We're trying to stay on top of the latest developments on COVID-19 in our community and how things at the state and federal levels impact you and your business.

As I write this, the House just passed the CARES Act and it now heads to President Trump for his signature. This is a great sign for everyone, but particularly for small business, which now has more tools in the belt to address the impact the shutdown has had on business.

How long will I continue these updates? I'm committed to sending out an update at least every other weekday - provided there is new information to share.

As always, reach out to us if you need anything. Email me at mthrone@chillicotheohio.com or call 740-649-6372.
PPE Needs: How you or your business can help our front-line hospital employees and first responders
Both first responders and our hospitals are asking for donations or financial help to purchase medical supplies for their personnel, who are "essential" in every sense of the word.

The state is reminding Ohioans of the oncoming shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, goggles, gloves, gowns and face shields for healthcare workers and first responders.

Taking care of a patient who is in intensive care for a 24-hour shift requires:
  • 36 pairs of gloves
  • 14 gowns
  • 3 pairs of goggles
  • 13 N-95 face masks

The state of Ohio is asking residents and businesses who can donate PPE, or any other essential service or resource, to email together@governor.ohio.gov. Staff will receive these emails and coordinate how these resources can best be used to benefit all Ohioans.

Meanwhile, Adena Health Foundation has created several ways for business partners and community members to support the efforts of Adena providers and caregivers as they take on the Coronavirus, while continuing to meet the day-to-day healthcare needs of our communities.

You can help through:

Financial Support: The Adena Health Foundation has established a COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund which will be used to provide emergency assistance in support all Adena Health System facilities and the physicians, APPs and caregivers delivering care to those in need during this pandemic. 
Donating Medical Supplies: Adena is now accepting donations of certain medical supplies as it continues its efforts to care for our communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Supplies that will be accepted include:
  • Masks — N-95 masks, surgical masks, procedure masks with or without face shields. Homemade masks are being accepted at this time.
  • Eyewear — medical or laboratory goggles and glasses
  • Gowns — medical-grade protective gowns, isolation gowns
  • Gloves — nitrile exam gloves, surgical gloves
  • Hand sanitizer—greater than 60% alcohol
  • Sanitizer wipes (Clorox)
Donations may be dropped off at Adena hospital locations in Chillicothe, Greenfield and Waverly between 2-3 p.m. seven days a week. Special arrangements for supply drop offs can be made by contacting donations@adena.org .
Hey, what about independent contractors, sole proprietors, and the self-employed?
The great news about the $2.2 trillion stimulus package that should be law by the end of the day is that it does change the rules regarding independent contractors, self-employed, and sole proprietors.

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted said the state's system may not be caught up to the law right away, but top technology advisers are working to make sure the state's unemployment website contains the most current information.

The bill extends unemployment benefits for 13 more weeks and also includes an additional $600 a week on top of state unemployment benefits for up to four months. The rate of state pay may be less for self-employed, independent contractors, and freelance workers.

Not everyone who is self-employed will qualify for unemployment, but it does make it an option for many more people. Also eligible for unemployment: anyone who becomes sick and is ordered to be quarantined.

To apply for unemployment benefits, visit your  state’s unemployment website . The information you will need includes your Social Security number, your driver’s license or state ID, and Social Security numbers of any dependents you are claiming.

As we get more information, we'll pass it on.
Community Response Task Force is at work to address local concerns
We'll have more details on this next week, but for the past few weeks a cross-section of people from throughout Ross County have been talking daily via Zoom meeting. This group, loosely dubbed the "Community Response Task Force," keeps tabs on COVID-19's impact from a health and business perspective, but also directly discusses three critical areas for the community: housing, income, and hunger. Keep an eye out for a page on our web site that contains information about this group.
Quick hits on COVID-19
Some links to help you:
  • If your business is closed, or if you're open and business is down, the US Chamber has a few tips on how to keep your customers during this difficult time.
  • A reminder: The Chillicothe Ross Community Foundation has now opened the portal for their Coronavirus Emergency Fund. To apply for an emergency grant visit their grants and scholarship portal, create an account and fill out the Coronavirus Emergency Fund application.
  • Pike County reported its first COVID-19 case Friday. Ross County, as of today, has no reported cases, but the state is now reporting 1,137 cases.
Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce | Email Mike Throne | chillicotheohio.com