We're also excited to share details of the Spring Fete and Annual Meetingcoming up May 14th at Brookview Event Center in Golden Valley. Save the date! Jane Whitlock, End of Life Doula and Death Educator, will be presenting. Full details can be found on the MASWA website.
Progress continues in assisted living rule making and you can follow developments as well as view an announcement regarding the Assisted Living Licensure Advisory Committee in the Public Policysection below.
We would like to thank Abrazzofor their support in sponsoring the February Membership Meeting. In case you missed the informative presentation or would like to view it again, click here to view the slides on the MASWA website.
Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Monthly Membership Meeting
Thursday, March 26th
2:30 pm - Sign In/Networking
2:40 pm - Introduction/Announcements
3:00 pm - Program
4:00 pm - Adjourn
Rx Stop the Greed:
Policy Solutions to High Prescription Drug Costs
Facing Older Adults
Presented by:
Ellen Archibald
Volunteer Legislative Advocate with AARP
Ellen Archibald grew up in Minneapolis and moved back as a retired attorney. She became an AARP MN volunteer legislative advocate in 2016, has represented AARP in speaking on Medicare and now works on AARP's campaign against Rx Greed.
Learn at least one approach to advocacy
Gain an understanding of why drug prices are so high for older adults
Identify policy solutions that support access to prescription drugs to older adults.
Happy Social Workers Month! Invite Your Favorite Social Worker!
We are so thankful for Social Workers and want to take the opportunity to thank all Social Workers for all the work they do to help our seniors acclimate to their changing surroundings, fight for the rights of our seniors and to provide help and support along the way. Our next Membership Meeting on March 26 will be pretty special. We invite you to bring your favorite Social Worker and when you do, the social worker you bring will be entered into a drawing and you will be entered into a drawing for bringing them! The prizes will be awesome! So bring your favorite social worker to the next membership meeting and both of you will be entered into 2 separate drawings.
Another thank you to those who provided suggestions at a prior meeting. One of the suggestions was to have directional signs at the membership meetings so that people would know where in the building the meeting was being held. Directional Signs were made however they were prohibited from being displayed. As a result, we will have a Greeter at each meeting. This person will direct any newcomers to the meeting location. Perhaps you noticed our Greeter at the last meeting. We trust that this will be a good alternative.
As we begin to think about transitioning from Winter to Spring, let's begin to think of the many ways we can continue to educate and help each other be better informed people. Perhaps you have additional suggestions for topics or speakers for our membership meetings. We are always open to suggestions and plan to act on the ones we've received, where we are able.
If you are not feeling well, we hope you'll remain home and get well soon. We want to be mindful of the current health situation. Remember, we are in this together to support each other. Watch MASWA in 2020! See you at our next membership meeting on March 26 with your favorite Social Worker unless you or they are not feeling well.
Thank you for being a member!
A Few Words on the Current Health Situation - Being Smart
As we go throughout our positions of assisting our seniors, may we seek to take care of ourselves as well. Here are a few tips from the CDC:
Stay home if you are ill especially if a fever is over 100.40F.
Routinely clean all frequently touched surfaces.
Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol.
Limit close contact with others as much as possible (about 6 feet)
Hopefully these actions will help you better serve those around you. Being smart will help us all.