Waking from the strange dreams of winter slumber
and sliding into the psychedelic textures
of this glorious balance
between night and day
light and dark.
Rub your sleepy eyes awake
open them wide
to the exalted enchantment of this
fragile, wild, messy, exquisitely beautiful
waking world.
Sink into the remembrance
born from death.
Let your bare feet touch the thawing Earth
get some dirt under your nails
and let the sun kiss your cheeks.
Flirt with the subtle layers
and the expansive wildness.
Let the song of a bird
the warmth of the air
the budding of trees
the rumble of thunder
all bring you
right down to your knees
in devotion.
Let your heart blossom and bloom
unfurling from your chest
pouring in every direction
out into the cosmic, playful, lustful dance of life.
Offer up your lovemaking as a prayer
while the
buzzing of bees
will soon have sticky sweet honey
dripping down the thighs of the Earth mother
ripe with the scent of flowers
and of sex and creation.
We are all alive, together, now.
What beauty are you ready to birth?
Gina Puorro