Hello Learners Chess Parents and Friends!
Happy month of March and may the realization that this year is
flying by meet you with contentment. :-)
Today's email update includes:
- Two fun chess puzzles!
- Registration for our April 2nd team tournament for students currently in our after school programs.
- Extended early registration discount deadlines for our upcoming camps (this Thursday and Friday for APS elementary school students, Spring Break, AND summer break!)
- Our next Monthly chess and/or bughouse tournament is March 19th!
- Special Weeks of Summer Chess Camp Announced Here First! Girls Weeks and Advanced Weeks!
- The opening of registration for our Rio Rancho and Corrales Summer chess camps!
- Update on campaign against alcohol sales across the street from Learners Chess
- Stay Tuned: For Summer Camp Jr. Leader Applications and Learners Without Borders 2017 announcements!
White to move and checkmate in 1
White to move and checkmate in 3
Central NM Team Chess League: Finals on Sunday, April 2nd!
Based on their performance at the Fall 2016 regional team tournaments, Learners Chess school teams have been placed into sections A, B, C, or D and will compete with one another in competitively balanced sections in the 2017 final Tournament! Last year's Spring tournament was huge and got a bit out of hand. This year will be much more manageable, has half the teams will compete in the morning and the other half in the afternoon.
Chess Camps:
Extended Early Bird Registration Discounts!
- This Thursday and Friday, March 9th and/or 10th, For APS Elementary School Student/ Teacher Conferences: We have our single day chess camps at our office and the early registration discount period has been extended to 7pm the night before each day of camp! Also, this Friday, Coach Christian will be making a return to coach at chess camp for the day along with Coach Doug! Sign up for this week's single day camps here! Also, sign up for a day of chess camp on April 14th when school will be out for the Vernal Holiday.
- Spring Break, March 20th-24th. The next spring break early registration discount period (save $20) has been extended to March 10th. Also, if we are not full by Monday, March 13th, we may open the camp to single day registrations.
- Our best Summer Chess Camp early registration discount period (save $50-$60) has been extended to March 14th!
It pays to plan! Sign up early, save money, and have piece of mind that your kids' chess participation is already planned.
March 19th Tournaments,
Chess and/or Bughouse!
Come check out our headquarters location with 23 other chess players for an afternoon of chess and/or an early evening of the beloved chess variant of bughouse!
- Once again this tournament will be directed by former Learners student and current coach, Willow LeTard!
- Tournament Trophies (new trophies for 2017, see picture) awarded to the top fishing players and bughosue teams in each section!
- Chess is from 1:25-4:30pm (usually ends early). Games are USCF rated, sign up for membership at uschess.org. Clocks are set for 25 minutes with a 5 second delay. Notation required for 3rd grade and up.
- Bughouse is 4:30-5:30pm (usually ends early)
- We have similar early bird discounts for chess tournaments as for single day chess camps!
Summer Chess Camp Special Weeks Announced Here First!
Albuquerque Summer Chess Camp, click here to register at UNM School of Law (Lomas and University,
- June 5th-9th, Chess Camp
- June 11th-16th, Chess Camp
- June 19th-23rd, Girls Week! (Girls get 15% off, email learnerschess@gmail.com after registering to get discount)
- June 26th-30th
- July 5th-7th, reduced price for 3 day camp
- July 10th-14th, Girls Week! (Girls get 15% off, email learnerschess@gmail.com after registering to get discount)
- July 17th-21st, Advanced Week! (More experienced players with USCF rating above 600 with at least 12 rated games played qualify for 15% discount, email learnerschess@gmail.com after registering to get discount)
- July 24th-28th, Chess Camp
- July 31st- August 4th, Girls Week! (Girls get 15% off, email learnerschess@gmail.com after registering to get discount)
- August 7th-11th, Last week of Summer Chess Camp!
Now Open! Rio Rancho and Corrales Chess camp Registration!
Rio Rancho Summer Chess Camp, click here to register at FBCRR Education Center, 1909 Grande Blvd, Rio Rancho. Very close to Haynes Park off 528 and 19th Ave. SE (map)
- June 5th-9th, Chess Camp
- July 24th-28th, Girls Week! (Girls get 15% off, email learnerschess@gmail.com after registering to get discount)
Village of Corrales Chess Camp, click here to register at the Corrales department of Parks and Recreation (map)
Santa Fe Chess Camp
- dates and confirmation TBA but we are aiming for June 26th-30th at Warehouse 21
Remember, along with early bird discounts and discounts for special weeks:
- We offer 10% off of each additional week of chess camp your child attends after the first one.
- Also we offer 10% discounts for siblings.
Update on campaign against Alcohol Sales Across the Street from Learners Chess
Thank you so much to all of you who were able to submit a letter of support for Learners Chess a few weeks ago when we found out about the proposals to sell alcohol across the street from us.
We have worked with the owners of the planned brewery to ensure that their space and operations will not be injurious to Learners Chess students, parents, coaches, or programs and we feel confident that we will maintain a good working relationship with this new local business.
Chess Practice Online!
Learn and Brush Up on The Basics
Here is a link to
easy interactive chess exercises
for your kids
to learn or brush up on the basics
Both these links come from the free and open sourced chess website, lichess.org. The site is free and has no ads. You can create an account for free and set it to "kid mode" for your kids to play on without you having to constantly monitor.
Get your Shopping Done and Support Learners Chess!
- Shop on AmazonSmile! Use this link to make any purchase you would normally make on amazon and amazon smile will donate 1% of your purchase to Learners Chess Academy!
- Order Chess Equipment! If you are shopping for chess equipment, you can use this link to purchase any chess equipment at a very reasonable price from Wholesale Chess (sponsors of Learners Without Borders!) and 10% of your purchase will be credited to our account!
- Go Solar! If you are interested in going solar, you can use this link to schedule a free consultation and if you end up going solar, Learners Chess will receive a $200 donation!
- Designate Vaya Verde dba Learners Chess Academy as a recipient in your work place giving campaign through United Way
- Or make a donation to support our need-based scholarship fund and other charitable projects such as Learners Without Borders and the Central NM Team Chess League!
Thank you for reading and staying connected!
-Coach Victor Lopez and the enitre team at Learners Chess
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