March 21, 2019  

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Weekly Update
Sunday, March 24-30, 2019
This Sunday, March 24 
Everyday Spiritual Practice 
"Next To Godliness"
The Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein
Sunday, March 24
10:00 a.m.
The tedium of daily chores has long been a source for deep spiritual reflection and wisdom.  
Recommended Reading: Next To Godliness: Finding the Sacred in Housekeeping, ed. Alice Peck, The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy and "Women's Work," Kathleen Norris, Nickel and Dimed: In Not Getting by in America, Barbara Ehrenreich
Programming at UUCGL 
Soul Strength:
A Monthly Gathering
for Activists and Caregivers
Wednesdays 7:00-8:15 p.m.
Join us March 27

For all those whose care for others can lead to despair, isolation and burn-out. Meditation, check-in, a healing and encouraging message. Solidarity and support. Drop in; we meet in the Sanctuary. People of all faiths and no faith warmly welcome. Caring for the souls of those who care about the world.

Upcoming Gatherings    
Lots of Lasagna (Veggie)
Maybe Many Meatballs
This Saturday, March 23
9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
The Social Justice Ministry Team (SJMT) invites you to cook for the guests at My Brother's Table
! Please join us in the church kitchen on Saturday, March 23rd (9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.). Stop by for an hour or stay all morning. Families welcome. Signup sheets are on the foyer Welcome Table and the Parish Hall bulletin board near the Fellowship Hour signup calendar.  
Contact Jeff Gunther or Martha Curry if you have questions or want to sign up but will not be in church to sign up on one of the sheets.
March 30th Spring Bazaar
is almost here!
The UUW will be sponsoring a Spring Bazaar on Saturday, March 30th. Your donated items will help make this event a success - so we ask that you continue setting items aside to donate to the Bazaar. If you have a holiday gift or two that you'll never use, consider re-gifting to the Bazaar. The proceeds from this event are used to support the UUW's Philanthropic Fund, which provides financial assistance to local and denominational organizations and also provides some college scholarships.  
Your bazaar donations can be dropped off in the Parish Hall any time from March 25 to March 29. Please note that we cannot accept TV's, computers or stuffed animals. THANK YOU!
Spring Bazaar Volunteers Needed

Please consider signing up to help with the Bazaar. The UUW needs your help with sorting and pricing items for sale, as well as at the various tables on the day of the sale; there is a volunteer sign-up sheet on the foyer welcome table. There are also some colorful flyers promoting the Bazaar on the table next to the  sign-up sheet. Please take a flyer and share it with anyone you think may be interested, or post it where potential Bazaar Shoppers and Treasure Hunters may see it. We hope you'll come and give us a hand. We look forward to working with you! (Note:  The sorting and pricing will be done most days from March 25 to March 29, and at least one evening that week.)

Swampscott Interfaith Food Pantry

The UUW will distribute Food Pantry Bags on Sunday, March 31 during Fellowship Hour to all who sign up to donate a bag of groceries to our Swampscott neighbors in need. A shopping list will be provided with each bag, and we ask that you return the bags on April 7 or April 14, so that we may sort and then deliver the bags to the recipients on April 18. Thanks in advance for your support and generosity!
Annual All Church, All Ages Retreat
at Ferry Beach in Saco, Maine!
April 26-28, 2019
Dig out those flip flops,  
pack sunscreen and a favorite book,  
tune up that guitar, and get ready  
for UUCGL's annual retreat.
The annual church retreat is a time to connect with fellow congregants, friends and family in a safe and low pressure environment. Some people choose to catch up on lounging and reflecting, others play games, sing, or maybe take on some embodied spiritual activity. Programs are offered for those wanting a little more structure (just a little). So join us, for the first time or come back to this special place.
AND, if you would like to share your gifts by leading an activity (yoga, meditation, game night, etc.) please let Mark LaPointe, DCLL know as soon as possible!
Enrollment forms, which can be found on the church foyer welcome table, are due by April 5th along with payment. If you have questions, or need financial assistance of any sort, contact Mark LaPointe at [ OR 781-595-8836 Ext. 12].
Wonders of our Waterways
Amy Weidensaul, Director of MassAudubon
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary
Sunday, April 7
Parish Hall at 12 Noon

In her presentation, Ms. Weidensaul will highlight the importance of our local waterways (rivers, streams, and lakes) to people, wildlife, and the environment. She'll delve into the lives of wildlife that rely on freshwater resources from bugs to beavers and explore the watersheds as a source of drinking water as well as the issue of dam removal.
Ms. Weidensaul joined Mass Audubon in July 2018 with more than 20 years' experience in the environmental field.
Light refreshments will be provided.
Hosted by the church's Green Sanctuary Ministry Team with its mission of honoring the interconnected web of life by promoting environmental education and sustainability both within the church and in the larger community.

Fresh Water - Rivers, Ponds & Wetlands
In line with our Fresh Water theme this year, the Gr een Sanctuary Ministry Team has some upcoming events planned at t he Ipswich River Watershed Association (IRWA), located at 143 County Rd. in Ipswich: On May 11 there will be a paddle on the river from 3:00-5:00 p.m. and in the late summer (date to be announced) we'll be doing a nature walk along the river. There will also be a make your own rain barrel, using a kit provided by IRWA for $40, on Saturday, April 27 from 10:00 a.m.-noon. Stay tuned for more info on these events!

It's Pledge season!
Thank-you to those who have already filled out the pledge cards sent to you.
It is important that the church has your completed pledge cards by March 31, 2019. You may also pledge by e-mailing 
The totals of these pledges is how next year's (July 2019-June 2020) budget will be set. Your pledge counts!

March 50/50 Sunday Offertory:
UU Mass Action
The Global Congregation Ministry Team has designated UU Mass Action to share in our Sunday offerings during the month of March. UU Mass Action is a Unitarian Universalist organization that works on social justice issues in Massachusetts. Guided by its vision of "a world where all people are honored and valued", it organizes and mobilizes UUs in Massachusetts to confront oppression. It provides pathways towards justice and identifies opportunities in which we can live our values. UU Mass Action works with congregations to build capacity, engage in effective justice work and develop leadership. UU Mass Action Advocacy Day is April 9, 2019 (for more information: ).
The Social Justice Ministry Team will match total donations received up to $500. Please make checks payable to UU Mass Action.
The Denominational Connections Ministry Team thanks you for
your generosity.


Does the Office Know Your
Current Contact Information?
Please keep your name, address, phone number, and e-mail current in the church office. E-mail Elizabeth Muller with your correct information. Not sure what information we have on file for you? Call Elizabeth at 781-595-8836, ext. 10. 

Recurring Gatherings


Covenant Group   

Covenant Group is open to anyone from the church interested in learning about and experiencing small group ministry.

Gatherings are 11:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in the "Faces" classroom, the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. If you are interested in joining this group, or even just sitting in to see if you like it, please speak to Lyssa Andersson or Suzanne Forgione. One need not be a UUCGL member, or even a Unitarian Universalist to join a covenant group here.
Dialogue Group
"Dialogue" is a way of practicing deep listening that enables us to share personal experiences and thoughts in a way that collectively builds a more expansive understanding of ourselves and the world around us.  
The Dialogue Group meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 11:45 a.m-1:00 p.m. All are welcome when able to attend. Contact Ron Fishman at for more information.Dialogue and the discursive meditation are part of the method of Cafh, a path of spiritual unfolding. For information about Cafh:; the discursive meditation:  and dialogue,   and

Sunday Schedule
Worship & Children's Ministry
Fellowship Hour 11:15 a.m.
Googlemap Directions
101 Forest Avenue
Swampscott, MA 01907
(781) 595-8836