March 2016
Grants Awarded in Halifax County

L to R: Pastor Edward Rigg, Main Street United Methodist Church, Sharon Blosser, Halifax County Cancer Association, Debra Dodson, The Community Foundation, and Denise Hudson, Dolly Fallen, Frances Thackston, and Bill Kelehar of the Halifax County Advisory Committee.

The Fund for Halifax County awarded its fourth round of grants, thanks to the work of the Halifax County Advisory Committee.  Main Street United Methodist Church - Jane Jones Food Pantry received $1,150 from the Fund for Halifax County and Halifax County Cancer Association received $500 from the South Boston Medical Fund.

Click here for more information.  
Fund Spotlight!

The Wednesday Club Endowment Fund 

The Wednesday Club of Danville, VA was established in 1893 by Miss Augusta Yates.  For over 100 years, The Wednesday Club's purpose has been not only to enrich the lives of its members, but to raise the standards of culture and community service in the area.  It accomplishes this by presenting distinguished speakers and artists of the highest quality and national reputation.  The Club's programs, which are always available to the public at no cost, are arranged by eight departments: Art, Civics, Current Events, Drama, Education, History, Literature and Music.

The Wednesday Club Endowment Fund was established in August 2002 exclusively for charitable and educational projects within the community served by the Club.  The Endowment Fund was transferred to The Community Foundation in September 2015 to support charitable organizations in the Danville Area.  

Please continue to remember that designated gifts may be made in honor or memory of special friends and family.

The Autism Education Fund and Keokee Fund are Accepting Applications  

The Autism Education Fund and The Keokee Fund are accepting applications.  All applications are due Friday, March 18, 2016.   

The Keokee Fund's purpose is to support the education of academically gifted students.  

The Autism Education Fund's purpose is to support autism education-related programs or organizations benefiting individuals, families, educators and the community.   

Click here for more information.
Planned Giving

You can "Leave A Legacy" when you remember The Community Foundation in your will.
All it takes is a quick phone call to your lawyer to add a charitable gift to your will.  Take a look at some  Sample Bequest Language to get started.

The 5th annual Dan River Autism Awareness 5k will be held on April 23, 2016 at Anglers Park. Register Here:  
The Community Foundation 
541 Loyal Street | Danville, VA 24541 | |