March 3, 2023


Humpback CRC19816 in Puget Sound.

photo by Jim Schmaltz, February 24, 2023

We are watching and visiting the whales in their home.
Please observe, love, and respect them from a distance.


Sightings through February 28 include:

Southern Residents - On February 25, J Pod was in Boundary Pass. On March 1, J Pod made their way south in the Strait of Georgia off Mayne Island.

Bigg's Killer Whales - T60D & T60E in San Juan Channel. Other reports around the SJIs but no IDs.

Humpbacks - CRC19816 in Puget Sound.

Gray Whales - CRC22, CRC53, & CRC2440 all still around, feeding in their favorite spots.

CORRECTION FOR LAST REPORT: The February 14th orcas off Isla Cornado were in Sea of Cortez, Loreto Baja Mexico (not California, USA as included in our in our last Whale Sighting Report dated February 23 under Coast Orcas).


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2023 AT 4 PM – 5 PM

Langley Whale Center Free Youth Hybrid Event-Porpoises of the Salish Sea

Langley Whale Center

Join us for our VERY FIRST hybrid in-person and virtual youth event! For this event, we will have an exciting presentation and activity on the porpoises of the Salish Sea, with guest presenter, marine mammalogist Cindy Elliser of Pacific Mammal Research. Cindy will teach us all about the porpoises we find in our Salish Sea waters! The event will be followed by a fun activity. Snack provided if joining in-person.

As always, our youth events are free to join. However, if you plan to join virtually, you must register to get a unique link to login. Register here.

If you are joining in person, please email Katie Watkins at so we can get a rough headcount. We will be meeting at the Langley Whale Center at 105 Anthes Ave in Langley, WA. Walk-ins welcome!

We work hard to keep our youth events free and accessible to all. If you'd like to donate to keep our programs going, you may do so here. Thank you!

Your support enables Orca Network to continue our work to connect people & whales, educate & inspire people to take action, and collect & disseminate data for research & education.
With Gratitude!
Orca Network

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SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype)

Sat, Feb 25 - Boundary Pass (J Pod)

16:56 - Still hearing some audible S4 calls.

16:45 - J pod can still be heard on SIMRES hydrophone in Boundary Pass.

Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network

Tue, Feb 21 - Boundary Pass (J Pod)

Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #5:

“Somewhere off Johns Pass, Dave-on a hunch, turned northeast up Boundary Pass. Several minutes later, Dave saw a male killer whale’s dorsal fin mid-channel off Blunden Island and the encounter began at 1208. The bull was J26 and he soon went down on a long dive. No other whales were immediately in sight…”

Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #5.

Sun, Feb 19 - San Juan Channel (J Pod)

Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #4:

“After receiving a text from Jane Cogan relaying a report of probable residents heading up San Juan Channel, Dave headed down to Snug Harbor and left in the boat at 1345. “Orcinus” arrived on scene at 1415, mid-San Juan Channel north of Rocky Bay. J pod was spread out across the channel in singles, pairs, and the odd loose three or foursome as they traveled slowly up San Juan Channel…”

Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #4.

BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype)

Tue, Feb 28 - San Juan Channel (T60D & T60E)

Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #6:

“Mark and Joe were surveying the recent hot-spot of Haro Strait and Boundary Pass when at 1418 they received a report of killer whales exiting Friday Harbor, northbound. They turned south from the north shore of Stuart Island and met two young male killer whales travelling north in San Juan Channel, just north of Point Caution at 1443…”

Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #6.

Sun, Feb 26 - Haro Strait

14:40 - Now trending north further offshore. Lots of whales.

14:20 - Got many blows offshore of County Park - maybe milling, maybe trending south.

Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute


Thanks everyone for tagging the Orcasound - Listen for Whales live stream. It looks like humans detected from 12:43-13:31 and OrcaHello AI missed it. Here's a blog post with recordings you can download, along with a few other thoughts: Link to Orcasound post.

Scott Veirs, Orcasound


13:05 - Several loud calls.

13:00 - Can hear quite a few calls. 

Cindi Crowder Rausch


12:48 - Just heard transient vocals on Orcasound Lab hydrophone.

Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network


11:50 - Report of large group of orcas southbound in Haro near Kelp Reef.

Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]

Sun, Feb 26 - San Juans

16:45 - Ferry from Friday Harbor to Anacortes, lone bull between Lopez and Shaw, heading southwest down the channel. Ferry slowed for safe distance passing.

Sarah Sadid


[The] 2:10 ferry [from] Orcas to Anacortes paused outside Shaw terminal for what I suspect were a couple Ts. It was too far to ID, but I saw 2 males and thought maybe the dorsals were Ts. They were milling then dove and we didn't see them again.

Dave Bergmann


14:30 - My sister Hannah Buckmaster saw them from the ferry as it was pulling into the Lopez Island landing. She saw two males and they were still circling and apparently feeding. From the distant photos she sent I suspect the T90s but I’m not positive.

Justine Buckmaster


12:00 - Orcas are now between Shaw and Lopez feeding with lots of gulls around them.

11:53 - Pod of orcas 200 feet northwest of the Lopez ferry terminal sighted via the ferry right now.

Ben Ellis [PSWS]


11:58 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Captain reports 3-4 orca just off LPZ WB towards Upright Channel. 


Sat, Feb 25 - Strait of Juan de Fuca

08:30 - They [orcas] were in Port Angeles this morning, out by the Coast Guard base, but inside the bay.

Connie Albaugh [WSSJI]

Screen grab from video by Frank Bennett, February 25, 2023


CORRECTION: The February 14th orcas off Isla Cornado were in Sea of Cortez, Loreto Baja Mexico (not California, USA as included in our in our last Whale Sighting Report dated February 23 under Coast Orcas) .


Fri, Feb 24 - Central Puget Sound (CRC19816)

ID note per Erin Johns Gless on the humpback, based on photo by Jason Cook: "The photo quality isn’t ideal for a photo ID, BUT, Happywhale yielded this as a 38% possibility, and it’s a whale that was seen off Victoria in December so circumstantial evidence is good." Link to Happywhale ID CRC19816.

Photo of CRC19816 used for Happywhale to find ID.

photo by Jason Cook, February 24, 2023



photo by Robyn Riley, February 24, 2023



From Ruston Way area. 

photos by Cherie StOurs, February 24, 2023


17:45 - We saw three blows west of Owen Beach.

Paul Davis


17:11 - [humpback approx. 47.326655, -122.459579].

Jason Cook


17:53 - Losing light fast. Last sighting was passing Owen Beach moving what appeared to be south towards Point Defiance.

17:31 - Humpback approaching south Vashon/Point Defiance ferry lanes now. Still headed west mid channel.

17:12 - Big breach at the entrance of Quartermaster Harbor still trending west toward Vashon.

16:57 - Passing the Browns Point lighthouse still trending west.

16:51 - Headed west towards Browns Point lighthouse (closer to that side) viewing from Chinese Reconciliation Park.

16:09 - Seems to be doing larger circles around the Commencement Bay area from navy ships back to Silver Cloud.

15:47 - Eastbound towards the navy boats.

15:20 - See map for location [approx. 47.288807, -122.438284].

Candace Gavin


16:00 - Eastbound past Northern Fish Pier right now.

Robyn Riley


15:44 - Seeing humpback from Dune in Commencement Bay.

Cherie StOurs [PSWS]


15:19 - Seeing blows from Dune.

Cherie StOurs


Sent via form submission from Orca Network

Name: Tom Slezak

Date of Sighting: 2/24/2023

Time: 3:30 PM

Species seen: Uncertain, possibly gray [confirmed humpback]

Number of animals seen: 1

Where seen: About 300 yards off of the old Point Ruston ferry (Tacoma WA) which is tied up at the eastern end of Point Ruston.

Direction of travel : Observed going back and forth along Point Ruston about 300 yards offshore

Behaviors observed: Appeared to be doing feeding behavior; under water 3-5 minutes then 3 spouts and a deep dive with tail. Observed 4 such cycles back and forth and then it vanished from sight.

If orcas, any males?:

Any unusual markings?:

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I will email a tail photo that I took. I also have a video and will attempt to email that as well.

Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to


photo by Tom Slezak, February 24, 2023


15:05 - Still heading south, nearing channel marker between Maury Island and Browns Point, as seen from above the RAM on Ruston Way.

Eileen Mccaffery-Lent


15:10 - Past Dash Point cruising right along. Just seeing spray.

14:45 - He just passed Dash Point dock southbound still.

Jim Schmaltz


14:45 - Just past Dash Point dock southbound fast.

Desiree Sauvé


14:39 - Just gave a great show of tail slaps and breaches. It’s still heading south.

Rus Higley


13:40 - A whale was heading southbound along Redondo Beach. Lost sight of him but breached several times with lots of tail flapping as well.

Jim Schmaltz

Thu, Feb 23 - Possession Sound

17:15 - Possible humpback whale between Everett Navy base and Hat Island, north of the green marker. First started watching at 16:20, current time 17:15. Tall blow, pretty sure long pec, multiple directions (likely feeding).

Amy Willoughby

Appears to be pectoral flipper of humpback

photos by Amy Willoughby, February 23, 2023


Sat, Feb 25 - Saratoga Passage

07:00 - Visitor report at Langley Whale Center, gray whale just off Langley Marina.

Katie Davis Watkins, Orca Network

Sat, Feb 25 - Possession Sound

08:40 - Grey whale spotted other side of Jetty Island, from Everett marina.

Jaime Shields

Fri, Feb 24 - Possession Sound (CRC53 Little Patch & CRC2440)

18:00 - Furthest northeast whale is now southeast of the channel marker heading eastbound. Haven’t seen further west whale for about 15 minutes.

17:30 - 53 and 2440 (cannot say which is who) in general these locations [approx. 48.012957, -122.281517] & [approx. 48.008334, -122.285353]. Trend north. Furthest northeast whale is right at channel marker edge of the delta more milling.

17:10 - I am seeing blows and body parts of who would be those two grays Bart reported. Kind of look to be milling in general area and are spread apart a bit [approx. 47.996400, -122.285365] & [approx. 47.988017, -122.286134]. Trend seems to be slightly northeast at the moment. From Harborview Park, Everett.

Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network


16:29 - Gray whales CRC2440 and CRC53 between Hat Island and the delta. Southeast direction [approx. 48.002318, -122.275256].

Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express

Thu, Feb 23 - Port Susan (CRC22 Earhart)

11:03 - We had a report of a gray heading north off Tulalip Shores in Port Susan. Last seen between Tulare and Port Susan Terrace at about noon still heading north. ID as Earhart CRC22.

John C Storbeck


Mon, Feb 27 - Possession Sound

16:30 - Again, two whales in same area off Jetty Island. The only change has been now the two are separated by about 1/4 mile. But still in same general area between Jetty Island, Hat Island, and Everett marina.

John Shackman

Sun, Feb 26 - Possession Sound

11:45 - The two are back again for past 1/2 hour. Between Hat and Jetty Island. The two today are about 1/2 mile from each other as yesterday they were close together.

John Shackman 

Sat, Feb 25 - Possession Sound

12:00 - For the past hour, 12pm, there’s been two whales close to Everett marina. These two are slowly cruising along in circles, not much spouting compared to the one the other day. 

John Shackman 

Thu, Feb 23 - Possession Sound

10:00 - Not sure what type but I can see spouting approx. every 23-30 seconds. Seeing one, in Possession Sound just off of Jetty Island. Looks to be feeding in one area, as I've been watching for about a half hour now.

John Shackman

Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.
Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and shorelines.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website) and social media pages. Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and while we do our best to obtain accurate species and individual IDs, Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.
Report Sightings to Orca Network:
  • Call 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2639) & choose sightings option
  • Email
  • Facebook: DM or post on our page
  • Website form:

  • Please include: Date/Time - Species (describe if unknown) - # of Animals - Location of Cetacean(s) - Direction of Travel & Behaviors
Visit Orca Network's Langley Whale Center - Whidbey Island:
  • Location: 105 Anthes Ave, Langley, WA 98260
  • Telephone: 1-360-221-7505
  • Hours: Generally open 11am-4pm, Thurs-Mon, but please call for current schedule.
  • Museum: Exhibits - Specimens - Educational Materials - Lending Library - Movies to view
  • Gift Shop: Books - DVDs & CDs - Field Guides - Clothing - Jewelry & more
Be Whale Wise:
All marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Killer whales have special protection in Canadian and U.S. waters. Be sure to educate yourself about current protections, including regulations with specific distances and recommendations for viewing killer whales. The rules apply to all types of watercraft, including motor boats, sail boats, kayaks, and paddle boards in Washington State.

Report Harassment of Whales:
  • In WA/US waters call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964
  • In CANADIAN waters call DFO Violations Hotline: 1-800-465-4336
(Include watercraft name, registration #, description, and photos/video when possible)
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