The Landscape Conservation Bulletin
A bi-monthly service of the Network for 
Landscape Conservation
March 2022
Dear Network Friends,

I write from southern New England where spring is afoot and the markings of time increasingly conspicuous: the first crocuses are blooming and the early arriving songbirds are singing up the sun each morning—we are into the “frog run” of sugaring season, with the calls of spring peepers accompanying the last good maple sap flows. 

As we trace the rhythms of the season and the growth and blossoming that is coming, I read through the stories of this Bulletin and am struck by the energy and growth building around the landscape conservation field--this is a pivotal moment!

We at the Network are pleased to play some small role in supporting this community as we collectively work to advance this work, and are especially pleased to have recently launched the fourth grant cycle of the Catalyst Fund—see below for more details.

Explore this Bulletin and find insights, new perspectives, inspiration, and energy—and as always, we look forward to hearing from you!

In This Issue
2022 Catalyst Fund RFP Released
Briefing on Landscape Conservation
Landscape Conservation Implications of Infrastructure Law
Additional Landscape Conservation News
Upcoming Events
Landscape Conservation Job Board
Webinars & Additional Resources
Jonathan Peterson
Program Manager
Network for Landscape Conservation
Cover photo: Antelope Valley Poppy State Natural Reserve, California. Credit: Pamela Heckel on Unsplash.
Featured News
Upcoming briefing to focus on building a durable national framework for landscape conservation
On Tuesday, March 29, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute is hosting a briefing on policy and funding opportunities that are critical to building a durable national framework for landscape conservation.

The final event in a briefing series on federal programs that currently deliver a host of climate, environmental, economic, and social benefits nationwide, this upcoming briefing will feature a panel of experts who will explore the benefits of coordinating landscape-scale conservation efforts and showcase opportunities to advance an inclusive and durable framework for supporting collaborative partnerships across the nation. Intended for an audience of decision-makers, practitioners, and anyone interested in supporting landscape conservation, the briefing will be streamed via a free live webcast at 10:30 AM ET on the 29th.
Featured News
New RFP released for the 2022 grant cycle of the Landscape Conservation Catalyst Fund
Earlier this month, the Network for Landscape Conservation released a new Request for Proposals for the 2022 grant cycle of the Landscape Conservation Catalyst Fund. Now entering its fourth year, the Catalyst Fund strives to accelerate the pace and practice of landscape conservation across the United States by making strategic investments in strengthening the collaborative infrastructure and coordination capacity of place-based, community-grounded Landscape Conservation Partnerships. The Fund couples financial support through a competitive grant program with capacity-building support through in-depth Peer Learning for funded Partnerships. A portion of the Fund is reserved specifically to advance Indigenous landscape conservation priorities.

Visit the Catalyst Fund page of our website for more information on the how to apply. The second applicant webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, March 29. Proposal submissions are due by Friday, April 22 and we anticipate announcing grant awards in July 2022.
Featured News
Continuing to explore the landscape conservation implications of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act—which President Biden signed into law last November—continues to draw attention for its implications for conservation outcomes. A main focus has been on the Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program, which will allocate $350 million to fund projects throughout the country to mitigate the impacts of habitat fragmentation caused by roadways and transportation infrastructure—a recent NPR article is the latest piece that highlights this new funding and the successes of wildlife crossings. Elsewhere, a new post from the Highstead Foundation highlights the significant increase in funding for Clean Water State Revolving Funds that is resulting from the Infrastructure Law. This funding increase, coupled with a greater emphasis on non-point source projects—including habitat, groundwater, and surface water protection and restoration—means that these Funds may serve as a significant source of funding for landscape conservation moving forward. Finally, with the influx of funding that is coming from the Infrastructure Law, a key challenge will be getting the resources to the ground efficiently and with impact; capacity challenges threaten to be a limiting factor here. A new analysis by Headwaters Economics attempts to capture the problem by creating a 'rural capacity map' that identifies communities where investments in staffing and expertise are needed to support infrastructure and climate resilience projects.
Additional Landscape Conservation News
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, and Department of the Interior announce three new Sentinel Landscapes: Camp Bullis Sentinel Landscape in Texas, Northwest Florida Sentinel Landscape, and Southern Indiana Sentinel Landscape.  

Converge releases a new short documentary film that showcases the power of impact networks to solve the complex challenges of our modern world—and highlights the work of the California Landscape Stewardship Network and the Santa Cruz Mountains Stewardship Network.

Mapping imperiled biodiversity: Article in the New York Times highlight a new analysis spearheaded by NatureServe that shows where biodiversity is most at risk in America.
Be sure to check out the April 20 "Landscape Conservation in Action" webinar, in which we will host NatureServe chief scientist Healy Hamilton in exploring the landscape conservation implications of this new analysis.

New report from the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy—From the Ground Up: How Land Trusts and Conservancies Are Providing Solutions to Climate Change—offers insights and guidance on how civic organizations can implement natural climate solutions. 

Unfencing the Future: New report aims to inform and support non-Indigenous conservation groups and conservation and environmental philanthropies to work with Indigenous communities in pursuit of environmental and conservation goals.

New report from the Hewlett Foundation focuses on how socioeconomic benefits to local and/or affected communities can be critically important to achieving enduring conservation outcomes—and offers a framework to inform community-led collaborative conservation. 

Article from the Environmental and Energy Study Institute highlights Alaska and Canada's Northern Latitudes Partnerships, the legacy of the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, and the power of regional conservation efforts built upon trust and collaboration.

Issue brief from the Center for American Progress underscores that forest conservation and restoration is critical to global efforts to combat climate change—and highlights that such efforts require more than simply increasing the footprint of forests: the full suite of climate mitigation gains from forest conservation depends on the biodiversity of these ecosystems.

Report from the Chesapeake Conservation Partnership highlights examples of how organizations across the country are helping to aggregate small landowners to participate in ecosystem service markets and conservation programs—including carbon markets. 

Blogpost from the Hewlett Foundation offers insights and lessons learned around inclusive, community-led conservation. 

Article in National Observer highlights how Indigenous women in Canada are leading the charge to preserve biodiversity and fight climate change by heading up important new conservation initiatives.

The Western Collaborative Conservation Network offers a new article introducing and exploring the distinction between decision authority and decision space—and highlighting how collaboratives can be critically important to expanding the decision space even where decision authority is clearly set. 

New video spotlights the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife program in Idaho—and highlights how cost-share ‘partner positions’ are providing critical capacity across organizational silos to achieve durable conservation that benefits the ecological, social and economic foundations of rural communities. 

Yale E360 article highlights the rapid increase in fencing globally—and new research that captures the impact of these fences, from impeding wildlife migrations to increasing the genetic isolation of threatened species.

Article in The Narwhal highlights how Indigenous guardians along the coast of British Columbia are bringing back traditional practices of territorial safeguarding — and filling major knowledge and conservation gaps.

Yale E360 article explores an innovative effort in the Sierra Madre Oriental of northeast Mexico to conserve the mutualistic and keystone relationship between agave plants and long-nosed bats—a relationship that is essential to the health of the land the biodiversity and human livelihoods it supports.  

The Western Governors’ Association, the U.S. Department of the Interior, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture launch a Task Force on Collaborative Conservation to enhance collaboration across federal, state and local jurisdictions and focus on the strategic coordination necessary to meet collective natural resource management challenges and improve environmental outcomes. 

Article in The Guardian highlights efforts by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe to build a bison herd on tribal lands in South Dakota—and how this is part of a larger trend of Tribes working to return bison to the land to solve food shortages and financial shortfalls, restore ecosystems, and bring back an important cultural component. 

A feature from the National Park Service’s Connected Conservation program highlights more than a dozen women practitioners that are at the forefront of shaping the future of landscape conservation. 

Article in The Discourse highlights the deep history of Indigenous practices around wildfire mitigation—and explores the increasing recognition that such practices may be critical for wildlife mitigation in the future. 

The Wild East Action Fund—a program of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy and the Appalachian Trail Landscape Partnership—announces new grant awards to accelerate land protection efforts and build conservation capacity within the greater Appalachian trail landscape.
Upcoming Conferences & Events

* * *

March 29-31, 2022 — The Nature of Cities 2022 Festival
A virtual festival

A virtual conference
Miami, FL

Pala, CA

Gulf Coast, Alabama
Note: rescheduled to this September date from its originally scheduled March 29-31 dates.

Landscape Conservation Job Board

* * *

Public Lands Specialist, Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition

Associate Campaign Director of the Lands, Water, Wildlife Campaign, Sierra Club

Collaboration Program Manager, New Mexico Forest & Watershed Restoration Institute

Southern Indiana Sentinel Landscape Program Coordinator, Conservation Law Center

Landscape Conservation Attorney, Conservation Law Center

Senior Staff Attorney, Conservation Law Center

This section of the Landscape Conservation Bulletin is intended to be a space to share job postings that will be specifically relevant to landscape conservation practitioners. We welcome submissions: if your organization would like to widely distribute a posting please be in touch.

Webinars & Additional Resources

* * *

March 29, 2022

A Living Landscape Observer webinar
April 1, 2022

A National Forest Foundation peer learning webinar
April 1, 2022

A Salazar Center "Connecting for Conservation" webinar
April 6, 2022

A NLC Landscape Conservation in Action webinar
April 20, 2022

A Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition webinar
May 24, 2022

A Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition webinar
May 26, 2022

A Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition webinar
June 1, 2022

Following cancellation of the 2020 Conservation Finance Boot Camp, the Conservation Finance Network compiled a 4-part video short course, which is available via the above link.

A weekly podcast that explores the challenges presented by adapting to climate change and the approaches the field's best minds believe are already working.

A podcast that explores the intersection of social and environmental advocacy, and seeks to uncover the actions people are taking around the world to showcase the symbiotic, yet sometimes tumultuous, relationship between people and nature.

Recordings of past webinars of the Connected Conservation webinar series are available on the National Park Service Connected Conservation website.

Recordings of past NLC Landscape Conservation in Action webinars are available on the Network's Landscape Conservation in Action Webinar Series page.

The Network for Landscape Conservation is the community of practice for practitioners advancing collaborative, cross-boundary conservation as an essential approach to protect nature, culture, and community in the 21st Century.

Contact Ernest Cook, Network Director, for more information. 

Contributions of news, upcoming events, resources, and job postings for future Bulletins are welcomed. We also welcome inquires for potential future "Perspectives: Landscapes Conservation in Action" stories; please be in touch if you are interested in sharing stories and insights from your work.

The Network for Landscape Conservation is a fiscally sponsored project of the Center for Large Landscape Conservation, P.O. Box 1587, Bozeman, MT 59771