Please join us for these events...
Where did February go?
Have no fear, we have more events for you in March!
Summer Activities Fair
March 6th 2:00-4:00
Aspen Middle School Cafeteria
Wondering what opportunities are offered for the summer for your kids?
Join us for our
3rd Annual Summer Activities Fair

Organizations from throughout the valley will have information on hand for you to take and representatives to speak with!

Many of the organizations will leave material through Friday during ASD parent teacher conferences.
March 12th 5:30-7:00
Aspen Elementary School

Presented by Sara Lowe AES Assistant Principal and Kim Knol, AES MTSS Coordinator

Want to understand what it means to be a leader and ways you can instill this character quality in your kids?

Join us for this awesome workshop that will do just that!

March 19th 5:30-7:30
Aspen School District Theater

Viewing of Documentary and
A Real Live Kid Panel Discussion

LIKE is an IndieFlix Original documentary that explores the impact of social media on our lives. Technology is a tool.

It’s here to stay and social platforms are a place to connect, share and care, but what’s really happening? Are we addicted? How do we stop? Where do we start? What do we need to know? By understanding the effects of technology and social media on the brain, on our lives and on our civilization, we can learn how to navigate it more safely together.

Recommended Ages 10+ No childcare

March 20th 5:00-6:15
Aspen Middle School

Trusted Adult Training
Courtney Dunn, Prevention Specialist for ASD
in partnership with The Buddy Program
How to talk to young people about tough topics.
Suitable for parents and mentors.

Aspen Family Connections is only able to offer these workshops and events due to funding from our community! If you have been impacted by our programming and would like to donate, we would so appreciate your gift. Nothing is too big or too small!
When you donate through the Aspen Education Foundation, please make a note that your donation is for Aspen Family Connections Events.