March 29, 2023


Did you know that there are 60,000 streetlights in Fairfax County? While that may seem like a lot, there are areas in the county and certainly in Hunter Mill District where there is a need for more streetlights to keep neighborhoods safe and ensure pedestrian safety. Yesterday at the Safety and Security Committee Meeting, county staff provided the Board of Supervisors with an overview of the county's streetlight program. Over the last few years, I have heard from residents asking for streetlights in their communities. Those requests are passed along to the county's Department of Public Works and Environmental Services for review, and when funding is available new lights are installed.

Here are some key points:

  • Power companies own, operate and maintain county streetlights (Dominion Energy, NOVEC)
  • Fairfax County is responsible for the operating cost of the streetlights.
  • Lights on major interchanges on traffic signal poles are owned, operated and maintained by VDOT.
  • Since 2019 all new streetlights must be LED and older streetlights are being converted to LED. LED lights have the same light levels, but with much lower energy use.
  • Many lights for trails and private streets are owned/operated by private associations, like Reston Association separate from Fairfax County

As the Board of Supervisors considers whether moving forward with a countywide streetlight plan is necessary and appropriate, I would like to hear from you if you know of areas in our community that need streetlights or any related concerns. Please email my office at with details including street names, cross streets, etc. Please put streetlights in the subject line.

Streetlight outages are also a concern. If you are aware of a streetlight that is not working, the county has put together a Streetlight Reporting Map.



Please note that there is no newsletter next Wednesday, April 5.

Board of Supervisors Update

The Board of Supervisors held several committee meetings yesterday, March 28. You can review the presentations and watch the meetings below:

Fairfax County Photo: The U.S., state and county flags were lowered to half-staff yesterday at all county government facilities as a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of violence perpetrated on March 27 in Nashville. The flags will remain at half-staff until sunset on March 31.

Register for Tour de Hunter Mill, Sunday, May 7

I am very happy to announce that registration for the Third Annual Tour de Hunter Mill is now open! I hope you can join me on Sunday, May 7. There are three routes that all begin and end at Reston Community Center at Hunters Woods, 2310 Colts Neck Rd. The routes take you through scenic Hunter Mill District. The short and long rides include a pitstop at the beautiful Frying Pan Farm Park.

Three Routes: 

  • Family Ride: 5.9 miles
  • Short Ride: 15.5 miles
  • Long Ride: 29 miles

The fee is $30, which includes a donation to our Tour de Hunter Mill partner, Fairfax Alliance for Better Bicycling and the popular Tour de Hunter Mill socks. Learn more and register.

Land Use and Transportation Updates 

Reston Comprehensive Plan:

Planning Commission Workshop is Tomorrow, Thursday, March 30

The Planning Commission will discuss draft staff recommendations for the Reston Comprehensive Plan on Thursday, March 30, 7:30 p.m. in Conference Room 11 at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax. The meeting will be televised on Channel 16 and streamed live online with closed captions provided in English and Spanish.

*Note: This draft document is not a formal release for public comment. Additional edits and modifications will be reflected in the published Staff Report expected to be published later this spring. 

Reston Comprehensive Plan Study webpage and podcast.

My Statement on Feb. 22 Tysons Fatal Shooting

Last Thursday, the Fairfax County Police Department released the body worn camera video from the Feb. 22 fatal shooting of Timothy Johnson in Tysons. You can watch the FCPD press conference on the video here.

The body worn camera footage of the fatal shooting of Timothy Johnson is extremely troubling and my condolences go out to his family and friends. I look forward to learning more from the ongoing investigations and what can be done to ensure this tragedy does not happen again. There must be accountability at all levels, and we can and must do better upholding the dignity of human life in all situations.

What's News in Vienna

With spring underway, a reminder that the Town’s zoning ordinance requires property owners and managers to maintain lawn and grass areas at no taller than six inches in height. Property owners and managers are also required to keep shrubs, grass and other landscaping on their property trimmed so that they do not encroach into public sidewalks and streets. For more information, contact the Town’s zoning compliance officer at

Health and Human Services Updates

Virtual Learning Series: Youth Homelessness in Fairfax County.

On Thursday, April 13, Noon to 12:45 p.m., FCPS Homeless & Foster Care Liaison Kathi Sheffel and Second Story CEO Judith Dittman will lead a discussion on youth homelessness. Learn more and register.

Long COVID Resources

If you think you or a loved one may have long COVID, taking a few steps to prepare for your meeting with a healthcare provider can make all the difference. The county's Health Department has tips and resources. Learn more.

Volunteer Opportunities

How to Help Your Neighbors in Hunter Mill District

COVID-19 Resources

3 Things to Know Today From the Library


Friends of Reston Library Annual Children/Young Adult Book Sale Begins Tomorrow

Stop by Reston Regional Library March 30 through April 2 for the annual spring sale of books for children and young adults. Hours and more details.

Patrick Henry Library Hosts Local Author, Monday, April 17, 7 p.m.

In honor of the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, meet local author Leena

Bhatnagar who will discuss the global events that contributed to the Revolutionary War and how she explores them in her historical fiction novel, The Tea Merchant. Learn more.

Getting Started With Digital Books From the Library

A Fairfax County Library card number and password are all that are needed to access the Library's free eBooks and eAudiobooks through services such as OverDrive and the Library's databases. Learn more about how you can get started.

Stay Informed and In Touch
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Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711

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