This month's action items all focus on Medicaid Expansion.
We believe Tennessee's legislators feel the pressure to increase access to care, however the proposals released so far are questionable.
Please consider taking action one or more of the below ways. All messages on our page are customizable so that you can communicate with media or legislators in your own voice.
Letter to the Editor Templates.
- No to Block Grants - Yes to Medicaid Expansion - This template brings awareness to the concerns related to block grants. Enter your address to populate local newspapers, then you choose which to send your letter to. Customize as you see necessary, staying close to 300 words. (Link to THCC Letter Template)
- Expand Medicaid - Fight Addiction - This template brings awareness to how Medicaid Expansion can help fight addiction in Tennessee, including opioids. Enter your address to populate local newspapers, then you choose which to send your letter to. Customize as you see necessary, staying close to 300 words. (Link to Letter Template)
- Expand Medicaid - Help Rural Hospitals - This template brings awareness to how Medicaid Expansion can help fight addiction in Tennessee, including opioids. Enter your address to populate local newspapers, then you choose which to send your letter to. Customize as you see necessary, staying close to 300 words. (Link to Letter Template)
Letters to Legislators
- Custom Letter - In your own words, send your legislator a message about why providing coverage to working Tennesseans who earn less than $12,000 per year is important. Talking points are provided under the "Learn More" link. Enter your address to populate your elected state officials. Customize your letter and send. Your information will automatically populate when sending. (Link to Letter to Legislator)
Tweet Bill Lee and/or Your Representative
- Send a Tweet - For advocates on Twitter we've created 10 customizable message for you to send to Bill Lee, you legislator (if they have an account), and/or members of the Senate and Health Committees. Enter your information, select your tweets, and press send. You will have to authorize the use of your Twitter app. (Link to Tweets)
- Retweet THCC - Another way to get your legislators attention is to "Retweet with Comment" THCC's posts. Our Twitter handle is @TennHCC.
Share our Medicaid Expansion Petition
- The New Medicaid Expansion Petition has 716 signatures thanks to advocates who helped share the link with their friends and family. If you haven't already, sign our petition supporting Medicaid Expansion. Then share the link with as many people as possible. We will send signatures to Bill Lee this month and again in future communications. (Link to petition)