Two Great Cities, One Amazing Community
At a local event a month or so ago, someone said this above line... and we liked it so much that we stole it to use as our Website homepage tagline (if it was you, let us know so we can give you credit!).
The spirit and essence of these words inspired the development of our 2023 Regional Guidebook. The Biddeford & Saco area is a uniquely awesome blend of commercial vibrancy, natural beauty, fun things to do and extraordinarily community-oriented people, so we always enjoy documenting what makes this a special place in our annual publication.
Click on the below cover image if you'd like to peruse the 48 pages of content about our area along with our detailed membership directory listings as of the beginning of the year. Printed Guidebooks will be available locally and also distributed in the April 20th Courier circulation. Thank you to all of our many invaluable sponsors and advertisers who make this publication possible each year!
If you'd like guidebooks to hand out at your place of business, let us know, we'd be happy to stop on by to drop them off for you.
Welcome New Chamber of Commerce Members This Past Month
Kona Ice of York County - This Ice cream/yogurt parlor is dedicated to providing a unique experience, spreading fun, and creating smiles while giving back to local communities.
Living Innovations- This nonprofit community support organization provides services and shared living to adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
Skytona- A multimedia production company in downtown Biddeford that provides expert media production and creative partnerships.
Tiger Investment Services - Ellis Baum is a Saco-based financial advisor who provides investment advisory services such as individual accounts, retirement planning, college tuition planning, annuities, and more.
Usource Energy - Usource is an energy consulting firm with local representation that helps organizations reduce costs and mitigate risk. They deliver customized solutions in renewable energy, demand management, procurement and efficiency.
Chamber Member Spotlight:
The Levee
This month's member spotlight is on The Levee property being developed by the team at Port Property Management. In addition to the renovation efforts at the old Saco Lowell Building, there is an amazing plan for further development all along the riverfront to include apartments, condos, restaurants, a brewery, and more. Read more about it by CLICKING HERE
The Biddeford Ball on 4/29 - Get Your Tickets Now and Consider Being a Sponsor As Well
We are excited about the return of the Biddeford Ball fundraiser! And for local businesses, beyond attending in person there are many ways you can be involved as well via sponsorship, silent auction contributions, and more. Chamber staff recently purchased a cream-colored jacket for the first time in our life so we will be there, hope to see you there as well! For more information on the event and to buy tickets, CLICK HERE
Eastern Trail 5K Run on June 3rd
Join the Eastern Trail for their 6th annual John Andrews 5K Trail Run and Walk on Saturday, June 3rd. The race begins and finishes at the end of Mill Brook Road in the Mill Brook Industrial Park in Saco. Following the race, awards will be given to top finishers in several categories. Easy and ample parking is available at Maine Molecular or Pond Cove Millwork. Complimentary race shirts will be given to anyone registering on or before Monday, May 1st. For more info and/or to register, CLICK HERE
Seeds of Hope Virtual 5K - June 3rd
Registration is now open for the 3rd Annual Seeds of Hope Virtual HERO 5K which will take place on Saturday, June 3rd. Last year they had 116 participants ranging from Maine to Hawaii and raised $13,000, and this year to mark the organization's 15th anniversary the goal is $15,000. Form a team, dust off those walking and running shoes, and make this 5K the most memorable one yet. Fundraisers like this help Seeds of Hope continue to support under-served and unhoused residents. Sign up by Wednesday, May 3rd to receive a complimentary t-shirt or kids HERO cape! To register, please CLICK HERE
The Biddeford Climate Task Force's
Photovoice Contest 2023
The Task Force is sponsoring a photo and story contest to document and better understand what climate change means to local residents. There are four contest categories and multiple entries from one person are welcome. Entries from young people are especially wanted. Images will be displayed at Engine from Mar 31 to May 1 with an event and prizes for the best entry in each category will be held on April 21 at Engine.
For more information and to submit contest entries, CLICK HERE
GPCOG Vision Zero Survey
The Greater Portland Council of Governments is currently drafting a Vision Zero strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and serious injuries by changing the way we design our roads and systems to ensure safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. This plan will help inform how the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System (PACTS) will appropriate transportation project funds in southern Maine.
GPCOG would greatly appreciate it if you could take the below survey. Responses will allow them to better craft their action plan to include the needs of business owners and leaders as they relate to traffic safety.
Tobacco-Free Maine Works Information
Tobacco Free Maine Works recently shared with us what they are focused on and asked us to share this update with our membership. They are a coalition of Maine business leaders who are dedicated to reducing youth tobacco use in order to promote a healthy workforce for the future.
Their main focus is that flavored tobacco products attract and hook kids, which harms their health and sends negative ripple effects throughout our community. They are looking to pass state legislation that would end the sale of flavored tobacco products in order to promote healthy communities where businesses can succeed.
If you’re a business owner and want to join the effort, you can become a Tobacco-Free Maine Works partner by signing onto the mission statement HERE
Saco Valley Land Trust Spring Events
Since 1988, the Saco Valley Land Trust has been dedicated to preserving local land of biological, environmental or agricultural significance. They have over 1,200 acres now of managed land for wildlife, water quality and sustainability. Below are some of their Spring events. They'd love to have more residents and businesses involved with their non-profit efforts. Learn more at:
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