Health Corner...
A concern that many parents of new babies share is noticing that their baby seems to have a preference for the position of their head. This preference may be torticollis (tor-ti-col-lis). The word comes from two Latin root words, “tortus” and “collum,” that together mean “twisted neck.” This condition is relatively common in babies and often can be noted very soon after birth. There are several different reasons this may occur and so it is important to determine why this is happening so that it can be quickly understood and getting help to resolve it can begin. The earlier it is noticed and intervention begins, the faster it can be resolved!
Here are things you might notice and want to bring to your pediatrician’s attention:
- Your baby’s head tilts or rotates to one side
- Limited range of motion in head and neck
- Asymmetry in your baby’s head and face (flattening on one side of the head)
- Breastfed babies may prefer one side over the other
- A small, soft lump in your infant’s neck
- The most commonly noticed symptom is a flat spot appearing behind one ear and on the side the baby likes to look toward
There are very effective solutions to these concerns and they include tummy time, positioning strategies, and often physical therapy. Physical therapy will include measuring how much your baby is turning their head, tracking head shape, designing a plan for improving motion, and supporting you by answering questions and being a partner in the care of your baby.
When strategies to correct the side preference begin by 2-4 months of age, resolution of concerns generally occurs quite quickly. Very few children require surgery to correct this condition and this is generally not considered until other attempts have been made to resolve the concerns.