Hare indoors

Welcome to Jules' March 2024 Newsletter.

Firstly, Happy Ostara, or spring equinox to those in the northern hemisphere. And bright blessings to everyone, everywhere, on this equinox day. May its equal balance of light and dark be a support to your soulful being. 



March, to me, is always the month of transition. The winter is losing her grip, spring is making herself present, and growth, however subtle at times, can be seen in the shoots breaking through soil, or buds now on branch and stem.

Birds are back to their bathing in puddles and the dawn chorus is vibrant and awakening.

Thank goddess nature reminds us that such a return is coming. After a season of darkness and decay it's good to reacquaint ourselves with growth and life.


March Musings

March has always been one of my preferred times in the year to run a long retreat. Although, I call it a 'Spring Forward' rather than a retreat, as we dive and delve into revitalising and remembering our innate aliveness, and the inner wisdom to sense and know what next to birth.

However, this year as I step back a little from work for a while, instead of a spring forward with others, I find myself still retreating to feel into this time of both personal and collective transition. Especially since the recent weeks of March have had quite a mix and roller coaster ride of family and friends' thresholds and transitions. A birth, several deaths, and a marriage (in a few days), as well a 70th birthday party, a 94th birthday tea, all alongside other practical and personal happenings .

And it's not even three weeks into March yet !!!

Yet I hear this is only a glimpse and taste of what is to come.

(see the astrology from my partner Howi below). 

No wonder many are experiencing a sense of internal jitters, or what I would describe as a 'jangly' state in the nervous system, similar to what can be felt just before a storm.

So I wonder - how are you?

Crazy flowering

I am so very grateful for the many years of meditation practice, and the many other tools I have in my 'medicine bag', that help bring balance. Just like the equinox, it's important for us to remember our pivot point where we can rest and simply be with and between the tensions of what can seem to be opposing forces

(light/dark, yin/yang, inner/outer, visible and invisible).

And of course in this great tapestry of life, each one of you reading this will be experiencing life in your own unique way, with your own specific set of circumstances, thresholds and transitions.

Yet I also sense this time is one of those collective thresholds that holds great transformational potential.

A time where we let go of the past, and gather ourselves in our wholeness, to step forward with new visioning and perspectives.

And to end on that note - it was lovely to attend the Sero/Carmarthen Together Seed Saturday recently. Where those of all different ages, gathered with a combined intent of sharing, and dreaming in the co-creation of an eco-sustainable presence on this planet. It was inspiring to see so many there.

I do hope everyone has such communities of positive change available to them.

Astrology of the Spring equinox 2024...

In recent weeks a stellium of planets in dreamy and formless Pisces has made it difficult to get a handle on where we are and where we're going. When the Sun (the symbol of our life force and intention) moves from Pisces into decisive Aries on the morning of 20th March that will begin to change. The solar astrological cycle begins again, with an opportunity for a review, a reset and a fresh start. And this year, with the lunar nodes nearby, we also move into an eclipse season, further triggering adaptation and evolutionary change.

On the 21st March, Venus (values) conjuncts Saturn (constraints) in Pisces inviting a flash of common sense and realism around our lingering Piscean daydreams. And on the 25th March there is a potentially rebalancing Aries/Libra lunar eclipse. This coincides with a number of other aspects that caused me to write in my notes the phrase 'difficult but possibly constructive breakthrough(s)'.

Throughout this period (March to May) messenger and analyst planet Mercury will perform an intriguing conjunction dance with complex healer Chiron. Meeting three times over these weeks and never straying far from the future concious North Node, these two planets may offer us a rare understanding of our deepest personal and collective psychological wounds - even an opportunity to reframe the karmic and ancestral stories that make us who we are. The more I think about it, the more profound this unusual aspect seems, particularly in light of the momentous changes that lie not too far in the astrological future..




As you will have gathered I am taking a back seat for a while, allowing soul to creatively drive the agenda (which seems to operate at a very slowed down timescale in terms of production!)

However, the online soulful circles are flowing beautifully, and will continue for the rest of this year, and the local in-person Medicine Lodge meetings are underway. Beyond that there are only a few open events planned at present.

In the pipeline are..

An online mysterium for the end of April (probably 27/28th) or beginning of May

An in-person solstice gathering on June 22nd

An in-person gathering on August 3rd in celebration of Lammas.

And although my Deep retreat for October is now full, I am starting to take bookings for my other deep winter retreat January 2025.

Tulips for spring 23


Waking from the strange dreams of winter slumber

and sliding into the psychedelic textures 

of this glorious balance 

between night and day

light and dark.

Rub your sleepy eyes awake 

open them wide

to the exalted enchantment of this 

fragile, wild, messy, exquisitely beautiful 

waking world.

Sink into the remembrance 

born from death.

Let your bare feet touch the thawing Earth

get some dirt under your nails 

and let the sun kiss your cheeks.

Flirt with the subtle layers 

and the expansive wildness. 

Let the song of a bird

the warmth of the air

the budding of trees

the rumble of thunder 

all bring you 

right down to your knees 

in devotion.

Let your heart blossom and bloom 

unfurling from your chest

pouring in every direction

out into the cosmic, playful, lustful dance of life.

Offer up your lovemaking as a prayer  

while the



buzzing of bees 

will soon have sticky sweet honey 

dripping down the thighs of the Earth mother

ripe with the scent of flowers 

and of sex and creation.

We are all alive, together, now.

What beauty are you ready to birth?

Gina Puorro



So I send you MANY bright blessings for this equinox.

May the March Hare bring you many gifts to support you in living a soulful and fulfilling life.

Beach Altar March 24

May we all walk in beauty,

with love from


Jules Heavens

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