Dear Parents & Students of our LoMastro Performing Arts Academy Family,

First, I hope this message finds you and your family healthy! We miss all of our students so much, and are excited to begin working together online through our Virtual Academy on Wednesday, April 1.

During the last two weeks we have been working hard to prepare for classes to begin online and continue to deliver the experience you know and love at LoMastro just in a slightly different way.

It is very important for your child to have normalcy and routine. Thanks to technology we will be providing you with an online experience for your child to keep them moving, learning, interacting with their friends and having fun during this time.

  • Beginning April 1, we will hold Virtual classes to keep your kids active and learning at home. Classes will be both On Demand (pre-recorded) and Live-streamed.
  • On Demand Classes can be viewed at your leisure. Your child will have access to a library of On Demand classes for all levels within all subjects they are enrolled in.
  • Live-streaming Classes will take place at the normal scheduled time online bi-weekly. Please view the weekly schedule at We encourage dancers to take all live classes at the level in which they are enrolled. In addition, your child has the opportunity to engage in classes beyond their level. No more than 1 level up or 1 level down is the recommended range.
  • We encourage dancers to participate in as many classes as they can!
  • Don't forget all the Recital Choreography videos are available already as well as a variety of bonus classes and activities.
  • Login at using primary the email address used to enroll at LoMastro and the password: 5678dance

IMPORTANT Click here to learn how to access Live-streamed Classes. In addition, we have created the following video to help walk you through the process.


Recital Update:

Although we don't have official word from the Governor, we expect our Recitals will be postponed. We need to wait until gathering in large groups is safe again. I've continued communicating with the theatres and we're holding our current dates and exploring future dates. There is much unknown, but I'm continuing to plan for "what if" options. Rest assured that I'm on it and will not put anyone at risk of a large group gathering until it is safe again. Perhaps we'll have Ravinia style outdoor recital - that could be fun, right!

If you don't already follow us on social media, please do. We are doing exciting things you won't want to miss!

If you have any questions please respond to this email otherwise we will continue to be in touch with further details as they unfold.

My best,

Loren LoMastro Specht

LoMastro Performing Arts Academy

Ph: 847-615-5400

Additional information about LoMastro Performing Arts Academy is available at: