AHMA East Texas March Training

HUD Recertifications — Annual & Interim

Thursday, March 21, 2024

10:00 am - 11:30 am CST | Gwen Volk

$95 AHMA Members | $145 Non-Members


Register Online

The requirement to do Annual and Interim Recertifications on a HUD property can feel like being chased by a freight train. The course will include:

  • Annual Recertification basics including timing, procedures, notices to residents, and effective dates of changes in rent and HAP based on the resident’s cooperation or non-cooperation, the amount of time the owner has to process, owner caused delays, and the cooperation of verifiers,
  • Interim Recertification basics when tenants must report, owner’s responsibilities, effective dates of rent and HAP changes when tenant does and does not report timely.
  • Tips on how to stay on top of the situation and drive your own train.

Tenant Selection Plan (including HOTMA Update)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

9:00 am - 10:30 am CST | Gwen Volk

$95 AHMA Members | $145 Non-Members


Register Online

HUD requires owners and agents to update their Tenant Selection Plan no later than May 31, 2024. This course focuses on the requirements of Chapter 4 of the 4350.3 as well as updated HUD requirements since issuance of the handbook in 2013. We will cover required, allowed, and prohibited screening practices, income targeting, preferences, implementing your occupancy standards when placing tenants, accepting applicants for the waiting list, approval for occupancy, rejecting applicants, assigning accessible units, and making sure tenant selection plan is in compliance with current HUD requirements. Handout includes a TSP checklist.

Other Upcoming Classes:

  • Gig Income & New Age Assets, April 17
  • NSPIRE, To Be Announced
  • Terminations in Subsidized Housing: Assistance and Tenancy (with HOTMA impact), May 9
  • EIV Basics - 2 day webinar (6 hours total), June 18 & June 20
  • Fair Housing--We're All In This Together, July 18
  • MOR Preparation with SHCC, To Be Announced
  • Reasonable Accommodation, August 13
  • HOTMA, All Day In Person Class in Houston, August 20

832.592.9191  |  info@ahmaet.org
SHCC Website
AHMA ET Website