March 2022 Newsletter
Update on Our Executive Director Search
It's been a busy several weeks here at Gunpowder Valley Conservancy (GVC) as we prepare for a new season of volunteer opportunities (see below) as well as conduct a search for our next Executive Director. Thanks to everyone who has already shared this opportunity with their personal networks. We will continue to accept applications through this Friday, March 25, so there's still time to get the word out. Did we mention the position will be full-time?! For more information, including the full job description, visit our website here.

We are honored to have GVC Vice President, Don Callihan, fill the role of Interim Executive Director throughout this process. Additional thanks to our Executive Committee and Executive Director Search Committee for their guidance as well. We expect to transition the new Executive Director into the organization by early summer.
Tree Planting Season is Here!
No more waiting! Our spring Tree Planting events have been finalized and are waiting for YOU to sign up. More than 32,000 trees have been planted throughout the Gunpowder Watershed by enthusiastic GVC volunteers. Join us and make a difference for future generations! Advance registration is required as there are limited volunteer slots and spaces will fill up. Perfect for individuals, families, students, Scout troops, and green teams!

Saturday, April 2 (11 am - 2 pm) - Private residence, Monkton
Saturday, April 9 (11 am - 2 pm) - Bee Tree Preserve
Saturday, April 16 (11 am -2 pm) - Loch Raven Skeet & Trap Center
Saturday, April 23 (11 am - 2 pm) - Private Residence, Monkton
Saturday, April 30 (10 am - 1 pm) - Pine Ridge Golf Course - FULL
Saturday, May 7 (10 am - 1 pm) - Loch Raven Skeet & Trap Center
Saturday, May 14 (10 am - 1 pm) - Private Residence, Sparks
Saturday, May 21 (10 am - 1 pm) - Private residence, Monkton

Know a local college student interested in the environment? We still have a couple openings for our Reforestation Internships. While this is an unpaid position, GVC interns receive invaluable hands-on experience in the field! Interns will have the opportunity to work on our Planting the Future and Clear Creeks initiatives. The goal of both projects is to motivate property owners to make lasting behavior changes by installing native trees on their properties and/or implementing Bay-friendly yard practices, such as replacing yards with native plants and installing rain barrels. They will also assist with forest stewardship activities, such as tree maintenance and invasive plant removal. Applications due ASAP; vIsit our website for more information.
Welcome our "new" staff member, Kim Thomas!
We are thrilled to announce that Kim Thomas has been promoted to full time staff as of March 2022! If you've volunteered with GVC during the pandemic, there's a good chance you worked with Kim at one of our tree planting, tree maintenance and/or rain barrel events. When Kim joined our team in fall 2019 as a reforestation intern, we knew we had to find a way to keep her around. Kim graduated from Towson University in 2019 with a B.S. in Environmental Science & Studies, with a concentration in Environmental Policy and Management. She "grew up on the Gunpowder" and her love for the watershed is evident in all that she does.
In Other News...
If there's one good thing to be said about Lou Etgen's departure from GVC, it would be that he chose a time when we could actually host a small gathering in his honor! The GVC Event Committee, along with staff and Board Members, enjoyed lunch at Charlie Conklin's house earlier this month. Peg Perry presented Lou with a star award:

In gratitude to Lou Etgen for his exemplary service to GVC. Until the Waters Run Clean.

We wish you the best, Lou, on your next adventure!
It should come as no surprise that April, or Earth Month, is our favorite time of year! GVC plans to attend multiple community events next month and hopes to see you!

  • April 20: Earth Day Celebration at CCBC Essex

  • April 23: Earth Day Celebration at Dejon Vineyards

Thanks to our GVC 2021 Sponsors