helping those experiencing homelessness, you also may be able to obtain a dollar-for-dollar tax credit toward your Arizona state tax obligation. Single or head of household qualifiers may qualify for up to $400 and married couples filing jointly may qualify for a tax credit up to $800.

Simply click on one of the links below to make a donation by April 15th to take advantage of the AZ State Tax Credit for Qualiying Charitiable Organizations on your 2021 taxes.
Thank You!
Episode 29 of
The McQuaid Mission
on the
Episode 29: Health & Homelessness (aired March 14th)
The latest point in time count reveals a 35% increase in the region's unsheltered population with a count of over 5,000 individuals. In this episode, we rally community leaders to talk solutions in the specific areas of prevention, services and housing.

Episode 30 will air on Monday, March 28th! Click Here to View All Episodes.
Human Services Campus | 204 S. 12th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85007 | 602.282.0853 | www.hsc-az.org