March 2019
EuroPris Interview
Edit Törzs
 Executive Director, European Forum for Restorative Justice
What is Restorative Justice?
The Council of Europe recently adopted a new recommendation on restorative justice. What does that mean to the prison sector? What is really restorative and how can it be implemented? 
Edit Törzs, Executive Director at the European Forum for Restorative Justice, gives you all the answers in the EuroPris profile interview.

Feature article:
Digitally enhanced rehabilitation
Prison services take small but important steps to start using computer technology to support treatment interventions. In this article Victoria Knight, Head of Research at De Montfort University, and Jason Morris, psychologist at Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service, describe and reflect on the novel work of co-producing digital content with service users in the criminal justice system. 

Call for contributions – feature articles

Did your service accomplish something recently? Or has your research impact on prison practice? The EuroPris community wants to know about it!

In each newsletter we give room for a 2-4 page feature article describing solutions to practical problems, recent research and in-depth analysis of common prison challenges. We want to encourage you to send us ideas for articles to [email protected] for publication during 2019.  
EuroPris Events
Registration open - EuroPris Annual General Meeting & Conference
On May 20 th , the 32 EuroPris members will meet in Ayia Napa, Cyprus, for the Annual General Meeting and Conference. As in previous years the EuroPris events precedes the Council of Europe Conference CDPPS starting 21 May.

For more information and registration click here .
Registration open - Staff Recruitment Workshop
Staffing is a major challenge to many prison services. The importance of employer branding, attractive training concepts and continuous professional development is increasing. To feed into this development EuroPris arrange a workshop entitled "The human resource – attracting, recruiting and keeping prison staff" in Berlin on 5-6 June

For more information and registration, click here.
Save the date - Real Estate Workshop
On 8-10 October the first EuroPris Real Estate & Logistics Workshop will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The workshop will be a full two-day event hosted by the Slovenian Prison Service. The programme contains a number of presentations on prison real estate development, such as design for rehabilitation and design of women prisons. The plan is to also include cross-sectoral presentations on education, family relations and ICT. 

Read more here .
European Penitentiary Training Academies – Annual Conference
Under the Romanian Presidency, the National Administration of Penitentiaries is organising the EPTA Annual Conference in Tirgu Ocna at the National School for Training of Penitentiary Agents. The conference will take place from 18-20 June under the theme “Staff Motivation and Retention”.

For registration and further information click here .  
Bridging the gap - COPE Conference coming up
Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE), in partnership with the Probacja Foundation, is organising an international conference in Krakow, on 31 May. Entitled “Bridging the gap: boosting the visibility, voices and cross-sectoral support of children who have a parent in prison”, the conference has received the backing of Poland’s Central Board of Prison Service and the Ombudsman’s Office and will feature a line-up of internationally renowned speakers. The conference will be held at Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University.

For additional information: [email protected]
EuroPris News 
Making practice comparable – the radicalisation matrix
On  14-15 March  EuroPris conducted a workshop in Brussels on Radicalisation in prisons. The topics investigated this time were regimes for radicalised prisoners and measures for violent extremism offenders with mental disorders. The workshop was a so-called ‘closed door’ event, meaning that participation was restricted to experts from national Prison Services. During the workshop a new tool was tested, the radicalisation matrix, which is a framework for benchmarking issues on population, security and policy related to radicalisation and extreme violent offenders.
Domestic violence in focus in Vilnius
In early March the Domestic Violence expert group met in Vilnius, Lithuania. The group is a joint measure with CEP and brings together experts from both prison and probation services. In Vilnius presentations were made on domestic violence in each member country. A preliminary work plan was set focusing on identifying and bench-marking current treatment models across Europe.

Read more here .
EuroPris gives feedback on CoE recommendations
Last February Kirsten Hawlitschek, executive director, and  James King, chair of the EuroPris expert group on Prisoner Education met with the working group of the Penological Council (PC-CP). The expert group had analyzed the 30 year old CoE Recommendation n° R (89)12 on education in prison and mapped prisoner education in European Prison Services. Based on that the expert group gave advice on how the existing Recommendation could be updated and improved according to current standards.

Read more here.
E-learning to improve work with foreign prisoners
The E-Learning module, based on the Council of Europe Recommendation concerning Foreign Prisoners, and supplemented with practical examples on the management of foreign prisoners will soon be available. In the meantime a ‘Train the Trainers’ event was conducted in Strasbourg for individual Prison Services to learn how to adapt the E-learning to their specific prison staff training.

Read more here .
Workshop report - European Prison Regime Forum
At the end of November last year the EPRF Workshop was organized in The Hague. 46 participants from 19 countries met to discuss topics such as successful reintegration, how to create continuity in vocational training and how to measure outcomes. Speakers of DJI Netherlands and the UNODC opened the Workshop followed by an original academic scope on the interaction between the human brain and the prison environment.

Read the full report  here .
Highlights from EuroPris Knowledge Management System
Every week EuroPris received queries from member countries, and in this section we will highlight several KMS reports from the last months. Click on the link to view each KMS report:

Upcoming Events
Technology in Corrections Conference
2-4 April - Lisbon, Portugal ( Read more )

8th EuroPris Conference & Annual General Meeting
20 May - Agia Napa, Cyprus ( Read more)

24th Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services 
21-22 May - Agia Napa, Cyprus ( Read more)

Staff Recruitment Workshop
5-6 June - Berlin, Germany ( Read more)

Criminal Justice Platform Summer Course
2-5 July - Barcelona, Spain ( Read more )

Real Estate Workshop
8-10 October - Ljubljana, Slovenia
Document Library
  1. European Prison Regime Forum - View report here
  2. RAN/EuroPris Staff Training Collection (2018) - View collection here
  3. Updated State of Play: EU Framework Decisions 909947829;
  4. Competent Authorities for Framework Decisions 2008/909/JHA, 2008/947/JHA and 2009/829/JHA;
  5. Country factsheet on prison sentence execution - View here
  6. FD 909 group expert meeting - View Presentations here and report here
  7. ICT group expert meeting - View report here
  8. Feature article: Digitally enhanced rehabilitation - View here
European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (EUROPRIS)
P.O. Box 13635
2501 EP The Hague