Single Family Production COVID-19 Guidance
Due to the COVID-19 State of Emergency declared by Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear on March 6, 2020, and the National Emergency declared by President Donald Trump on March 13, 2020, KHC has issued interim policies and procedures for our Single-Family Homebuyer Development and AHTF Home Repair Programs.
KHC's Interim Policies & Procedures: SF Homeownership Development & AHTF Home Repair
CHDOs May Draw Remaining Operating Grant Funds
KHC will allow organizations to immediately draw the balance of their FY20 CHDO operating grant (rather than doing quarterly draws). CHDOs do not need to attach the CHDO Quarterly Report to make the draw request. Reports must be submitted
by April 30, 2020 (3rd Qtr) and July 31, 2020 (4th Qtr).
In November 2020, KHC will allow CHDOs to draw their FY21 operating grants in one lump sum with their 1st Quarter FY21 report. CHDOs must have submitted ALL FY20 CHDO Quarterly Reports before requesting FY 2021 grant funds.
Selling HOME/AHTF Units
If you have a homeowner now unable to purchase a home due to loss of income, we ask that you try to mitigate the barriers to purchasing the units. If you believe a lease purchase option would be the best option for the homebuyer, please contact HCA for guidance. KHC's aim is for lease purchase solutions to be as brief as possible.
Current Inspections Policy
- If the activity is new construction or rehab with NO residents in place, KHC will continue conducting inspections as usual.
- If the activity is rehab with residents in place: NO on-site inspections will be conducted through April 30th. KHC will accept video submitted by partners instead of conducting an on-site inspection. KHC reserves the right to inspect units after the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
Single-Family New Construction & Acquisition, Rehab, Resale:
Any partner needing more than three draws in the HB18, HB19 projects can submit a waiver in the draw system and request the additional draw.
AHTF Home Repair
: The projects are allowed two draws (HR19 and HR20). If you have a completed project in need of a video inspection but cannot safely get video of the interior work, please contact HCA for a work-around.
Project Deadlines
For any project unlikely to meet project deadlines due to COVID-19, submit a waiver request through the draw system to extend the deadline. PLEASE submit waivers 15-30 days before the project deadline-no earlier/later.
Thresholds for Future Applications
Future applications thresholds will be adjusted due to the pandemic we are experiencing. We will continue to monitor projects to determine what are fair thresholds at the time of application.
What KHC's Asks of Partners
Please regularly check
KHC's HCA Help Desk, eGrams, and emails for updates as directives and guidelines change.