A Newsletter for the Southern Prescribed Fire Community
No. 42
March 2020
Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability

Upcoming Events
The SERPPAS Spring 2020 Steering Committee Meeting will be held March 4-5 in Atlanta, GA, while the 2020 Principals Meeting will be held May 12-13 in Beaufort, NC. Prior to the Principals Meeting, the SERPPAS Prescribed Fire Working Group will meet on May 11 (details to come). Logistics and more information can be found on the SERPPAS website.

REPI 2020 Webinar Series
The Department of Defense Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program (REPI) has announced its 2020 webinar series. The webinar series will cover topics including community engagement, preparing for extreme weather, and endangered species crediting. All webinars begin at 1:00 PM EST unless otherwise noted.
Texas Launches Online Prescribed Burn School

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension has released a self-paced, online prescribed fire course that meets the requirements for the Texas Department of Agriculture burn license. The course costs $200 and is taught by Dr. Morgan Treadwell. Dr. Treadwell is an Assistant Professor and Extension Range Specialist with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.
PBS Showcases Florida's Wild Lands
A recent episode of the PBS show Nature showcased the wild lands of Florida, including habitats managed by fire. Wild Florida featured The Nature Conservancy's North Florida Conservation Manager David Printiss, who gave an interview about the experience.
2019 Louisiana Prescribed Burn Contractor List Released

The 2019 list of prescribed burning contractors in Louisiana is now available. The list does not represent all certified prescribed burners in LA, but rather those that indicated a willingness to discuss/conduct prescribed burning for any landowner in a given region. Those wishing to be added to the list should contact Keith Hawkins.
NC Forest Service Releases Longleaf on the Short Video Series
The North Carolina Forest Service has released six new videos in its "Longleaf on the Short" series. The videos cover topics including fire, Venus flytraps, gopher frogs, and more.
Georgia Celebrates Prescribed Fire Awareness Week

The state of Georgia celebrated Prescribed Fire Awareness Week February 2-8, as it does every year during the first week in February. A press release from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division highlighted the importance of prescribed fire in the state.
Upcoming Conferences

Several conferences of interest to the Southern prescribed fire community are currently accepting abstracts or will be held in the region this year:

  • The IAWF International Smoke Symposium will be held April 20-24 in Raleigh, NC. Poster abstracts will be accepted through March 6 and submissions for the art exhibition and contest are currently being accepted.

  • Fire Across Boundaries, co-hosted by the Association for Fire Ecology and Pau Costa Foundation, will be held October 20-23 in Florence, Italy. The call for proposals is open until April 15 or May 15 depending on the type of proposal.

Private Lands Prescribed Fire Specialist Helps Landowners Burn in Florida
By Ivor Kincaide, Director of Land Stewardship, Alachua Conservation Trust

Barry Coulliette, the Ocala Regional Longleaf Implementation Team's Private Lands Prescribed Fire Specialist has a narrow focus on getting private landowners the knowledge and experience they need to safely and confidently burn their own land in North Florida. In 2019, with assistance from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Barry worked with the North Florida Prescribed Burn Association to complete 45 burns on private lands, assisted landowners with 40 burn prescriptions, lead five Learn and Burn workshops, and 16 small group workshops focused on prescription development, burn observation, ignition techniques, burning under young longleaf, as well as prescription development for burning in pine plantations. He also helped seven new landowners attend the Florida Certified Prescribed Burn Managers course.
Photo: Barry Coulliette with a group of North Florida PBA private landowners in Levy County
Credit: John Herbert, NFPBA Board Member
Piedmont Prairie Partnership Releases New Video
The Piedmont Prairie Partnership, a group of non-profit, state, and federal agencies, has released two new videos documenting the history of Piedmont Prairies and work being done in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia to restore them.
Burner Bob Visits the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition in Charleston, SC
Credit: Randy Tate, Longleaf Alliance
New Mexico Prescribed Fire Case Study

The Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition has released a case study report on a collaborative effort to increase the pace and scale of prescribed fire in New Mexico.

NC Southern Pine Beetle Prevention Program Updates

The North Carolina Forest Service has updated assistance available under the Southern Pine Beetle Prevention Program. The updated program guidelines are available in the program handbook and include changes to prescribed burning assistance and guidance.
Extension Connection
Extension Disaster Needs Assessment Survey
The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is conducting a survey to assess the needs of Extension personnel relative to disasters, including wildfire.

Extension & Knowledge Exchange Conference
The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) has announced that the Extension & Knowledge Exchange (EKE) will be happening in September 2020 in Asheville, North Carolina. IUFRO EKE serves as a forum for information exchange among Extension forestry workers worldwide in order to improve the quality, quantity, and effectiveness of Extension programs worldwide. More information on lodging and the conference and a call for abstracts will be coming soon. For more information contact Bill Hubbard at whubbard@umd.edu.

National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative Quarterly Meeting Recording
The National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative (NEWFI) held their quarterly web meeting February 20.

Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals 2020 Conference
The biennial ANREP conference will be held May 3-6, 2020 in Bend, Oregon. Registration is now open. Two special sessions and the post-conference field tour (held on May 7) will be focused on Extension's role in wildland fire management. The National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative (NEWFI) will also a hold a meeting on Wednesday, May 6 following the main conference program.
Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network

New Blog Posts:
The Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network publishes a variety of content related to fire adaptation. The following recent posts may be of interest to the prescribed fire community:

Southern Fire Exchange

Fire Lines Volume 10 Issue 1 Released
SFE has released a new issue of the bimonthly Fire Lines newsletter. It includes a research brief on a new study examining the impacts of prescribed fire on wild turkey behavior, as well as the latest fire science news, events, and new technology from around the region.

Workshop Schedule
SFE has two workshops currently scheduled. Each is being held in partnership with other organizations, and additional information, including registration, will be available soon.

  • May 28, South Carolina Duff Fire Science and Management, Aiken, SC
  • June 10, Burning in Hardwoods, Albermarle, NC

Webinar Schedule and Recent Recordings
SFE currently has three upcoming webinars. Registration is required for each, and will be available soon for the latter two webinars.
Carissa Wonkka, Ph.D., University of Nebraska
March 12, 2020 1:00 PM ET
Outcomes Prioritization on Fuel Treatment Placement in Extreme Fire Weather
Louise Loudermilk, Ph.D., USFS Southern Research Station
April 30, 2020 1:00 PM ET
Longleaf Pine Forest Patch Dynamics
Kevin Robertson, Ph.D., Tall Timbers Research Station
May 14, 2020 1:00 PM ET
Joint Fire Science Program

Forest Duff and Prescribed Fire
A recent Phys.org article summarized JFSP-funded research examining how to reintroduce fire to stands with a heavy duff load without damaging or killing trees.
Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center

Global Change Seminar: Fire Science, Policy, and Management
The Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Global Change Seminar series recently featured speakers on a variety of topics related to fire. A summary and recording of the event are both available on the SE CASC website.
Prescribed Fire News Roundup
Funding Opportunities
Close-up of $100 bills
Landscape Conservation Catalyst Fund
The Landscape Conservation Catalyst Fund is accepting pre-proposals for projects that aim to accelerate the pace of conservation at a landscape scale. A portion of the available funds are reserved for Indigenous-led partnerships. Pre-proposals are due by March 13.

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program
The USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture is accepting applications from land-grant institutions and others for funding from the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program. Forest landowners may be considered beginning farmers and landowners, and applications are due by March 16.

Association for Fire Ecology Funding Opportunities
The Association for Fire Ecology (AFE) has two ongoing funding opportunities:

  • Wayne Harrison Memorial Scholarship - Students may apply for up to $2,500, with funding available annually. Applications are due each year by March 31, with awards announced by May 31.
  • Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) TREE Grants - Designed to help graduate students travel to present at conferences and workshops related to fire science and management, applications are due 60 days before the conference or workshop.
Job Postings
All jobs are open as of the Driptorch Digest send date, however application reviews may have begun.

Extension Forester - Oregon State University is hiring an Extension Forester to work on a number of issues, including wildfire and private forest management. Applications are due by March 11.

Assistant Professor of Forest Health and Fire Protection - Alabama A&M University is hiring for a nine-month academic appointment with additional three-month summer employment available and expected. Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis.

Veterans Fire Corps - The Student Conservation Association is accepting applications from post-9/11-era US military veterans for its Fire Corps internships. Additional information and the application portal can be found on the  program website.

Fire Ecology Internships - The Fire Ecology Program at Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy in Tallahassee, FL seeks to provide field and laboratory experience for college students and recent graduates in the areas of plant ecology, ecosystem ecology, and fire ecology and science. Most internships last 12-16 weeks and are largely fieldwork based. Summer interns work from May-August and Fall interns work from October-December.   Get full details and application instructions here.

Online Job Boards 
Webinars, Video, and Other Media
Recent Archived Webinars

More recorded webinars on a variety of wildland fire-related topics can be found on the Southern Fire Exchange webinar page, the Oak Woodlands and Forests Fire Consortium webinar page, and the Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers and Scientists webinars and presentations page .
Podcasts & Radio

Podcast Series

  • Good Fire Podcast - Covers the indigenous use of "good fire" is used around the globe.
  • Learn, Baby, Burn - Created by the Michigan Prescribed Fire Council, this podcast will cover a variety of prescribed fire topics.
  • The Fire Learning Trail - Introduces listeners to the role of fire in the Southern Appalachians, wildland firefighting, and local history
  • On The Line - Covers topics of interest to wildland firefighters, including mental health, the pack test, and health considerations.
  • Forest Voices - Covers forest stewardship and management topics, including prescribed fire.

Past single podcasts and other resources can be found here.
Upcoming Events, Training, and Networking
Prescribed Fire Council Meetings

  • North Florida - March 24, Marianna, FL Registration is now open.

  • Tennessee - May 14, Murfreesboro, TN More details will be available soon, RSVP by May 1.

  • Kentucky - May 19-20, Slade, KY More details will be available soon.
  • North Georgia - June 4, Jasper, GA More details will be available soon.

  • North Carolina - August 12-13, Morganton, NC More details will be available soon.

  • Georgia - September 30, Tifton, GA More details will be available soon.

  • Central Florida - October 2, Kissimmee, FL More details will be available soon, and registration will open approximately one month before the meeting.
Prescribed Burner Certification Courses

  • Georgia - Courses are offered by the Georgia Forestry Commission, with two courses currently scheduled.
  • April 17-18, Buena Vista, GA
  • May 28-29, Mount Berry, GA

  • Kentucky - Courses are offered periodically, with no courses currently scheduled.

  • Louisiana - Courses are offered through LSU Cooperative Extension Service. None are currently scheduled.

  • Mississippi - The Mississippi Forestry Commission offers a Prescribed Burning Short Course. Two courses are currently scheduled.
  • June 16-18, Pearl, MS
  • September 15-17, Starkville, MS

  • Texas - The Texas Department of Agriculture offers courses at various times and locations. Three courses are currently scheduled.
  • March 23-26, Abilene, TX
  • March 27-28, Mason, TX
  • May 1-2, Mason, TX

Conferences, Workshops, Festivals and Other Events

  • March 22-April 4 - Loup TREX, Central Nebraska

  • March 25 - Shared Stewardship Celebration, Washington, DC

  • April 20-21 - Longleaf Partnership Council Spring Meeting, Chattanooga, TN

  • May 19-21 - Southern Blue Ridge FLN, Dillard, GA

  • October 25-November 6 - Southern Blue Ridge TREX, Pickens, SC

  • Ongoing - Fire in the Field, This intermediate firefighter training program (equivalent to NWCG S-131, S-133, and S-231 courses, as well as the G-131 course) is designed to prepare the Firefighter 2 (FFT2) to move to the Firefighter 1 (FFT1) position. 
Partner Newsletters
Find more fire-related information from our friends & partners!

Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers & Scientists Newsletter ( current edition )
Department of Defense Natural Selections Newsletter  ( current edition )
Fire Learning Network  Networker  ( current edition )
Forest Stewards Guild After Wildfire: News & Networking ( current edition  and  subscription link )
Gulf Coastal Plains & Ozarks LCC Newsletter ( current edition )
Joint Fire Science Program  Fire Science Digest  ( current and archived editions )
LANDFIRE Bulletin & Post Card  ( current edition and subscription form   )
Partners for Conservation News ( current news and subscription form )
REPI Program Newsletter ( current edition and subscription form )
SERPPAS Circular ( current edition )
South Atlantic LCC Newsletter ( current edition )
Southeast Region Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy  ( current edition   )
Southern Fire Exchange  Firelines  Newsletter  ( current edition and subscription link )
Tall Timbers  eNews  and  eJournal
Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center Two More Chains  ( current edition )
Contact us to share your prescribed fire information, stories, or events!

Jennifer Fawcett
NC State Extension Forestry
Extension Associate
SERPPAS Prescribed Fire Working Group Coordinator

Laurel Kays
NC State Extension Forestry
Extension Assistant

Additional content and resources can also be found by visiting our website and by following us on:

Facebook at Southeast Rx Fire and
Twitter @SE_RxFire