News and Updates - March 7th

  • Upcoming Lent Events at St. Catharine's
  • Youth Ministry Update
  • Children's Liturgy of the Word, March 10
  • Usher Meeting
  • Staff Roundtable Discussion
  • SVdP Car Needed
  • Chat with Father Mike
  • Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit
  • Spiritual Nourishment for Lent
  • Retreat at Loyola Jesuit Center
  • Soup for the Soul Series
  • Weekly Collections and Mass Intentions
  • Annual Catholic Appeal 2024

Mass Times


5:00 pm


8:00 am

10:00 am

12:00 pm

Visit our Website

Upcoming Lent Events at St. Catharine's

Lenten Holy Hour

Wednesday, March 13th, 7pm

Stations of the Cross

Friday evenings at 7:30 pm

March 8, 15

March 22 Living Stations by St. Catharine’s Youth Ministry

Lent Confessions

Sunday, March 10, 2:30-4:00 PM - St Benedict's, Holmdel

Sunday, March 17, 3:00 PM - St Mary's Church, Colts Neck

Thursday, March 21, 7:00 PM - Here at St Catharine’s

Wednesday, March 27th, 7:00 PM - St Gabriel’s Church, Marlboro

Visit our Website for More Lent Events

Youth Ministry Update

This past Sunday our Youth Ministry teens attended the 12:00 noon mass together. Afterwards pizza was enjoyed with one another. The teens were introduced to the guest speaker, Sister Marge Scarpone. Sister Marge currently serves as the CoChair of the Religion Department and Campus Ministry Program at Red Bank Catholic High School.

Her inspiring presentation prepared the teens for the upcoming Living Stations of the Cross. Thank you Father Pat for joining the teens on their continued spiritual journey of faith.

Check our website under YM for updated calendar or view it directly HERE.

YM Meeting Sunday

March 10

7-8:30 pm

Fr. Scheg Center

All HS Teens are welcomed

Parents: Donations of bottle water and chip/cookie snack bags are appreciated

Remember its Day Light Savings Time

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Congratulations to Our New Altar Servers

Congratulations to our new altar servers. Candidates recently completed their training and were commissioned by Monsignor Michael Walsh on Sunday, March 3, during the 12:00 p.m. mass. Please help us welcome and pray for them as they begin their journey of serving the Church of St. Catharine.

Usher Meeting

There will be an Usher meeting Monday March 11th at 7:00 PM in rooms 62 and 63 on the second floor of the education wing. If you have been or are interested in helping, either in a permanent or when available capacity, please plan on joining us in rooms 62 and 63 next Monday.

Staff Roundtable Discussion

Special thanks to the Holmdel Township Police Department and Lt. William Bernard for speaking to the church and school staff about how to respond to emergency situations.

SVdP Cars Needed

St. Vincent de Paul has two families who are in need of cars to help in their daily lives. If you or someone you know, has a vehicle to donate please email or call 732-224-1395.

For further information on St. Vincent de Paul visit their webpage HERE.

Chat with Father Mike

·        Struggling with a life event and in need of spiritual assistance?

·        Want to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance outside the normal Confession times?

·        Trying to find your way back to engagement with the Church?

·        Discerning vocation?

·        Looking to complete your Sacraments of Initiation and wish to chat about the journey?

·        Questions about marriage annulment or marriage convalidation?


St. Catharine is offering the opportunity for parishioners to chat with a priest who is only indirectly engaged with the parish. If interested, please contact Fr. Mike Walsh by phone

732-780-2666 x205 or email

Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit

This traveling exhibit has been created by the Diocese of Trenton to assist those who will experience it to affirm belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. It is based upon the website created by Blessed Carlo Acutis to catalogue all of the Eucharistic miracles that have taken place worldwide.

Ready to view on March 8, 2024 until March 22nd!

Click HERE for more information.

Spiritual Nourishment for Lent

Retreat at Loyola Jesuit Center

161 James Street, Morristown, NJ 07960

Connect: Phone: 973-539-0740


Need Some Peace and Quiet?

“Be still and know that I am God.” ~ Psalm 46:10

Retreat at Loyola Jesuit Center

Please join others from our parish family for a quiet listening retreat at Loyola Jesuit Center in Morristown on March 22-24. Loyola is a tranquil place where you can slow down, be quiet and still with God, and experience His deep peace. The weekend offers preached talks on a theme, Jesuits offering daily Mass, Reconciliation, a Healing Mass, and optional private consultations with retreat leaders, outdoor stations of the cross and generous amounts of free time for personal prayer and reflection.

This is a special gift you can give yourself by taking time away from one's busy life. In the silence we hear His voice and gain understanding and peace. This weekend will be co-ed. All are welcome and no one is ever turned away if the suggested donation is beyond your means.

If interested, please go HERE. For any questions please call the parish office: (732) 842-3963 and ask for Steve Salese's contact information.

Soup for Soul Series

Looking for some spiritual nourishment this Lent?

Come to our Lenten Soup for the Soul Evenings!

Join us for some soup, fellowship, prayer and reflection to feed your body, mind, heart, and soul!

2024 Evenings of Reflection

March 11, March 18

6:00PM – 8:30PM

5:30 – 6:00 Arrival and Registration

6:00 – 7:00 Simple Lenten Soup Supper

7:00 – 8:30 Program

San Alfonso Retreat House, 755 Ocean Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740

Click Here for More Details and Registration Information

Weekly Collections and Mass Intentions

Weekly Sacrificial Stewardship for 2/19/2024 – 2/25/2024

Envelope Collections

$ 12,849.00

Online Donation

$ 5,733.00

Loose Contributions

$ 1,248.00


$ 19,830.00

Total Contributing Households


Avg Donation


Registered Parishioner Families


“As each one has received a gift, use it to service one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (Peter 4:10)

For Mass Intentions and Weekly Collections go to ouBrief Bulletin

Please send communications items to

Annual Catholic Appeal

2024 Annual Catholic Appeal

Thank you to those parishioners who have already made their gift to the 2024 Annual Appeal. Will you join your fellow parishioners in supporting this effort that strengthens many important programs and ministries across the Diocese of Trenton? Our goal, $140,000, can only be achieved through YOUR generosity! If you have not yet made a gift, we invite you to visit HERE and select St. Catharine Church, Holmdel as the parish to receive credit for your gift. There will be pledge forms available in the Parish Office. Your gift will truly make a difference. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Thank you for your prayers and support. If you have any questions, contact Bob Buus HERE.

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