TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Events
Mar. 30 - April 6: Spring Break - No School
April 9: Spring After School Activities Begin
April 13: No School - Professional Learning Day
April 25: Early Release Wednesday
May 16: Early Release Wednesday
May 25-May 28: No School - Grading Day and Memorial Day
June 8: After School Activities End
June 12: Last Day of School
Administrative Information
Happy Spring Break!
We made it to Spring Break! Please note that the office will be closed starting tomorrow, Friday, March 30, and remain closed for the rest of Spring Break. Enjoy the time off and see you on April 9! |
Join Us for Facilities Listening Session
Earlier today a message from the facilities committee was sent out to the school community. This message highlights recent discussions surrounding the future of our building. If you missed this message, you can find it here.
Interested in attending a facilities listening session? Join us on Monday, April 9, 2018 (the Monday we are back from break) from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. We will be in the TCGIS Cafeteria - use stairs off Como Ave. (basement).
What to expect?
15 minute presentation that will include a recap of facility committee work over the last year regarding facility changes
Potential construction planning to solve the space need and facility changes desired by TCGIS
Q&A forum to ask questions
We hope to see you there!
Spring Spiritwear Sale
We are in the process of designing TCGIS spiritwear to sell this spring. The ordering window will be from
Monday April 9 to Friday April 20. Please keep an eye out for an email on Monday, April 9, containing instructions for how to place your order.
TCGIS Sommercamp 2018
Morning camps available for 3rd - 8th grades
Afternoon add-on available for 3rd - 6th grades
Camp eligibility based on grades for 2018-2019
July 16 - 20
The Mystery Box
(Die geheimnisvolle Schachtel)
, Grades 3 - 5
July 16 - 20
What's so Great about Bees?
(Bienen, Bienen, Bienen),
Grades 4 - 8
July 23 - 27
Harry Potter Adventures
(Harry Potter Abenteuer)
, Grades 3 - 5
July 23 - 27
German Cinema Camp
(Deutsche Kinokultur),
Grades 6 - 8
July 30 - August 3
Rock, Paper, Scissors
(Stein, Papier, Schere)
, Grades 3 - 5
July 30 - August 3: Under the Circus Tent (Im Zirkuszelt), Grades 3 - 8
Discounted registrations end on March 31!!! Don't miss out!!!
After School Activities Start Monday, April 9
This is a reminder that the spring session of after school activities begins on Monday, April 9. This is the first day back from spring break. Monday's activities are Running Club and Science Superstars.
Please note: registration for after school activities has closed.
GEMs Summer Camp - Girls
Excel in Mathematics
Missy Morrissey (Middle School), Kim Kulhanek and Stephanie Mekacher (Elementary School) are offering a summer MATH camp for girls with support from the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Student Chapter at the University of Minnesota during the week of
August 13th-17th.
Who: All students entering grades 1-6
What: GEMs Summer Math camp
Where: University of Minnesota, Vincent Hall
August 13th-17th, 2018, from
Cost: $150 (daily snack provided)
Registration Deadline: June 12th, 2018
Returning Families:
The curriculum will be different than last year's camp if you are interested in attending again!
Yearbook Ad/Senior Announcements
We will be accepting
yearbook ads
, and
senior 8th grade announcements
for 2017-2018 yearbook until
Thursday April
12, 2018. Please email them to
Ad rates: 1 page: $125, 1/2 page $70, 1/4 page $40. Checks can be made out to TCGIS and dropped off in the front office.
Last Call for School Yearbook Photos!
We are now accepting your photo submissions for 2017-2018 yearbook. We have received a number of photos since March 1, but yearbook is still looking for additional photos of classroom activities, field trips, after school activities, and capstone exchange. Last day we'll accept photos for yearbook is
March 31
. Late submissions will not be accepted. All students, staff, interns, and parents are welcome to submit photos. Email pictures to
Saturday, March 31st, 2018
Call for Nominations & Applications
for the
School Board
Find out how you can help our school, connect with our community,
ct decisions and change.
The work we do helps ensure that our school is able to provide a meaningful experience for our students.
We will elect
THREE board members
this year to serve
three year terms
. We are seeking any interested persons
(parents, teachers, and community members)
, especially those with experience in board governance, financial compliance, marketing and development, legal matters, or education.
If you are interested in serving or would like to nominate someone to serve details and forms are attached in the links below. You do not need to be nominated to apply.
If you have questions or want to talk to a current board member further about the role, responsibilities and expectations, feel free to contact any of the
current Board members
. Send your nominations or applications to
Important Dates
April 13
: All nominations and applications due by 4:45 pm.
Meet the Candidates Forum
May 14-18:
Board elections, drop off all ballots by 4:45 pm on Friday, May 18.
6th Grade Presentations
Thursday, April 12th, the 6th graders will be presenting their projects in the TCGIS Social Science Fair (ISF-Messe) from
2:30 PM to 3 PM in the TCGIS Cafeteria.
All parents, teachers, students are invited to come and see the 6th graders' projects.
PTO meeting April 10th, 645-8:30pm
Nominations for next year's PTO board will be taken, presentation from the MN Charter School Association and more. RSVP here and you can always see minutes of previous meetings at the PTO website.
Flower sale ends TODAY! Shop
here. Strudel is coming soon with ten different sweet and savory options. Sale will run
April 11-25th. Watch for the shopping link. Both Flowers & Strudel can be picked up
May 7th
SATURDAY, 31 March 2018 (rain or shine)
The German Osterhase is again visiting this year and will bring masses of eggs filled with candy & tokens. Tokens can be exchanged for fun prizes and toys after the hunt at our Osterladen.
For children ages 0-7 years old; $10.00 per child. Wristband sale starts at 8:30am - Egg hunt begins at 11:00am.
Various classes and courses including Beginner German G100, Grammar Review and Speaking & Pronunciation, and classes for Advanced Speakers