SB Title


March 2019
NPSD Board Members
NPSD Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program
Upcoming Meetings

April 1, 6:00 pm, ESC
Finance Committee Special Meeting

April 9, 7:00 pm, Pennfield MS
Facilities Community Forum

April 11, 7:30 pm, ESC
Action Meeting

April 23, 6:00 pm, ESC
Safe Schools Committee Meeting

April 23, 6:30 pm, ESC
ECP Committee Meeting

April 29, 6:00 pm, ESC
Facilities and Operations Committee Meeting

To access the list of  meeting dates scheduled for 2019, please click here.
Attending Action and Work Session Meetings
Meetings in Review
Second Community Forum on Building & Renovation Needs



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NPSD Board of School Directors' Letter to the Community
Dear Community,

As we enter the warmer spring months and the slide toward the end of the school year, I am reminded that it is the staff of the district that have made this a wonderful school year. In fact, I believe we can all agree that the greatest asset of the North Penn School District (NPSD) and the asset that best helps us advance our mission are all those who proudly report to work each day f rom teachers and teaching assistants to school bus drivers, our maintenance crew and beyond.  On behalf of the NPSD Board of School Directors, I thank you.

I believe the second greatest asset of the district are our facilities, including the 13 elementary schools, our 3 middle schools, Northbridge and the high school where the 12,723 North Penn students gather each weekday to become "independent, adaptable, life-long learners." Our student buildings are places that must be safe and in good repair. Spaces within buildings must be trauma-informed and structured in a way that students can "exhibit creative, collaborative and critical thinking." Our schools must be structurally sound and designed in a way that supports and fosters our students in achieving their highest potential.  

As a parent myself, I have entered these building where I have been greeted by eager and committed school personnel, have stopped to admire students' work proudly posted on the walls, and have taken in the noise and energy of students moving through the hallways on their way to their next class. At times when I have done this, I have failed to see what lies beyond the walls and have failed to recognize what it takes to keep these buildings operating with utmost efficiency and with up-to-date systems.   

There is much we need to do to ensure that our buildings reflect the image of North Penn that we want share with our community and that our facilities provide a space for the students of the district to achieve their highest potential. In January, administrators and high school maintenance staff took board members of a tour of the high school making more than 12 stops to examine the school's physical plant. During the tour, we visited the boiler room to check on the HVAC system that was installed when the building was opened in 1971 and visited classrooms and areas in the school that where accessibility for students with disabilities was limited. We are also mindful that Knapp Elementary School and Penndale Middle School have major systems and design issues that are in need of attention as well. Likewise, there are facilities throughout the district that we need to prioritize for improvements such as the long-term use of modulars and access to air conditioning and proper ventilation in all buildings.

To remedy the concerns of our aging facilities, the board is working with the administration to create a 10 year Capital Improvements Plan. For the plan to be effective, we need the input of community members like you. We held our first community forum  about building and renovation needs in November 2018. The information shared and the feedback received has helped us immensely in prioritizing projects. We have scheduled a second forum on Tuesday, April 9 at 7:00 pm at Pennfield Middle School and welcome your attendance in hope that you will share your ideas and feedback. The input we receive from the community will help us not only in the creation of the 10 year plan but will aid us in prioritizing work to be completed and support us in mapping out a plan to cover the costs in a manner that is both transparent and ensures the utmost in fiscal responsibility.  

As we begin down this long road, I am reminded of a strategy that is used in my daughter's fifth grade classroom to support these young learners in becoming strong and confident writers. Students are taught to frame their essays or written arguments using the "RACER" method. RACER stands for R estate, A nswer, C ite and E laborate. To restate the problem, we know that greater attention must be paid our facilities. The answer to this situation requires us to be thoughtful, seek input from the North Penn community and create a plan that is rooted in fiscal responsibility recognizing the opportunity for targeted, responsible and worthwhile investment. We hope to have a comprehensive plan to cite that has been developed with input from the community. Through ongoing Facilities and Operations Committee meetings and community forums, meetings with architects and building engineers, and continued dialog, we hope to be able to elaborate on our initial vision and goal as we work throughout the upcoming decade to successfully complete the work outlined in the plan.

As my fifth grader sits down to begin working on an essay, she is most successful when she not only follows the RACER method but when she also takes the time to gather her thoughts and create a plan. I know she often wishes she could race through her homework and move on to more fun tasks but she is beginning to appreciate that when she takes the time to address each of the key elements, she is met with a positive outcome, favorable feedback and can be proud of the work she has completed. We are committed to ensuring that the renovations made to the buildings that serve our students are met with a positive outcome,  have been conceived and designed with feedback from the community, and result in an end product that we can all be proud of.

As we launch this initiative, we hope that you will join us, continue to provide feedback and share your ideas, and know that this effort will take a great deal of time and will require thoughtful planning. I often wish we could move projects through at a more accelerated pace but like my daughter, I am learning that if we take the time to plan for both the design of new learning spaces and also on how to best finance projects, we will have the facilities that our students deserve and that our community values.

We hope to see you at the upcoming and any future community forums and know that you are always welcome at our Facilities and Operations Committee meetings.

Juliane Ramić
Member, NPSD Board of School Directors 
Term Expiration: 2019
Student Proclamations of Excellence
At the recent action meeting, the NPSD Board of School Directors recognized students in the district for their outstanding achievements by awarding them proclamations of excellence.

Students studying Horticulture at the North Montco Technical Career Center were honored for their accomplishments at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Agricultural Education Horticulture Competition.

Introduced by director Ralph Jackson, members of the Bridle Path/Montgomery Select String Ensemble were recognized for their performance at the Midwest Clinic International Band and Orchestra.

Finally, NPHS student Neha Velaga was honored as a member of the NPHS Girls' Tennis Team for placing first in Team All League Singles at the 2018 PIAA Girls' Tennis Championship.

Congratulations to these remarkable students and their advisors on these outstanding achievements! 
NPSD Educational Foundation Report
The NPSD Educational Foundation last met on March 6 at the Educational Services Center (ESC). 

Trustees discussed two upcoming events made possible by Foundation support. On Monday, March 25 at 7 pm, NPHS Class of 1981's Ron L. James returned to his alma mater to talk about the power of choices and how decisions can build you up or tear you down. The NP Talks event, also co-sponsored by the Forst Foundation, told James' journey, and the lessons he learned along the way, after being involved in harmful relationships and spending 25 years in and out of prison. It was the culminating piece for a day focused on students that 
included opportunities for NPHS students to hear from James during large group presentations, but also speak with him one-on-one regarding individual concerns.
Then, on April 1 the Foundation is funding a special screening of the documentary "Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety" at 6:30 pm in the  Penndale Middle School Auditorium to open up a dialogue between local families, community leaders  and  experts. The event will feature a viewing of the 56-minute film, followed by an informative discussion led by NPHS counselors Dr. Nicole Yetter and Mrs. Trish Pike, as well as outside social services partners.

Next up for the Foundation is its annual online auction being held April 24 through May 1. The Foundation is currently seeking donations from local businesses for this popular fundraising activity. The funds raised through the auction will help support innovative classroom projects in the 2019-2020 school year, for which the Foundation is currently accepting applications. For more information or to donate to the auction, click here.

Finally, the Foundation discussed the idea of working with a consultant on how the Foundation can support the growing needs of the school district on a bigger level. More information to come on this in coming  months.

The NPSD Educational Foundation's next meeting will be held on April 3. For more information about the Foundation, please contact the Executive Director, Christine Liberaski at 
Safe Schools Committee Report
The Safe Schools Committee met on February 26 at 6:00 pm at the ESC.

Chris Doerr, NPSD Coordinator of Emergency Management and Safe Schools, reviewed the current status of several ongoing safe schools projects including grant applications, the Safe2Say program,  behavioral  threat assessment and school climate survey.
Doerr shared that a series of community conversations are being planned for the month of April to share information about school safety, answer questions, and hear feedback from parents and families.
The committee discussed traffic safety concerns at several schools. The administration is working with local law enforcement to identify possible solutions.

The next Safe Schools Committee meeting will be held on April 23 at 6:00 pm at the ESC. Updates from the March 26 meeting will be reported in next month's newsletter.
Finance Committee Report
The Finance Committee met on March 4 at 6:00 pm for a special meeting and on March 12 at 6:00 pm at the ESC for the regularly scheduled meeting. The monthly financial reports were reviewed with additional discussion on the following items.

Meritorious Budget Award Presentation
Jay Himes, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO), presented the business office with the Meritorious Budget Award from Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International for the 2018-2019 year. North Penn is one of only 11 districts in the state to obtain this award.

2019-2020 Department Level Budget Presentations
Detailed presentations were made by the following department leaders for the 2019-2020 budget:
  • School and Community Engagement
  • District Communications
  • Elementary Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Transportation
  • Facilities and Operations
  • Security
  • Technology

Real Estate Tax Assessment Appeal Policy
The proposed policy was reviewed which states all property types (commercial and residential) under-assessed by $600,000 or more would be subject to an appeal.

2019-2020 Real Estate Tax Rebate Program
Expansion of the program was discussed with the recommendation being to increase the rebate to 30% of the state rebate amount, include renters and address the hybrid property owner/renter situation.

Propane School Bus Bid
Results from the bid opening and the grant funding were reviewed with the Committee. The bid award of eight propane buses is being recommended for the March action meeting and the bid for six propane buses was awarded in February.

Cash Settled Forward Swap Presentation
The committee heard a presentation from Mr. John Frey of PFM Asset Management regarding background information about an interest rate hedge strategy as well as potential debt schedules for future borrowings. 

The next Finance Committee meeting w ill be held on April 1 at 6:00 pm at the ESC.
Education/Community/Policy (ECP) Committee Report
The ECP Committee met on February 26 at 6:30 pm at the ESC.

Information regarding the Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS) was presented to the committee. This is a tool that is provided by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency at no charge to the district. It is administered every two years to students in grades six, eight, 10 and 12.  Participation is voluntary. Data from the survey, which is proposed for 2019-2020, would be used to identify risk and protective of students.

One student overnight travel request was presented to and reviewed by the committee.

The status of curriculum development in the areas of English/Language Arts (ELA), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and specials for Full-Day Kindergarten was presented to the committee.
The next ECP Committee meeting will be held on April 23 at 6:30 pm at the ESC.  Updates from the March 26 meeting will be reported in next month's newsletter.
Facilities and Operations Committee Report
(Formerly known as Support Services Committee)
The Facilities and Operations Committee met on February 25 at 6:00 pm at the ESC.

Scott Kennedy, NPSD Director of Facilities and Operations, shared an update on the NPHS Crawford Stadium project which included design development meetings and a project schedule.

The committee reviewed the proposed project schedule for Knapp Elementary School. The public bidding process should occur in February and March of 2020. Construction will begin in June of 2020 and conclude in the summer of 2022.

The committee discussed options for Construction Management Services for Crawford Stadium, Knapp Elementary School and the high school projects.
Kennedy shared the results for the lead in drinking water testing. Results were received for all district buildings which included 542 samples. Ten samples have exceeded the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) threshold. Those ten locations have been turned off and will be retested.

The committee discussed the next Facility Forum which will take place on Tuesday April 9, 2019, at Pennfield Middle School. The topics will include the stadium project, Knapp Elementary School and NPHS.

Kennedy shared the Long Range Capital Improvement Plan with the committee.

The next Facilities and Operations Committee meeting will be held on April 29 at 6:00 pm at the ESC. Updates from the March 25 meeting will be reported in next month's newsletter.