March Madness Sale!
John's Final Four Story MCC© To Cincinnati!
Susan Van Vleet Consultants, Inc.
9220 KIMMER DR., SUITE 245,
PHONE (303) 660-5206 FAX (303) 814-8217
March Madness Sale
Darn! Cousin Fred Van Vleet (Wichita State) is out! Kentucky, Wisconsin, Michigan State and Duke are in for the Final Four. Good luck with this bracket, but here is a sure winner...
Here is the 2015 March Madness Sale.
20% off any of the following courses:
Advanced Women Moving Forward© April 15, 16, 2015 Princeton, NJ Save
Managing Corporate Change© April 21-23, 2015 in Cincinnati Ohio
(Save $750)
Women Moving Forward® June 21-23, 2015 Lone Tree CO
(Save $750)
Productive Relationships© August 25-27, 2015 in Thousand Oaks CA
(Save $750)
Leading Projects through Relationship, Commitment and Purpose©
October 5-9, 2015
Thousand Oaks CA
(Save $1,000)
Women Moving Forward® October 21-23, 2015
Princeton, NJ Trainer: Susan Van Vleet (Save $750)
Registrations must be in by April 10 to receive the discounted price.
Space is limited don't wait!
Just Added:
Managing Corporate Change©
In Cincinnati...
April 21-23, 2015 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Course fee $3,750
Just opened!
Register on-line or call (303) 660-5206
2015-16 Schedule!
Advanced Women Moving Forward® Trainer: Susan Van Vleet
April 15-16, 2015 $2,750 Princeton, New Jersey
Managing Corporate Change© Trainer John Van Vleet
April 21-23, 2015 $3,750 Cincinnati, OH
Women's Leadership Retreat© May 5-7,
2015 Make up day May 4,
New Attendees $4,950 Returning from 2014 $4,150
FULL already!
Women Moving Forward® Trainer: Susan Van Vleet
June 23-25, 2015 $3,750
Lone Tree, CO
Productive Relationships© Trainer: John Van Vleet
August 25-27, 2015 $3,750
Thousand Oaks, CA
Women Moving Forward® October 21-23, 2015 Princeton, NJ Trainer: Susan Van Vleet $3,750
Advanced Men's Course© November 3-5, 2015 Catch up day Nov 2.
Santa Barbara, CA
New Attendees $4,950 Returning from 2014, $4,150
Women's Leadership Retreat© May 3-5, 2016
John's Final Four Flashbacks
My alma mater, Illinois State University, beat Wichita State University in the Missouri Valley conference tournament. Yes that Wichita State the one who has now beaten the likes of the University of Kansas and Indiana in the Big Dance. For those of you outside the US, the most productivity draining event for American businesses is the NCAA Basketball tournament nicked named March Madness. Unlike World Cup madness, our March Madness is every year, not every 4 years.
ISU winning the current big game brought back a flood of memories. My Freshman year in college my school made it to the Final Four of the college division of the NCAA's Basketball tournament. We all listened on the radio (it was 1967 after all) as we won a double overtime thriller over San Diego State to make it to be one of the Final Four teams. All hopped up on adrenaline you can only get from your college, country or favorite pro team winning the big game. I had to go the Finals!
I called my Dad and some how (to this day no one knows how) convinced my conservative Dad to let me take the brand new family car to Evansville Indiana. We went. We were like real grown ups! The experience to follow your team to the biggest game in their history was fabulous. We didn't win but we were there cheering on our team, and that's what was important.
Great as this was this was, its not my biggest thrill in my school's athletic history.
A few years later the greatest athlete in ISU history, Doug Collins, was picked number one in the NBA draft. Amazing for a little school on the plains of Illinois. Doug was joy to watch every single game he played at Illinois State and the pros. Still this was not my greatest basketball thrill.
In between these two events was my greatest thrill about my school, to this day. In 1970 Illinois State University was the first school to ever hire an African-American head coach at a Division I school, Will Robinson. Not Duke or Michigan or UCLA. ISU. This accomplishment was so much more important than winning any game or any player's records. This single event shifted history and made it possible for all who followed Coach Robinson. That event is the biggest thrill of my ISU basketball memories and brings me pride to this day.
As always in invite your story of why you are proud of your school or any others comments.
Breaking News: 2016 Couples Course© dates set!
Well I know a lot of you wanted to attend this year's Couples Course© but were unable to attend. Well we just confirmed the dates for 2016 on the Big Island of Hawaii :
February 5,6,7, 2016
Marriott Waikoloa Beach Resort and Spa
Cost: $2,750/couple (2015 returnees $1,750 till March 13, 2015)
Reserve your spot now!
Women Moving Forward® Workshops
Cincinnati here we come!
Women Moving Forward® Trainer Susan Van Vleet
June 23-25, 2015 $3,750 Lone Tree, Colorado
NEW! Women Moving Forward® Trainer: Susan Van Vleet
October 21-23, 2015 $3,750
Princeton, NJ
Advanced Women Moving Forward®
Many years ago, before The Women's Leadership Retreat©
We did a version of Women Moving Forward® for Graduates who wanted to enhance the experience they had in Women Moving Forward®.
We are bringing back this workshop but with some changes, First: The New Advanced Women Moving Forward® will be 2 days long and cost $2,750 USD.
It will cover some of the work Women Moving Forward® the completion exercise©. But it's primary focus will be to assist you in: 1. Discovering your purpose in life. 2. How to lead a more purposeful life in your current job/life. 3. How to use your intention to create a successful life at home and work Note: Women Moving Forward® is a per-requiste to attend Advanced Women Moving Forward©
Advanced Women Moving Forward© and Women Moving Forward®
will be the prerequisite to attend the The Women's Leadership Retreat©.
April 15-16, 2015 in Princeton, NJ
Register now!
Keep up with SVVCI® between Newsletters!
Click here: To follow us on Facebook!
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Changed Dates and Location!!
Advanced Men's Course©
November 3-5, 2015
Catch up day November 2.
in Santa Barbara, California
Women's Leadership Retreat©
Dates for
2015 May 5-7 make up day May 4
2015 is now full...
(This is not a typo.)
Beaver Creek, Colorado
$4,950 New Attendees $4,150 for Returnees
2016 is now open...
May 3-5, 2016
3 slots already taken. Act Now.
Our Cancellation Policy
To avoid problems in the future here is the policy:
1. All registration fees are non-refundable. 2. If a participant cancels from a workshop more than 30 days prior to first day of a course, they will be given a credit, less a $1,000 transfer fee to be used toward another workshop. They have 2 months to use the credit from the date of the cancellation after that there is no credit or refund. 3. You can only transfer once then the credit is gone. 4. There is no credit if you cancel less than 14 days prior to the first day of the course. 5. If you register online credit cards will be charged immediately. 6. You can only register for an individual course with a credit card. we accept MasterCard, Visa and American Express. 7. We do not "reserve" spaces in a course. If you have not paid with a credit card you are not in the course. |
Susan Van Vleet Consultants, Inc. ®
An International Consulting Company 9220 KIMMER DR., SUITE 245, LONE TREE, COLORADO 80124 PHONE (303) 660-5206 FAX (303) 814-8217 website:
All prices are in US Dollars
Adv. Women Moving Forward© April 15-16, 2015 Princeton, NJ Trainer: Susan Van Vleet
Managing Corporate Change© April 21-13, 2015 Cincinnati, OH $3,750 Trainer: John Van Vleet
Women's Leadership Retreat© Vail CO May 5-7 2015 FULL Women Moving Forward® June 21-23 , 2015 Lone Tree, Co Susan Van Vleet $3,750 Productive Relationships© August 25-27, 2015 Thousand Oaks, CA $3,750 Leading Projects through Relationship, Commitment and Purpose© $5,000 Thousand Oaks, CA
Women Moving Forward® October 21-23, 2015 Princeton, NJ $3,750 Trainer: Susan Van Vleet Women Moving Forward® October 21-23, 2015 Princeton, NJ $3,750 Trainer: Susan Van Vleet Advanced Men's Course© Nov 3-5, 2015 Santa Barbara, CA $4,950 2016 Women's Leadership Retreat© May 3-5, 2016
Spouses and Partners of Course Graduates can attend the Course for half price
(this offer does not include the Advanced Men's Course or WLR)
To register for any course, retreat, or conference, contact our office. We accept MasterCard, Visa & American Express.
There is a $500 discount when two or more people attend the same $3,500+ workshop from the same company and location.
You must register together and attend together.
All prices are subject to change. No refunds are given.
Graduates Lunches
Lunch April 13, 2015 Hyatt Princeton, NJ
Call to RSVP